Source code for spicerack.icinga

"""Icinga module."""
import logging
import time

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import timedelta

from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

DOWNTIME_COMMAND = 'icinga-downtime -h "{hostname}" -d {duration} -r {reason}'
MIN_DOWNTIME_SECONDS = 60  # Minimum time in seconds the downtime can be set
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class IcingaError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of this module."""
[docs]class Icinga: """Class to interact with the Icinga server.""" def __init__(self, icinga_host, *, config_file='/etc/icinga/icinga.cfg'): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: icinga_host (spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts): the RemoteHosts instance for the Icinga server. """ self._icinga_host = icinga_host self._config_file = config_file self._command_file = None @property def command_file(self): """Getter for the command_file property. Returns: str: the path of the Icinga command file. Raises: spicerack.icinga.IcingaError: if unable to get the command file path. """ if self._command_file: return self._command_file try: # Get the command_file value in the Icinga configuration. command = r"""awk '/^\s*command_file=/{split($0, a, "="); print a[2] }' """ + self._config_file for _, output in self._icinga_host.run_sync(command, is_safe=True): command_file = output.message().decode().strip() if not command_file: raise ValueError('Empty or no value found for command_file configuration') except (SpicerackError, ValueError) as e: raise IcingaError('Unable to read command_file configuration') from e self._command_file = command_file return self._command_file
[docs] @contextmanager def hosts_downtimed(self, hosts, reason, *, duration=timedelta(hours=4), remove_on_error=False): """Context manager to perform actions while the hosts are downtimed on Icinga. Arguments: hosts (list, cumin.NodeSet): an iterable with the list of hostnames to downtime. reason (spicerack.administrative.Reason): the reason to set for the downtime on the Icinga server. duration (datetime.timedelta, optional): the length of the downtime period. remove_on_error: should the downtime be removed even if an exception was raised. """ self.downtime_hosts(hosts, reason, duration=duration) try: yield except BaseException: if remove_on_error: self.remove_downtime(hosts) raise else: self.remove_downtime(hosts)
[docs] def downtime_hosts(self, hosts, reason, *, duration=timedelta(hours=4)): """Downtime hosts on the Icinga server for the given time with a message. Arguments: hosts (list, ClusterShell.NodeSet.NodeSet): an iterable with the list of hostnames to downtime. reason (spicerack.administrative.Reason): the reason to set for the downtime on the Icinga server. duration (datetime.timedelta, optional): the length of the downtime period. """ duration_seconds = int(duration.total_seconds()) if duration_seconds < MIN_DOWNTIME_SECONDS: raise IcingaError('Downtime duration must be at least 1 minute, got: {duration}'.format(duration=duration)) if not hosts: raise IcingaError('Got empty hosts list to downtime') hostnames = [host.split('.')[0] for host in hosts] commands = [DOWNTIME_COMMAND.format(hostname=name, duration=duration_seconds, reason=reason.quoted()) for name in hostnames]'Scheduling downtime on Icinga server %s for hosts: %s', self._icinga_host, hosts) self._icinga_host.run_sync(*commands)
[docs] def remove_downtime(self, hosts): """Remove a downtime from a set of hosts. Arguments: hosts (list, ClusterShell.NodeSet.NodeSet): an iterable with the list of hostnames to iterate the command for. """ self.host_command('DEL_DOWNTIME_BY_HOST_NAME', hosts)
[docs] def host_command(self, command, hosts, *args): """Execute a host-specific Icinga command on the Icinga server for a set of hosts. Arguments: command (str): the Icinga command to execute. hosts (list, ClusterShell.NodeSet.NodeSet): an iterable with the list of hostnames to iterate the command for. *args: optional positional arguments to pass to the command. See Also: """ commands = [self._get_command_string(command, host.split('.')[0], *args) for host in hosts] self._icinga_host.run_sync(*commands)
def _get_command_string(self, *args): """Get the Icinga command to execute given the current arguments. Arguments: *args: positional arguments to use to compose the Icinga command string. Returns: str: the command line to execute on the Icinga host. """ return 'echo -n "[{now}] {args}" > {command_file}'.format( now=int(time.time()), args=';'.join(args), command_file=self.command_file)