Source code for spicerack

"""Spicerack package."""
import os

from logging import Logger
from socket import gethostname
from typing import Dict, Optional

from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution

from spicerack import interactive
from spicerack.actions import ActionsDict
from spicerack.administrative import Reason
from spicerack.confctl import Confctl, ConftoolEntity
from spicerack.config import load_ini_config, load_yaml_config
from spicerack.debmonitor import Debmonitor
from spicerack.dns import Dns
from spicerack.dnsdisc import Discovery
from spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster import create_elasticsearch_clusters, ElasticsearchClusters
from spicerack.ganeti import Ganeti
from spicerack.icinga import Icinga, ICINGA_DOMAIN
from spicerack.ipmi import Ipmi
from spicerack.log import irc_logger
from import Management
from spicerack.mediawiki import MediaWiki
from spicerack.mysql_legacy import MysqlLegacy
from spicerack.netbox import Netbox, NETBOX_DOMAIN
from spicerack.phabricator import create_phabricator, Phabricator
from spicerack.prometheus import Prometheus
from spicerack.puppet import get_puppet_ca_hostname, PuppetHosts, PuppetMaster
from spicerack.redis_cluster import RedisCluster
from spicerack.remote import Remote, RemoteHosts

    __version__ = get_distribution('wikimedia-spicerack').version  # Must be the same used as 'name' in
    """:py:class:`str`: the version of the current Spicerack module."""
except DistributionNotFound:  # pragma: no cover - this should never happen during tests
    pass  # package is not installed

[docs]class Spicerack: """Spicerack service locator.""" def __init__( self, *, verbose: bool = False, dry_run: bool = True, cumin_config: str = '/etc/cumin/config.yaml', conftool_config: str = '/etc/conftool/config.yaml', conftool_schema: str = '/etc/conftool/schema.yaml', debmonitor_config: str = '/etc/debmonitor.conf', spicerack_config_dir: str = '/etc/spicerack', http_proxy: str = '' ) -> None: """Initialize the service locator for the Spicerack library. Arguments: verbose (bool, optional): whether to set the verbose mode. dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN. cumin_config (str, optional): the path to Cumin's configuration file. conftool_config (str, optional): the path to Conftool's configuration file. conftool_schema (str, optional): the path to Conftool's schema file. debmonitor_config (str, optional): the path to Debmonitor's INI configuration file. It must have at least the following schema:: [DEFAULT] cert=/etc/debmonitor/ssl/cert.pem key=/etc/debmonitor/ssl/server.key spicerack_config_dir (str, optional): the path for the root configuration directory for Spicerack. Module-specific configuration will be loaded from `config_dir/module_name/`. http_proxy (str, optional): the scheme://url:port of the HTTP proxy to use for external calls. """ # Attributes self._verbose = verbose self._dry_run = dry_run self._http_proxy = http_proxy self._cumin_config = cumin_config self._conftool_config = conftool_config self._conftool_schema = conftool_schema self._debmonitor_config = debmonitor_config self._spicerack_config_dir = spicerack_config_dir self._username = interactive.get_username() self._current_hostname = gethostname() self._irc_logger = irc_logger self._confctl = None # type: Optional[Confctl] self._ipmi = None # type: Optional[Ipmi] self._actions = ActionsDict() @property def dry_run(self) -> bool: """Getter for the ``dry_run`` property. Returns: bool: True if the DRY-RUN mode is set, False otherwise. """ return self._dry_run @property def verbose(self) -> bool: """Getter for the ``verbose`` property. Returns: bool: True if the verbose mode is set, False otherwise. """ return self._verbose @property def username(self) -> str: """Getter for the current username. Returns: str: the name of the effective running user. """ return self._username @property def config_dir(self) -> str: """Getter for Spicerack's configuration file directory. Returns: str: a filesystem location of configuration files. """ return self._spicerack_config_dir @property def http_proxy(self) -> str: """Getter for the HTTP PROXY to use for external calls. Returns: str: the scheme://url:port of the proxy. """ return self._http_proxy @property def requests_proxies(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: """Getter to return the HTTP proxy configuration for the Requests module. Returns: dict: with the proxies as required by Requests documentation. :py:data:`None`: if no HTTP proxy is set. See Also: """ if not self._http_proxy: return None return {'http': self._http_proxy, 'https': self._http_proxy} @property def irc_logger(self) -> Logger: """Getter for the ``irc_logger`` property. Returns: logging.Logger: the logger instance to write to IRC. """ return self._irc_logger @property def actions(self) -> ActionsDict: """Getter for the ``actions`` property. Returns: spicerack.actions.ActionsDict: a dictionary to log and record cookbook actions. """ return self._actions @property def icinga_master_host(self) -> RemoteHosts: """Getter for the ``icinga_master_host`` property. Returns: spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts: the instance to execute commands on the Icinga master host. """ return self.remote().query(self.dns().resolve_cname(ICINGA_DOMAIN)) @property def netbox_master_host(self) -> RemoteHosts: """Getter for the ``netbox_master_host`` property. Returns: spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts: the instance to execute commands on the Netbox master host. """ return self.remote().query(self.dns().resolve_cname(NETBOX_DOMAIN))
[docs] def remote(self) -> Remote: """Get a Remote instance. Returns: spicerack.remote.Remote: the Remote instance. """ return Remote(self._cumin_config, dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def confctl(self, entity_name: str) -> ConftoolEntity: """Access a Conftool specific entity instance. Arguments: entity_name (str): the name of a Conftool entity. Possible values: ``node``, ``service``, ``discovery``, ``mwconfig``. Returns: spicerack.confctl.ConftoolEntity: the confctl entity instance. """ if self._confctl is None: self._confctl = Confctl(config=self._conftool_config, schema=self._conftool_schema, dry_run=self._dry_run) return self._confctl.entity(entity_name)
[docs] def dns(self) -> Dns: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Get a Dns instance. Returns: spicerack.dns.Dns: a Dns instance that will use the operating system default namserver(s). """ return Dns()
[docs] def discovery(self, *records: str) -> Discovery: """Get a Discovery instance. Arguments: *records (str): arbitrary positional arguments, each one must be a Discovery DNS record name. Returns: spicerack.dnsdisc.Discovery: the pre-configured Discovery instance for the given records. """ return Discovery(self.confctl('discovery'), self.remote(), list(records), dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def mediawiki(self) -> MediaWiki: """Get a MediaWiki instance. Returns: spicerack.mediawiki.MediaWiki: the MediaWiki instance. """ return MediaWiki(self.confctl('mwconfig'), self.remote(), self._username, dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def mysql_legacy(self) -> MysqlLegacy: """Get a MysqlLegacy instance. Returns: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacy: the MysqlLegacy instance. """ return MysqlLegacy(self.remote(), dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def redis_cluster(self, cluster: str) -> RedisCluster: """Get a RedisCluster instance. Arguments: cluster (str): the name of the cluster. Returns: spicerack.redis_cluster.RedisCluster: the cluster instance. """ return RedisCluster(cluster, os.path.join(self._spicerack_config_dir, 'redis_cluster'), dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def elasticsearch_clusters(self, clustergroup: str) -> ElasticsearchClusters: """Get an ElasticsearchClusters instance. Arguments: clustergroup (str): name of cluster group e.g ``search_eqiad``. Returns: spicerack.elasticsearch_cluster.ElasticsearchClusters: ElasticsearchClusters instance. """ return create_elasticsearch_clusters(clustergroup, self.remote(), dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def admin_reason(self, reason: str, task_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Reason: """Get an administrative Reason instance. Arguments: reason (str): the reason to use to justify an administrative action. See `spicerack.administrative.Reason` for all the details. task_id (str, optional): the task ID to mention in the reason. Returns: spicerack.administrative.Reason: the administrative Reason instance. """ return Reason(reason, self._username, self._current_hostname, task_id=task_id)
[docs] def icinga(self) -> Icinga: """Get an Icinga instance. Returns: spicerack.icinga.Icinga: Icinga instance. """ return Icinga(self.icinga_master_host)
[docs] def puppet(self, remote_hosts: RemoteHosts) -> PuppetHosts: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Get a PuppetHosts instance for the given remote hosts. Arguments: remote_hosts (spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts): the instance with the target hosts. Returns: spicerack.puppet.PuppetHosts: the instance to manage Puppet on the target hosts. """ return PuppetHosts(remote_hosts)
[docs] def puppet_master(self) -> PuppetMaster: """Get a PuppetMaster instance to manage hosts and certificates from a Puppet master. Returns: spicerack.puppet.PuppetMaster: the instance to manage Puppet hosts and certificates. """ return PuppetMaster(self.remote().query(get_puppet_ca_hostname()))
[docs] def ipmi(self, *, cached: bool = False) -> Ipmi: """Get an Ipmi instance to send remote IPMI commands to management consoles. Arguments: cached (bool, optional): whether to cache the Ipmi instance and allow to re-use it without re-asking the management password. The cached instance will be returned at each future call of this method with the cached parameter set to :py:data:`True`. Returns: spicerack.ipmi.Ipmi: the instance to run ipmitool commands. """ if cached and self._ipmi is not None: return self._ipmi ipmi = Ipmi(interactive.get_management_password(), dry_run=self._dry_run) if cached: self._ipmi = ipmi return ipmi
[docs] def phabricator(self, bot_config_file: str, section: str = 'phabricator_bot') -> Phabricator: """Get a Phabricator instance to interact with a Phabricator website. Arguments: bot_config_file (str): the path to the configuration file for the Phabricator bot, with the following structure:: [section_name] host = username = phab-bot token = api-12345 section (str, optional): the name of the section of the configuration file where to find the required parameters. Returns: spicerack.phabricator.Phabricator: the instance. """ # Allow to specify the configuration file as opposed to other methods so that different clients can use # different Phabricator BOT accounts, potentially with different permissions. return create_phabricator(bot_config_file, section=section, dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def prometheus(self) -> Prometheus: # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Get an Prometheus instance. Returns: spicerack.prometheus.Prometheus: Prometheus instance. """ return Prometheus()
[docs] def debmonitor(self) -> Debmonitor: """Get a Debmonitor instance to interact with a Debmonitor website. Returns: spicerack.debmonitor.Debmonitor: the instance. Raises: KeyError: if any configuration option is missing. """ options = load_ini_config(self._debmonitor_config).defaults() return Debmonitor(options['server'], options['cert'], options['key'], dry_run=self._dry_run)
[docs] def management(self) -> Management: """Get a Management instance to interact with the management interfaces. Returns: the instance. """ return Management(self.dns())
[docs] def ganeti(self) -> Ganeti: """Get an instance to interact with Ganeti. Returns: spicerack.ganeti.Ganeti: the instance Raises: KeyError: If the configuration file does not contain the correct keys. """ configuration = load_yaml_config(os.path.join(self._spicerack_config_dir, 'ganeti', 'config.yaml')) return Ganeti(configuration['username'], configuration['password'], configuration['timeout'], self.remote())
[docs] def netbox(self, *, read_write: bool = False) -> Netbox: """Get a Netbox instance to interact with Netbox's API. Arguments: read_write (bool, optional): whether to use a read-write token. Returns: spicerack.netbox.Netbox: the instance """ config = load_yaml_config(os.path.join(self._spicerack_config_dir, 'netbox', 'config.yaml')) if read_write and not self._dry_run: token = config['api_token_rw'] else: token = config['api_token_ro'] return Netbox(config['api_url'], token, dry_run=self._dry_run)