View Javadoc
1   package;
3   import;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.HashMap;
6   import java.util.LinkedList;
7   import java.util.List;
8   import java.util.Map;
10  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
12  import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
13  import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
14  import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
15  import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.Automaton;
16  import org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.Transition;
17  import;
18  import;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
25  import;
27  import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
28  import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
30  /**
31   * A finite automaton who's transitions are ngrams that must be in the string or
32   * ngrams we can't check for. Not thread safe one bit.
33   */
34  @SuppressFBWarnings(value = "DLC_DUBIOUS_LIST_COLLECTION", justification = "Need more time to investigate")
35  // TODO: It might be possible to convert acceptStates to a Set, which would be
36  // more efficient and better represent the intent if this is actually the case.
37  public class NGramAutomaton {
38      private final Automaton source;
39      private final int gramSize;
40      private final int maxExpand;
41      private final int maxStatesTraced;
42      private final int maxTransitions;
43      private final List<NGramState> initialStates = new ArrayList<>();
44      private final List<NGramState> acceptStates = new ArrayList<>();
45      private final Map<NGramState, NGramState> states = new HashMap<>();
46      private final Analyzer ngramAnalyzer;
48      /**
49       * Build it.
50       * @param source automaton to convert into an ngram automaton
51       * @param gramSize size of the grams to extract
52       * @param maxExpand Maximum size of range transitions to expand into single
53       *            transitions. Its roughly analogous to the number of character
54       *            in a character class before it is considered a wildcard for
55       *            optimization purposes.
56       * @param maxStatesTraced maximum number of states traced during automaton
57       *            functions. Higher number allow more complex automata to be
58       *            converted to ngram expressions at the cost of more time.
59       */
60      public NGramAutomaton(Automaton source, int gramSize, int maxExpand, int maxStatesTraced, int maxTransitions, Analyzer ngramAnalyzer) {
61          this.source = source;
62          this.gramSize = gramSize;
63          this.maxExpand = maxExpand;
64          this.maxStatesTraced = maxStatesTraced;
65          this.maxTransitions = maxTransitions;
66          this.ngramAnalyzer = ngramAnalyzer;
67          if (source.getNumStates() == 0) {
68              return;
69          }
70          // Build the initial states using the first gramSize transitions
71          int[] codePoints = new int[gramSize - 1];
72          buildInitial(codePoints, 0, 0);
73          traceRemainingStates();
74      }
76      /**
77       * Returns <a href=""
78       * target="_top">Graphviz Dot</a> representation of this automaton.
79       */
80      public String toDot() {
81          StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("digraph Automaton {\n");
82          b.append("  rankdir = LR;\n");
83          b.append("  initial [shape=plaintext,label=\"\"];\n");
84          for (NGramState state : states.keySet()) {
85              b.append("  ").append(state.dotName());
86              if (acceptStates.contains(state)) {
87                  b.append(" [shape=doublecircle,label=\"").append(state).append("\"];\n");
88              } else {
89                  b.append(" [shape=circle,label=\"").append(state).append("\"];\n");
90              }
91              if (state.initial) {
92                  b.append("  initial -> ").append(state.dotName()).append('\n');
93              }
94              for (NGramTransition transition : state.outgoingTransitions) {
95                  b.append("  ").append(transition).append('\n');
96              }
97          }
98          return b.append("}\n").toString();
99      }
101     /**
102      * Convert this automaton into an expression of ngrams that must be found
103      * for the entire automaton to match. The automaton isn't simplified so you
104      * probably should call {@link Expression#simplify()} on it.
105      */
106     public Expression<String> expression() {
107         return Or.fromExpressionSources(acceptStates);
108     }
110     /**
111      * Recursively walk transitions building the prefixes for the initial state.
112      *
113      * @param codePoints work array holding codePoints
114      * @param offset offset into work array/depth in tree
115      * @param currentState current source state
116      * @return true to continue, false if we hit a dead end
117      */
118     private boolean buildInitial(int[] codePoints, int offset, int currentState) {
119         if (source.isAccept(currentState)) {
120             // Hit an accept state before finishing a trigram - meaning you
121             // could match this without using any of the trigrams we might find
122             // later. In that case we just give up.
123             initialStates.clear();
124             states.clear();
125             return false;
126         }
127         if (offset == gramSize - 1) {
128             // We've walked deeply enough to find an initial state.
129             NGramState state = new NGramState(currentState, new String(codePoints, 0, gramSize - 1), true);
130             // Only add one copy of each state - if we've already seen this
131             // state just ignore it.
132             if (states.containsKey(state)) {
133                 return true;
134             }
135             initialStates.add(state);
136             states.put(state, state);
137             return true;
138         }
139         // TODO build fewer of these
140         Transition transition = new Transition();
141         int totalLeavingState = source.initTransition(currentState, transition);
142         for (int currentLeavingState = 0; currentLeavingState < totalLeavingState; currentLeavingState++) {
143             source.getNextTransition(transition);
144             int min;
145             int max;
146             if (transition.max - transition.min >= maxExpand) {
147                 // Consider this transition useless.
148                 min = 0;
149                 max = 0;
150             } else {
151                 min = transition.min;
152                 max = transition.max;
153             }
154             for (int c = min; c <= max; c++) {
155                 codePoints[offset] = c;
156                 if (!buildInitial(codePoints, offset + 1, transition.dest)) {
157                     return false;
158                 }
159             }
160         }
161         return true;
162     }
164     private void traceRemainingStates() {
165         LinkedList<NGramState> leftToProcess = new LinkedList<>(initialStates);
166         int[] codePoint = new int[1];
167         int statesTraced = 0;
168         Transition transition = new Transition();
169         int currentTransitions = 0;
170         while (!leftToProcess.isEmpty()) {
171             if (statesTraced >= maxStatesTraced) {
172                 throw new AutomatonTooComplexException();
173             }
174             statesTraced++;
175             NGramState from = leftToProcess.pop();
176             if (acceptStates.contains(from)) {
177                 // Any transitions out of accept states aren't interesting for
178                 // finding required ngrams
179                 continue;
180             }
181             int totalLeavingState = source.initTransition(from.sourceState, transition);
182             if (currentTransitions >= maxTransitions) {
183                 acceptStates.add(from);
184                 continue;
185             }
186             for (int currentLeavingState = 0; currentLeavingState < totalLeavingState; currentLeavingState++) {
187                 source.getNextTransition(transition);
188                 int min;
189                 int max;
190                 if (transition.max - transition.min >= maxExpand) {
191                     // Consider this transition useless.
192                     min = 0;
193                     max = 0;
194                 } else {
195                     min = transition.min;
196                     max = transition.max;
197                 }
198                 for (int c = min; c <= max; c++) {
199                     codePoint[0] = c;
200                     String ngram = from.prefix + new String(codePoint, 0, 1);
201                     NGramState next = buildOrFind(leftToProcess, transition.dest, ngram.substring(1));
202                     // Transitions containing an invalid character contain no
203                     // prefix.
204                     if (ngram.indexOf(0) >= 0) {
205                         ngram = null;
206                     }
207                     if (currentTransitions >= maxTransitions) {
208                         acceptStates.add(from);
209                         continue;
210                     }
211                     currentTransitions++;
212                     NGramTransition ngramTransition = new NGramTransition(from, next, analyze(ngram));
213                     from.outgoingTransitions.add(ngramTransition);
214           ;
215                 }
216             }
217         }
218     }
220     @Nullable
221     private String analyze(@Nullable String ngram) {
222         if (ngram == null) {
223             return ngram;
224         }
225         try (TokenStream ts = ngramAnalyzer.tokenStream("", ngram)) {
226             CharTermAttribute cattr = ts.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
227             ts.reset();
228             if (ts.incrementToken()) {
229                 ngram = cattr.toString();
230                 if (ts.incrementToken()) {
231                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Analyzer provided generate more than one tokens, " +
232                             "if using 3grams make sure to use a 3grams analyzer, " +
233                             "for input [" + ngram + "] first is [" + ngram + "] " +
234                             "but [" + cattr + "] was generated.");
235                 }
236             }
237         } catch (IOException ioe) {
238             throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
239         }
240         return ngram;
241     }
243     private NGramState buildOrFind(LinkedList<NGramState> leftToProcess, int sourceState, String prefix) {
244         NGramState built = new NGramState(sourceState, prefix, false);
245         NGramState found = states.get(built);
246         if (found != null) {
247             return found;
248         }
249         if (source.isAccept(sourceState)) {
250             acceptStates.add(built);
251         }
252         states.put(built, built);
253         leftToProcess.add(built);
254         return built;
255     }
257     /**
258      * State in the ngram graph. Equals and hashcode only use the sourceState
259      * and prefix.
260      */
261     @EqualsAndHashCode(of = { "prefix", "sourceState" })
262     private static final class NGramState implements ExpressionSource<String> {
263         /**
264          * We use the 0 char to stand in for code points we can't match.
265          */
266         private static final String INVALID_CHAR = new String(new int[] {0}, 0, 1);
267         /**
268          * We print code points we can't match as double underscores.
269          */
270         private static final String INVALID_PRINT_CHAR = "__";
272         /**
273          * State in the source automaton.
274          */
275         private final int sourceState;
276         /**
277          * Prefix of the ngram transitions that come from this state.
278          */
279         private final String prefix;
280         /**
281          * Is this an initial state? Initial states are potential starts of the
282          * regex and thus all incoming transitions are not required.
283          */
284         private final boolean initial;
285         /**
286          * Transitions leading from this state.
287          */
288         private final List<NGramTransition> outgoingTransitions = new ArrayList<>();
289         /**
290          * Transitions coming into this state.
291          */
292         private final List<NGramTransition> incomingTransitions = new ArrayList<>();
293         /**
294          * Lazily initialized expression matching all strings incoming to this
295          * state.
296          */
297         @Nullable private Expression<String> expression;
298         /**
299          * Is this state in the path being turned into an expression.
300          */
301         private boolean inPath;
303         private NGramState(int sourceState, String prefix, boolean initial) {
304             this.sourceState = sourceState;
305             this.prefix = prefix;
306             this.initial = initial;
307         }
309         @Override
310         public String toString() {
311             return "(" + prettyPrefix() + ", " + sourceState + ")";
312         }
314         public String dotName() {
315             // Spaces become ___ because __ was taken by null.
316             return prettyPrefix().replace(" ", "___").replace("`", "_bt_")
317                     .replace("^", "_caret_").replace("|", "_pipe_")
318                     .replace("{", "_lcb_").replace("}", "_rcb_")
319                     .replace("=", "_eq_") + sourceState;
320         }
322         public String prettyPrefix() {
323             return prefix.replace(INVALID_CHAR, INVALID_PRINT_CHAR);
324         }
326         @Override
327         public Expression<String> expression() {
328             if (expression == null) {
329                 if (initial) {
330                     expression = True.instance();
331                 } else {
332                     inPath = true;
333                     expression = Or.fromExpressionSources(incomingTransitions);
334                     inPath = false;
335                 }
336             }
337             return expression;
338         }
339     }
341     private static final class NGramTransition implements ExpressionSource<String> {
342         private final NGramState from;
343         private final NGramState to;
344         @Nullable private final String ngram;
346         private NGramTransition(NGramState from, NGramState to, @Nullable String ngram) {
347             this.from = from;
348    = to;
349             this.ngram = ngram;
350         }
352         @Override
353         public Expression<String> expression() {
354             if (from.inPath) {
355                 return False.instance();
356             }
357             if (ngram == null) {
358                 return from.expression();
359             }
360             return new And<>(ImmutableSet.of(from.expression(), new Leaf<>(ngram)));
361         }
363         @Override
364         public String toString() {
365             StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
366             b.append(from.dotName()).append(" -> ").append(to.dotName());
367             if (ngram != null) {
368                 b.append(" [label=\"").append(ngram.replace(' ', '_')).append("\"]");
369             }
370             return b.toString();
371         }
372     }
373 }