Cookbook CLI

Spicerack Cookbook Runner

usage: cookbook [-h] [-l] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-d] [-v] [COOKBOOK] ...

Positional Arguments

COOKBOOK Either a relative path of the Python file to execute (group/ or the name of the Python module to execute (group.cookbook). If the selected path/module is a directory or is not set, an interactive menu will be shown.
COOKBOOK_ARGS Collect all the remaining arguments to be passed to the cookbook or menu to execute.

Named Arguments

-l, --list List all available cookbooks, if -v/--verbose is set print also their description. If a COOKBOOK is also specified, it will be used as a prefix filter.
-c, --config-file
 Path to the Spicerack configuration file to load.
-d, --dry-run Set the DRY-RUN mode, also for the cookbook.
-v, --verbose Verbose output, also for the cookbook.