Source code for spicerack.dns

"""DNS module."""
import logging

import dns

from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class DnsError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of the Dns class."""
[docs]class DnsNotFound(DnsError): """Custom exception class to indicate the record was not found. One or more resource records exist for this domain but there isn’t a record matching the resource record type. """
[docs]class Dns: """Class to interact with the DNS.""" def __init__(self, *, nameserver_address=None): """Initialize the instance. Arguments: nameserver_address (str, optional): the nameserver address to use, if not set uses the OS configuration. """ if nameserver_address: self._resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False) self._resolver.nameservers = [nameserver_address] else: self._resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
[docs] def resolve_ipv4(self, name): """Perform a DNS lookup for an A record for the given name. Arguments: name (str): the name to resolve. Returns: list: the list of IPv4 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response. """ return self._resolve_addresses(name, 'A')
[docs] def resolve_ipv6(self, name): """Perform a DNS lookup for an AAAA record for the given name. Arguments: name (str): the name to resolve. Returns: list: the list of IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response. """ return self._resolve_addresses(name, 'AAAA')
[docs] def resolve_ips(self, name): """Perform a DNS lookup for A and AAAA records for the given name. Arguments: name (str): the name to resolve. Returns: list: the list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response. Raises: spicerack.dns.DnsNotFound: when no address is found. """ addresses = [] for func in ('resolve_ipv4', 'resolve_ipv6'): try: addresses += getattr(self, func)(name) except DnsNotFound: pass # Allow single stack answers if not addresses: raise DnsNotFound('Record A or AAAA not found for {name}'.format(name=name)) return addresses
[docs] def resolve_ptr(self, address): """Perform a DNS lookup for PTR record for the given address. Arguments: address (str): the IPv4 or IPv6 address to resolve. Returns: list: the list of absolute target PTR records as strings, without the trailing dot. """ response = self.resolve(dns.reversename.from_address(address), 'PTR') return self._parse_targets(response.rrset)
[docs] def resolve_cname(self, name): """Perform a DNS lookup for CNAME record for the given name. Arguments: name (str): the name to resolve. Returns: str: the absolute target name for this CNAME, without the trailing dot. """ targets = self._parse_targets(self.resolve(name, 'CNAME').rrset) if len(targets) != 1: raise DnsError('Found multiple CNAMEs target for {name}: {targets}'.format(name=name, targets=targets)) return targets[0]
[docs] def resolve(self, qname, record_type): """Perform a DNS lookup for the given qname and record type. Arguments: qname (str): the name or address to resolve. record_type (str): the DNS record type to lookup for, like 'A', 'AAAA', 'PTR', etc. Returns: dns.resolver.Answer: the DNS response. Raises: spicerack.dns.DnsNotFound: if there are no records for the given record type but the qname has records for different record type(s). spicerack.dns.DnsError: on generic error. """ try: response = self._resolver.query(qname, record_type) logger.debug('Resolved %s record for %s: %s', record_type, qname, response.rrset) except (dns.resolver.NoAnswer, dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN) as e: raise DnsNotFound('Record {record_type} not found for {qname}'.format( record_type=record_type, qname=qname)) from e except dns.exception.DNSException as e: raise DnsError('Unable to resolve {record_type} record for {qname}'.format( record_type=record_type, qname=qname)) from e return response
def _resolve_addresses(self, name, record_type): """Extract and return all the matching addresses for the given name and record type. Arguments: name (str): the name to resolve. record_type (str): the DNS record type to lookup for, like 'A' and 'AAAA'. Returns: list: the list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses as strings returned by the DNS response. """ return [rdata.address for rdata in self.resolve(name, record_type).rrset] @staticmethod def _parse_targets(rrset): """Extract and return all the matching names from the given rrset without the trailing dot. Arguments: rrset (dns.rrset.RRset): the RRset to parse. Returns: list: the list of absolute target record names as strings without the trailing dot. Raises: spicerack.dns.DnsError: if a relative record is found. """ targets = [] for rdata in rrset: target = if target[-1] != '.': raise DnsError('Unsupported relative target {target} found'.format(target=target)) targets.append(target[:-1]) return targets