Source code for spicerack.ipmi

"""IPMI module.

    replace with pyghmi.

import logging
import os

from datetime import timedelta
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output  # nosec
from typing import List

from spicerack.decorators import retry
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackCheckError, SpicerackError

IPMI_SAFE_BOOT_PARAMS = ('0000000000', '8000020000')  # No or unimportant overrides.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class IpmiError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of the Ipmi class."""
[docs]class IpmiCheckError(SpicerackCheckError): """Custom exception class for check errors of the Ipmi class."""
[docs]class Ipmi: """Class to manage remote IPMI via ipmitool.""" def __init__(self, password: str, dry_run: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: password (str): the password to use to connect via IPMI. dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ # FIXME: move to with env once Python 3.4 support is dropped or directly to pyghmi. os.environ['IPMITOOL_PASSWORD'] = password self._dry_run = dry_run
[docs] def command( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, mgmt_hostname: str, command_parts: List[str], is_safe: bool = False ) -> str: """Run an ipmitool command for a remote management console hostname. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. command_parts (list): a list of :py:class:`str` with the IPMI command components to execute. is_safe (bool, optional): if this is a safe command to run also in DRY RUN mode. Returns: str: the output of the ipmitool command. Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiError: on failure. """ command = ['ipmitool', '-I', 'lanplus', '-H', mgmt_hostname, '-U', 'root', '-E'] + command_parts'Running IPMI command: %s', ' '.join(command)) if self._dry_run and not is_safe: return '' try: output = check_output(command).decode() # nosec except CalledProcessError as e: raise IpmiError('Remote IPMI for {mgmt} failed (exit={code}): {output}'.format( mgmt=mgmt_hostname, code=e.returncode, output=e.output)) from e logger.debug(output) return output
[docs] def check_connection(self, mgmt_hostname: str) -> None: """Ensure that remote IPMI is working for the management console hostname. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiError: if unable to connect or execute a test command. """ status = self.command(mgmt_hostname, ['chassis', 'power', 'status'], is_safe=True) if not status.startswith('Chassis Power is'): raise IpmiError('Unexpected chassis status: {status}'.format(status=status))
[docs] def check_bootparams(self, mgmt_hostname: str) -> None: """Check if the BIOS boot parameters are back to normal values. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiCheckError: if the BIOS boot parameters are incorrect. """ param = self._get_boot_parameter(mgmt_hostname, 'Boot parameter data') if param not in IPMI_SAFE_BOOT_PARAMS: raise IpmiCheckError('Expected BIOS boot params in {accepted} got: {param}'.format( accepted=IPMI_SAFE_BOOT_PARAMS, param=param))
[docs] @retry(tries=3, delay=timedelta(seconds=20), backoff_mode='linear', exceptions=(IpmiCheckError,)) def force_pxe(self, mgmt_hostname: str) -> None: """Force PXE for the next boot and verify that the setting was applied. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiCheckError: if unable to verify the PXE mode within the retries. """ self.command(mgmt_hostname, ['chassis', 'bootdev', 'pxe']) boot_device = self._get_boot_parameter(mgmt_hostname, 'Boot Device Selector') if boot_device != 'Force PXE': raise IpmiCheckError('Unable to verify that Force PXE is set. The host might reboot in the current OS')
def _get_boot_parameter(self, mgmt_hostname: str, param_label: str) -> str: """Get a specific boot parameter of the host. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. param_label (str): the label of the boot parameter to lookout for. Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiError: if unable to find the given label or to extract its value. Returns: str: the value of the parameter. """ bootparams = self.command(mgmt_hostname, ['chassis', 'bootparam', 'get', '5'], is_safe=True) for line in bootparams.splitlines(): if param_label in line: try: value = line.split(':')[1].strip(' \n') break except IndexError: raise IpmiError("Unable to extract value for parameter '{label}' from line: {line}".format( label=param_label, line=line)) else: raise IpmiError("Unable to find the boot parameter '{label}' in: {output}".format( label=param_label, output=bootparams)) return value def reset_password(self, mgmt_hostname: str, username: str, password: str) -> None: """Reset the given usernames password to the one provided. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. username (str): The username who's password will be reset must not be empty password (str): The new password must have length between {min_len} and {max_len} bytes Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiError: if unable reset password or arguments invalid """.format(min_len=IPMI_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN, max_len=IPMI_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN) # ipmitool stores passwords in either 16 or 20 byte strings # can't find much documentation on this if len(password) > IPMI_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN: raise IpmiError('New passwords is greater the IPMI {max_len} byte limit'.format( max_len=IPMI_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN)) if len(password) > IPMI_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN: password_store_size = str(IPMI_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN) elif len(password) == IPMI_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN: password_store_size = str(IPMI_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN) else: raise IpmiError('New passwords must be {min_len} bytes minimum'.format( min_len=IPMI_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN)) if not username: raise IpmiError('Username can not be an empty string') user_id = self._get_user_id(mgmt_hostname, username) success = 'Set User Password command successful (user {user_id})\n'.format( user_id=user_id) result = self.command( mgmt_hostname, ['user', 'set', 'password', user_id, password, password_store_size]) if self._dry_run: return if result != success: raise IpmiError('Password reset failed for username: {username}'.format( username=username)) if username == 'root': current_password = os.environ['IPMITOOL_PASSWORD'] os.environ['IPMITOOL_PASSWORD'] = password try: self.check_connection(mgmt_hostname) except IpmiError as e: os.environ['IPMITOOL_PASSWORD'] = current_password raise IpmiError('Password reset failed for username: root') from e def _get_user_id(self, mgmt_hostname: str, username: str) -> str: """Get the user ID associated with a given username. Arguments: mgmt_hostname (str): the FQDN of the management interface of the host to target. username (str): The username to search for Raises: spicerack.ipmi.IpmiError: if unable to find the given username. Returns: str: the user ID associated with the username """ userlist = self.command(mgmt_hostname, ['user', 'list', '1'], is_safe=True) for line in userlist.splitlines(): words = line.split() if words[0] == 'ID': continue if words[1] == username: return words[0] raise IpmiError("Unable to find ID for username: {username}".format(username=username))