Release Notes

Spicerack Changelog

v0.0.11 (2019-01-08)

New features

  • debmonitor: add debmonitor module
  • phabricator: add phabricator module

Bug Fixes

  • icinga: fix command_file property
  • puppet: fix subprocess call to check_output()
  • dns: include NXDOMAIN in the DnsNotFound exception
  • admin_reason: fix default value for task

v0.0.10 (2018-12-19)

API breaking changes

  • cookbook: split main into argument_parser() and run().
  • remote: refactor Remote.query() API.

New features

  • Add administrative module.
  • dns: add dns module.
  • Add elasticsearch_cluster module.
  • Add Icinga module.
  • Add ipmi module.
  • Add Puppet module.
  • puppet: add additional methods to PuppetHosts.
  • puppet: add PuppetMaster class.
  • remote: add more host functionalities.

Minor improvements

  • doc: add documentation and its generation.
  • interactive: add ensure_shell_is_durable().

Bug Fixes

  • administrative: fix Reason's signature
  • elasticsearch_cluster: fix tests for Python 3.5.
  • icinga: fix typo in test docstring.
  • interactive: check TTY in ask_confirmation().
  • mediawiki: kill also HHVM on stop_cronjobs.
  • Fix typo in README.rst.
  • tests: fix randomly failing pylint check.


  • update curator version to match our current elasticsearch version.
  • force urllib3 version.
  • tests: fix lint ignore.

v0.0.9 (2018-09-12)

Minor improvements

  • mediawiki: improve siteinfo checks.
  • dnsdisc: improve TTL checks.
  • exceptions: add SpicerackCheckError.
  • tests: improve prospector tests.

Bug Fixes

  • dnsdisc: catch dnspython exceptions.
  • add missing fields and fix missing comma.

v0.0.8 (2018-09-10)

Minor improvements

  • mediawiki: ignore exit codes on stop_cronjobs.
  • logging: minor improvements and a fix.

v0.0.7 (2018-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • dnsdisc: fix dry-run in check_if_depoolable().

v0.0.6 (2018-09-06)

Minor improvements

  • log: remove relic from switchdc.
  • mysql: refactor sync check to avoid GTID.

v0.0.5 (2018-09-05)

Minor improvements

  • mediawiki: improve validation checks.

v0.0.4 (2018-09-04)

New features

  • Add redis_cluster module.
  • dnsdisc:
    • add methods for checking if a datacenter can be depooled.
    • add a pool() and depool() methods.
  • mediawiki:
    • improve stop_cronjobs() method.
    • add check_cronjobs_disabled() method.
    • refactor to use confctl's set_and_verify().
    • split set_readonly() and add checks.
  • mysql:
    • add get_dbs() method.
    • rename the ensure_core_masters_in_sync() method.
  • confctl: add set_and_verify() method.

v0.0.3 (2018-08-30)


  • Change PyPI package name and add long description to

v0.0.2 (2018-08-28)

New features

  • mediawiki: add siteinfo-related methods.

v0.0.1 (2018-08-26)

  • Initial version.