
ElasticsearchCluster module.

class spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchCluster(elasticsearch, remote, dry_run=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class to manage elasticsearch cluster.

Initialize ElasticsearchCluster

  • elasticsearch (elasticsearch.Elasticsearch) -- elasticsearch instance.
  • remote (spicerack.remote.Remote) -- the Remote instance.
  • dry_run (bool, optional) -- whether this is a DRY-RUN.

Cluster health status.

Raises:spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusterCheckError -- This is raised when request times and cluster is not green.
flush_markers(timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 60))[source]

Flush markers unsynced.


flush and flush_synced are called here because from experience, it results in fewer shards not syncing. This also makes the recovery faster.

Parameters:timeout (datetime.timedelta) -- timedelta object for elasticsearch request timeout.

Manual allocation of unassigned shards.


Stop writes to all elasticsearch indices and enable them on exit.

Parameters:reason (spicerack.administrative.Reason) -- Reason for freezing writes.

Get all Elasticsearch Nodes.

Returns:dictionary of elasticsearch nodes in the cluster.
Return type:dict

Checks if node is in a list of elasticsearch cluster nodes.

Parameters:node (str) -- the elasticsearch host.
Returns:True if node is present and False if not.
Return type:bool
static split_node_name(node_name)[source]

Split node name into hostname and cluster group name.

Parameters:node_name (str) -- node name containing hostname and cluster name separated by -.
Returns:tuple containing the node name and the cluster name.
Return type:(str, str)

Context manager to perform actions while the cluster replication is stopped.

exception spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusterCheckError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackCheckError

Custom Exception class for check errors of this module.

exception spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusterError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackError

Custom Exception class for errors of this module.

class spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusters(clusters, remote, dry_run=True)[source]

Bases: object

Class to manage elasticsearch clusters.

Initialize ElasticsearchClusters.

flush_markers(timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 60))[source]

Flush markers on all clusters.

Parameters:timeout (datetime.timedelta, optional) -- timedelta object for elasticsearch request timeout.

Force allocation of unassigned shards on all clusters.


Freeze all writes to the clusters and then perform operations before unfreezing writes.

Parameters:reason (spicerack.administrative.Reason) -- Reason for freezing writes.
get_next_clusters_nodes(started_before, size=1)[source]

Get next set of cluster nodes for cookbook operations like upgrade, rolling restart etc.

Nodes are selected from the row with the least restarted nodes. This ensure that a row is fully upgraded before moving to the next row. Since shards cannot move to a node with an older version of elasticsearch, this should help to keep all shards allocated at all time.

  • started_before (datetime.datetime) -- the time against after which we check if the node has been restarted.
  • size (int, optional) -- size of nodes not restarted in a row.

next eligible nodes for ElasticsearchHosts.

Return type:



Stops replication for all clusters.

wait_for_green(timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 3600))[source]

Wait for green on all clusters.

Parameters:timeout (datetime.timedelta, optional) -- timedelta object to represent how long to wait for green status on all clusters.
class spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchHosts(remote_hosts, nodes, dry_run=True)[source]

Bases: spicerack.remote.RemoteHostsAdapter

Remotehosts Adapter for managing elasticsearch nodes.

After calling the super's constructor, initialize other instance variables.

  • remote_hosts (spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts) -- the instance with the target hosts.
  • nodes (list) -- list of dicts containing clusters hosts belong to.
  • dry_run (bool, optional) -- whether this is a DRY-RUN.

Depool the hosts.


Returns elasticsearch remote hosts.

Returns:RemoteHosts instance for this adapter.
Return type:spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts

Pool the hosts.


Restarts all elasticsearch instances.


Starts all elasticsearch instances.


Stops all elasticsearch instances.

wait_for_elasticsearch_up(timeout=datetime.timedelta(0, 900))[source]

Check if elasticsearch instances on each node are up.

Parameters:timeout (datetime.timedelta, optional) -- represent how long to wait for all instances to be up.
spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.create_elasticsearch_clusters(clustergroup, remote, dry_run=True)[source]

Create ElasticsearchClusters instance.

  • clustergroup (str) -- name of cluster group.
  • remote (spicerack.remote.Remote) -- the Remote instance.
  • dry_run (bool, optional) -- whether this is a DRY-RUN.

spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusterError -- Thrown when the requested cluster configuration is not found.


ElasticsearchClusters instance.

Return type:
