Source code for spicerack.apiclient

"""Generic API client module."""

import logging
from typing import Any

from requests import Response, Session
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class APIClientError(SpicerackError): """General errors raised by this module."""
[docs] class APIClientResponseError(APIClientError): """Exception class for failed responses to API requests.""" def __init__(self, response: Response, message: str = "") -> None: """Override parent constructor to add the requests's response object. Arguments: response: the requests's response object. message: an optional exception message. A default message with the HTTP method, URL and status code will be prefixed before this message. """ method = str(response.request.method).upper() super().__init__(f"{method} {response.request.url} returned HTTP {response.status_code} {message}".strip()) self.response = response
[docs] class APIClient: """Generic API client class with DRY-RUN support. API-specific classes should derive from this one.""" def __init__(self, base_url: str, http_session: Session, *, dry_run: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: base_url: the full base URL for the API. It must include the scheme and the domain and can include the API path prefix if there is one. http_session: the requests's session to use to make the API calls. dry_run: whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._base_url = base_url self._http_session = http_session self._dry_run = dry_run @property def http_session(self) -> Session: """Getter for the HTTP session request object to adjust it's configuration if needed. Returns: the pre-configured session. """ return self._http_session
[docs] def request(self, method: str, uri: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Perform a request against the HTTP session with the provided HTTP method and data. Arguments: method: the HTTP method to use (e.g. "get"). uri: the relative URI to request. **kwargs: arbitrary keyword arguments, to be passed to the requests library. Raises: spicerack.apiclient.APIClientError: if the given uri does not start with a slash (/) or the request couldn't be performed. spicerack.apiclient.APIClientResponseError: if the response status code is not ok, between 400 and 600. Returns: The API response object if not in DRY-RUN mode or the request is read-only (GET/HEAD/OPTIONS). When in DRY-RUN mode and a read-write request is made the API will not be called and a dummy HTTP 200 response will be returned. """ if uri[0] != "/": raise APIClientError(f"Invalid uri '{uri}', it must start with a /") url = f"{self._base_url}{uri}" if self._dry_run and method.lower() not in ("head", "get", "options"): # RW call"Would have called %s on %s", method, url) return self._get_dummy_response() try: response = self._http_session.request(method, url, **kwargs) except RequestException as e: message = f"Failed to perform {method.upper()} request to {url}" if self._dry_run: logger.error("%s: %s", message, e) return self._get_dummy_response() raise APIClientError(message) from e if not response.ok: raise APIClientResponseError(response) return response
@staticmethod def _get_dummy_response() -> Response: """Return a dummy requests's Response to be used in DRY-RUN mode.""" response = Response() response.status_code = 200 return response