Source code for

"""Management module."""
import logging
import re

from spicerack.dns import Dns, DnsError
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

DC_HOSTNAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?P<dc_id>[1-5])[0-9]{3}$')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class ManagementError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of the Management class."""
[docs]class Management: """Class to interact with management FQDNs.""" def __init__(self, dns: Dns) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: dns (spicerack.dns.Dns): the instance to use for DNS resolution. """ self._dns = dns
[docs] def get_fqdn(self, hostname: str) -> str: """Get the FQDN of the management interface. Arguments: hostname (str): the FQDN of the hostname for which the management FQDN should be returned. Returns: str: the FQDN of the management interface. Raises: if unable to find or verify the FQDN of the management interface. """ # TODO: replace this querying Netbox API if hostname.split('.')[-1] == INTERNAL_TLD: mgmt = self._internal_mgmt_fqdn(hostname) else: mgmt = self._external_mgmt_fqdn(hostname) logger.debug('Management FQDN for %s is %s', hostname, mgmt) return mgmt
def _is_valid_fqdn(self, fqdn: str) -> bool: """Check if the calculated management FQDN exists in the local DNS. Arguments: fqdn (str): the management FQDN to validate. Returns: bool: :py:data:`True` if the FQDN is valid, :py:data:`False` otherwise. """ try: self._dns.resolve_ipv4(fqdn) return True except DnsError: return False def _internal_mgmt_fqdn(self, hostname: str) -> str: """Generate the management FQDN for the given internal hostname. Arguments: hostname (str): the FQDN of the internal host to generate the management FQDN for. Returns: str: the management FQDN. Raises: if the generated management FQDN is invalid. """ parts = hostname.split('.') parts.insert(-2, MANAGEMENT_SUBDOMAIN) # Direct injection of the management subdomain mgmt = '.'.join(parts) if not self._is_valid_fqdn(mgmt): raise ManagementError('Invalid management FQDN {mgmt} for {host}'.format(mgmt=mgmt, host=hostname)) return mgmt def _external_mgmt_fqdn(self, hostname: str) -> str: """Generate the management FQDN for the given external hostname. Arguments: hostname (str): the FQDN of the external host to generate the management FQDN for. Returns: str: the management FQDN.abs Raises: if unable to find a valid management FQDN across all DCs. """ parts = hostname.split('.') hostname_search =[-3]) if hostname_search is not None: # Detection of the datacenter from the hostname datacenters = [ALL_DATACENTERS[int(hostname_search.groupdict()['dc_id']) - 1]] else: datacenters = list(ALL_DATACENTERS) # Search the matching management valid hostname in all datacenters for dc in datacenters: mgmt = '.'.join(parts[:-2] + [MANAGEMENT_SUBDOMAIN, dc, INTERNAL_TLD]) if self._is_valid_fqdn(mgmt): break else: raise ManagementError( 'Unable to find management FQDN for host {host} in these datacenters: {dcs}'.format( host=hostname, dcs=datacenters)) return mgmt