
package org.wikimedia.search.glent.editdistance;

  * A whole row of EditDistCells in our crazy edit distance table.
  * Handle row-specific intialization and updates.
final class EditDistRow {
    private final EditDistCell[] row;
    private final ComparisonInfo edRowCompInfo;

      * Constructor for EditDistRow
      * Create a row of EditDistCells of the right size, and initialize.
      * @param edItem the edit dist item we are building the row for
      * @param theCompInfo the pair-specific computed info
    EditDistRow(EditDistItem edItem, ComparisonInfo theCompInfo) {
        edRowCompInfo = theCompInfo;
        int length = 1 + edItem.text.length;
        row = new EditDistCell[length];
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            row[i] = new EditDistCell(edRowCompInfo);

      * Initialize this as the first row of the edit dist table, based on
      * the second edit dist item.
      * @param edItem2 the second item being compared (goes
      *     across the top of the table).
    void initFirstRow(final EditDistItem edItem2) {
        assert edItem2.text.length + 1 == row.length;
        assert edItem2.text.length > 0;

        // Initialize the very first cell
        // row[0] is already initialized to 0,0,0

        EditDistCell nextCost = new EditDistCell(edRowCompInfo); // temp var for candidate cost

        // initialize the rest of the first row as all insertions
        // Note: row{Curr|Next|Prev}[i] corresponds to str[i - 1]
        for (int i = 1; i <= edItem2.text.length; i++) {

            // copy from cell to left, add insert cost
            nextCost.setCosts(row[i - 1]);
            nextCost.incrementCosts(edItem2.calcInsDelCost(i - 1, edRowCompInfo));

            // if this is a new token, reset token costs
            if (edItem2.isTokenSep(i - 1)) {

      * Initialize this as the first cell in the "next" row of the edit dist
      * table, based on the first edit dist item and the current row.
      * @param rowCurr the "current" row above this row in the edit dist table
      * @param edItem1 the first item being compared (goes down the side of the table).
      * @param idx index of relevant codepoint in edItem1
      * @return cost for this cell
    float initFirstCell(final EditDistRow rowCurr, final EditDistItem edItem1,
                        final int idx) {
        EditDistCell nextCost = new EditDistCell(edRowCompInfo); // temp var for candidate cost

        // initialize the first column of the new row; copy from above and
        // add delete cost.
        nextCost.incrementCosts(edItem1.calcInsDelCost(idx, edRowCompInfo));

        // however, if this is a new token in str1, reset token costs
        if (edItem1.isTokenSep(idx)) {

        return row[0].getCost();

    EditDistCell getRow(int i) {
        return row[i];