Source code for spicerack.redis_cluster

"""Redis cluster module."""
import logging
import os

from collections import defaultdict

from redis import StrictRedis

from spicerack.config import load_yaml_config
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class RedisClusterError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors in the RedisCluster class."""
[docs]class RedisCluster: """Class to manage a Redis Cluster.""" def __init__(self, cluster, config_dir, *, dry_run=True): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: cluster (str): the name of the cluster to connect to. config_dir (str): path to the directory containing the configuration files for the Redis clusters. dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._dry_run = dry_run self._shards = defaultdict(dict) config = load_yaml_config(os.path.join(config_dir, cluster + '.yaml')) for datacenter, shards in config['shards'].items(): for shard, data in shards.items(): self._shards[datacenter][shard] = RedisInstance( host=data['host'], port=data['port'], password=config['password'], decode_responses=True)
[docs] def start_replica(self, datacenter, master_datacenter): """Start the cluster replica in a datacenter from a master datacenter. Arguments: datacenter (str): the datacenter on which to start the replica. master_datacenter (str): the datacenter from which to replicate. Raises: RedisClusterError: on error and invalid parameters. """ if master_datacenter == datacenter: raise RedisClusterError( 'Master datacenter must be different from the current datacenter, got {dc}'.format(dc=datacenter)) for shard, instance in sorted(self._shards[datacenter].items()): self._start_instance_replica(instance, self._shards[master_datacenter][shard])
[docs] def stop_replica(self, datacenter): """Stop the cluster replica in a datacenter. Arguments: datacenter (str): the datacenter on which to stop the replica. Raises: RedisClusterError: on error. """ for instance in self._shards[datacenter].values(): self._stop_instance_replica(instance)
def _start_instance_replica(self, instance, master): """Start the replica in a specific instance from a master instance. Arguments: instance (spicerack.redis_cluster.RedisInstance): the instance where to start the replica. master (spicerack.redis_cluster.RedisInstance): the master instance to replicate from. Raises: RedisClusterError: if unable to verify the replica has started. """ if instance.master_info == logger.debug('Replica already configured on %s', instance) return if self._dry_run: logger.debug('Skip starting replica on %s in dry-run mode', instance) else: logger.debug('Starting replica %s => %s', master, instance) instance.start_replica(master) if not self._dry_run and instance.master_info != raise RedisClusterError('Replica on {instance} is not correctly configured: {parent}'.format( instance=instance, parent=instance.master_info)) def _stop_instance_replica(self, instance): """Stop the replica in a specific instance. Arguments: instance (spicerack.redis_cluster.RedisInstance): the instance where to stop the replica. Raises: RedisClusterError: on error. """ if instance.is_master: logger.debug('Instance %s is already master, doing nothing', instance) return if self._dry_run: logger.debug('Skip stopping replica on %s in dry-run mode', instance) else: logger.debug('Stopping replica on %s', instance) instance.stop_replica() if not self._dry_run and not instance.is_master: raise RedisClusterError('Instance {instance} is still a slave of {parent}, aborting'.format( instance=instance, parent=instance.master_info))
[docs]class RedisInstance: """Class to manage a Redis instance, a simple wrapper around `redis.StrictRedis`.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: **kwargs (mixed): arbitrary keyword arguments, to be passed to the `redis.StrictRedis` constructor. """ = kwargs.get('host') self.port = kwargs.get('port') self._client = StrictRedis(**kwargs) @property def is_master(self): """Getter to check if the current instance is a master. Returns: bool: :py:data:`True` if the instance is a master, :py:data:`False` otherwise. """ return'replication')['role'] == 'master' @property def master_info(self): """Getter to know the master of this instance. Returns: tuple: a 2-element tuple with (host/IP, port) of the master instance. If there is no master configured (None, None) is returned. """ data ='replication') try: return data['master_host'], data['master_port'] except (KeyError, TypeError): return (None, None) @property def info(self): """Getter to know the detail of this instance. Returns: tuple: a 2-element tuple with (host/IP, port) of the instance. """ return, self.port
[docs] def stop_replica(self): """Stop the replica on the instance.""" self._client.slaveof()
[docs] def start_replica(self, master): """Start the replica from the given master instance. Arguments: master (spicerack.redis_cluster.RedisInstance): the master instance. """ self._client.slaveof(, master.port)
def __str__(self): """String representation of the instance. Returns: str: the host or IP and port of the instance. """ return '{}:{0.port}'.format(self)