
DNS module.

class spicerack.dns.Dns(*, nameserver_address=None, dry_run=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class to interact with the DNS.

__init__(*, nameserver_address=None, dry_run=True)[source]

Initialize the instance.

  • nameserver_address (str, optional) -- the nameserver address to use, if not set uses the OS configuration.
  • dry_run (bool, optional) -- whether this is a DRY-RUN.
static _parse_targets(rrset)[source]

Extract and return all the matching names from the given rrset without the trailing dot.

Parameters:rrset (dns.rrset.RRset) -- the RRset to parse.
Returns:the list of absolute target record names as strings without the trailing dot.
Return type:list
Raises:spicerack.dns.DnsError -- if a relative record is found.
_resolve_addresses(name, record_type)[source]

Extract and return all the matching addresses for the given name and record type.

  • name (str) -- the name to resolve.
  • record_type (str) -- the DNS record type to lookup for, like 'A' and 'AAAA'.

the list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response.

Return type:


resolve(qname, record_type)[source]

Perform a DNS lookup for the given qname and record type.

  • qname (str) -- the name or address to resolve.
  • record_type (str) -- the DNS record type to lookup for, like 'A', 'AAAA', 'PTR', etc.

the DNS response.

Return type:



Perform a DNS lookup for CNAME record for the given name.

Parameters:name (str) -- the name to resolve.
Returns:the absolute target name for this CNAME, without the trailing dot.
Return type:str

Perform a DNS lookup for A and AAAA records for the given name.

Parameters:name (str) -- the name to resolve.
Returns:the list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response.
Return type:list

Perform a DNS lookup for an A record for the given name.

Parameters:name (str) -- the name to resolve.
Returns:the list of IPv4 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response.
Return type:list

Perform a DNS lookup for an AAAA record for the given name.

Parameters:name (str) -- the name to resolve.
Returns:the list of IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response.
Return type:list

Perform a DNS lookup for PTR record for the given address.

Parameters:address (str) -- the IPv4 or IPv6 address to resolve.
Returns:the list of absolute target PTR records as strings, without the trailing dot.
Return type:list
exception spicerack.dns.DnsError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackError

Custom exception class for errors of the Dns class.

exception spicerack.dns.DnsNotFound[source]

Bases: spicerack.dns.DnsError

Custom exception class to indicate the record was not found.

One or more resource records exist for this domain but there isn’t a record matching the resource record type.