Source code for spicerack.mediawiki

"""MediaWiki module."""
import logging

from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

from cumin.transports import Command
from wmflib.requests import http_session

from spicerack.confctl import ConftoolEntity
from spicerack.constants import CORE_DATACENTERS
from spicerack.decorators import retry
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackCheckError, SpicerackError
from spicerack.remote import Remote, RemoteExecutionError, RemoteHosts

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MediaWikiError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors in this module."""
[docs]class MediaWikiCheckError(SpicerackCheckError): """Custom exception class for checking errors in this module."""
[docs]class MediaWiki: """Class to manage MediaWiki-specific resources.""" _list_cronjobs_command: str = '"$(crontab -u www-data -l | sed -r \'/^(#|$)/d\')"' _siteinfo_url: str = 'http://api.svc.{dc}.wmnet/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&format=json&formatversion=2' def __init__(self, conftool: ConftoolEntity, remote: Remote, user: str, dry_run: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: conftool (spicerack.confctl.ConftoolEntity): the conftool instance for the mwconfig type objects. remote (spicerack.remote.Remote): the Remote instance. user (str): the name of the effective running user. dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._conftool = conftool self._remote = remote self._user = user self._dry_run = dry_run self._http_session = http_session('.'.join((self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)), timeout=10)
[docs] def check_config_line(self, filename: str, expected: str) -> bool: """Check that a MediaWiki configuration file contains some value. Arguments: filename (str): filename without extension in wmf-config. expected (str): string expected to be found in the configuration file. Returns: bool: True if the expected string is found in the configuration file, False otherwise. Raises: requests.exceptions.RequestException: on error. """ noc_server = self._remote.query('O:Noc::Site').hosts[0] url = 'http://{noc}/conf/{filename}.php.txt'.format(noc=noc_server, filename=filename) mwconfig = self._http_session.get(url, headers={'Host': ''}) found = (expected in mwconfig.text) logger.debug('Checked message (found=%s) in MediaWiki config %s:\n%s', found, url, expected) return found
[docs] def get_siteinfo(self, datacenter: str) -> Dict: """Get the JSON paylod for siteinfo from a random host in a given datacenter. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC where to query for siteinfo. Returns: dict: the parsed JSON from siteinfo. Raises: requests.exceptions.RequestException: on failure. """ url = MediaWiki._siteinfo_url.format(dc=datacenter) headers = {'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'https', 'Host': ''} response = self._http_session.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=3) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def check_siteinfo(self, datacenter: str, checks: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Any], samples: int = 1) -> None: """Check that a specific value in siteinfo matches the expected ones, on multiple hosts. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC where to query for siteinfo. checks (dict): dictionary of items to check, in which the keys are tuples with the path of keys to traverse the siteinfo dictionary to get the value and the values are the expected values to check. To check ``siteinfo[key1][key2]`` for a value ``value``, use:: {('key1', 'key2'): 'value'} samples (int, optional): the number of different calls to siteinfo to perform. Raises: MediaWikiError: if unable to get siteinfo or unable to traverse the siteinfo dictionary after all tries. MediaWikiCheckError: if the value doesn't match after all tries. """ for i in range(1, samples + 1): # Randomly check different hosts from the load balancer logger.debug('Checking siteinfo %d/%d', i, samples) self._check_siteinfo(datacenter, checks)
[docs] def scap_sync_config_file(self, filename: str, message: str) -> None: """Execute scap sync-file to deploy a specific configuration file of wmf-config. Arguments: filename (str): the filename without extension of wmf-config. message (str): the message to use for the scap sync-file execution. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on error. """ logger.debug('Syncing MediaWiki wmf-config/%s.php', filename) query = 'C:Deployment::Rsync and R:Class%cron_ensure = absent' command = 'su - {user} -c \'scap sync-file --force wmf-config/{filename}.php "{message}"\''.format( user=self._user, filename=filename, message=message) self._remote.query(query).run_sync(command)
[docs] def set_readonly(self, datacenter: str, message: str) -> None: """Set the Conftool readonly variable for MediaWiki config in a specific datacenter. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC for which the configuration must be changed. message (str): the readonly message string to set in MediaWiki. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on Conftool errors and failed validation. spicerack.mediawiki.MediaWikiError: on failed siteinfo validation. """ self._conftool.set_and_verify('val', message, scope=datacenter, name='ReadOnly') self._check_siteinfo_dry_run_aware(datacenter, { ('query', 'general', 'readonly'): True, ('query', 'general', 'readonlyreason'): message}, samples=10)
[docs] def set_readwrite(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Set the Conftool readonly variable for MediaWiki config to False to make it read-write. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC for which the configuration must be changed. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on Conftool errors and failed validation. spicerack.mediawiki.MediaWikiError: on failed siteinfo validation. """ self._conftool.set_and_verify('val', False, scope=datacenter, name='ReadOnly') self._check_siteinfo_dry_run_aware(datacenter, {('query', 'general', 'readonly'): False}, samples=10)
[docs] def set_master_datacenter(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Set the MediaWiki config master datacenter variable in Conftool. Arguments: datacenter (str): the new master datacenter. Raises: spicerack.confctl.ConfctlError: on error. """ self._conftool.set_and_verify('val', datacenter, scope='common', name='WMFMasterDatacenter') for dc in CORE_DATACENTERS: self._check_siteinfo_dry_run_aware(dc, { ('query', 'general', 'wmf-config', 'wmfMasterDatacenter'): datacenter}, samples=10)
[docs] def get_maintenance_host(self, datacenter: str) -> RemoteHosts: """Get an instance to execute commands on the maintenance hosts in a given datacenter. Arguments: datacenter (str): the datacenter to filter for. Returns: spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts: the instance for the target host. """ return self._remote.query('A:mw-maintenance and A:' + datacenter)
[docs] def check_cronjobs_enabled(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Check that MediaWiki cronjobs are set in the given DC. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to work on. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on failure. """ self.get_maintenance_host(datacenter).run_sync('test ' + MediaWiki._list_cronjobs_command, is_safe=True)
[docs] def check_cronjobs_disabled(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Check that MediaWiki cronjobs are not set in the given DC. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to work on. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on failure. """ self.get_maintenance_host(datacenter).run_sync('test -z ' + MediaWiki._list_cronjobs_command, is_safe=True)
[docs] def stop_cronjobs(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Remove and ensure MediaWiki cronjobs are not present in the given DC. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to work on. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on failure. """ targets = self.get_maintenance_host(datacenter)'Disabling MediaWiki cronjobs in %s', datacenter) pkill_ok_codes = [0, 1] # Accept both matches and no matches targets.run_async( Command('crontab -u www-data -r', ok_codes=[]), # Cleanup the crontab # Kill all processes created by CRON for the www-data user Command('pkill -U www-data sh', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), # Kill MediaWiki wrappers, see modules/scap/manifests/scripts.pp in the Puppet repo Command('pkill --full "/usr/local/bin/foreachwiki"', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), Command('pkill --full "/usr/local/bin/foreachwikiindblist"', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), Command('pkill --full "/usr/local/bin/expanddblist"', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), Command('pkill --full "/usr/local/bin/mwscript"', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), Command('pkill --full "/usr/local/bin/mwscriptwikiset"', ok_codes=pkill_ok_codes), Command('killall -r php', ok_codes=[]), # Kill all remaining PHP processes for all users 'sleep 5', Command('killall -9 -r php', ok_codes=[]), # No more time to be gentle 'sleep 1', Command('systemctl start php7.2-fpm'), # Restart the PHP-FPM services that killed above ) self.check_cronjobs_disabled(datacenter) try: targets.run_sync('! pgrep -c php', is_safe=True) except RemoteExecutionError: # We just log an error, don't actually report a failure to the system. We can live with this. logger.error('Stray php processes still present on the maintenance host, please check')
@retry(tries=5, backoff_mode='constant', exceptions=(MediaWikiError, MediaWikiCheckError)) def _check_siteinfo(self, datacenter: str, checks: Dict[Tuple[str], Any]) -> None: """Check that a specific value in siteinfo matches the expected ones, retrying if doesn't match. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC where to query for siteinfo. checks (dict): dictionary of items to check, in which the keys are tuples with the path of keys to traverse the siteinfo dictionary to get the value and the values are the expected values to check. To check ``siteinfo[key1][key2]`` for a value ``value``, use:: {('key1', 'key2'): 'value'} Raises: MediaWikiError: if unable to get siteinfo or unable to traverse the siteinfo dictionary after all tries. MediaWikiCheckError: if the value doesn't match after all tries. """ try: siteinfo = self.get_siteinfo(datacenter) except Exception as e: raise MediaWikiError('Failed to get siteinfo') from e for path, expected in checks.items(): value = siteinfo.copy() # No need for deepcopy, it will not be modified for key in path: try: value = value[key] except (KeyError, TypeError) as e: raise MediaWikiError('Failed to traverse siteinfo for key {key}'.format(key=key)) from e if value != expected: raise MediaWikiCheckError("Expected '{expected}', got '{value}' for path: {path}".format( expected=expected, value=value, path=path)) def _check_siteinfo_dry_run_aware( self, datacenter: str, checks: Dict[Tuple[str, ...], Any], samples: int = 1 ) -> None: """Dry-run mode aware check_siteinfo. See check_siteinfo() documentation for more details. Arguments: datacenter (str): the DC where to query for siteinfo. checks (dict): dictionary of items to check, in which the keys are tuples with the path of keys to traverse the siteinfo dictionary to get the value and the values are the expected values to check. To check ``siteinfo[key1][key2]`` for a value ``value``, use:: {('key1', 'key2'): 'value'} samples (int, optional): the number of different calls to siteinfo to perform. Raises: MediaWikiError: if unable to get siteinfo or unable to traverse the siteinfo dictionary after all tries. MediaWikiCheckError: if the value doesn't match after all tries. """ if self._dry_run: logger.debug('Reset samples to check_siteinfo from %s to 1 in dry-run mode', samples) samples = 1 try: self.check_siteinfo(datacenter, checks, samples=samples) except (MediaWikiError, MediaWikiCheckError) as e: if self._dry_run: else: raise