Source code for spicerack.netbox

"""Netbox module."""
import logging
from typing import Dict

import pynetbox
from wmflib.requests import http_session

from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class NetboxError(SpicerackError): """General errors raised by this module."""
[docs]class NetboxAPIError(NetboxError): """Usually a wrapper for pynetbox.RequestError, errors that occur when accessing the API."""
[docs]class NetboxHostNotFoundError(NetboxError): """Raised when a host is not found for an operation."""
[docs]class Netbox: """Class which wraps Netbox API operations.""" def __init__(self, url: str, token: str, *, dry_run: bool = True): """Create Netbox instance. Arguments: url (str): The Netbox top level URL (with scheme and port if necessary) token (str): A Netbox API token dry_run (bool, optional): set to False to cause writes to Netbox to occur """ self._api = pynetbox.api(url, token=token) self._api.http_session = http_session(".".join((self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))) self._dry_run = dry_run @property def api(self) -> pynetbox.api: """Getter for the Netbox API property. Todo: When feasible expose instead higher level functionalities. Returns: pynetbox.api: the Netbox API instance. """ return self._api def _fetch_host(self, hostname: str) -> pynetbox.core.response.Record: """Fetch a host (dcim.devices) object. Arguments: hostname (str): the name of the host to fetch Returns: pynetbox.core.response.Record: the host object from the API Raises: NetboxAPIError: on API error NetboxError: on parameter error NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the host is not found """ try: host = self._api.dcim.devices.get(name=hostname) except pynetbox.RequestError as ex: # excepts on other errors raise NetboxAPIError("Error retrieving Netbox host") from ex if host is None: raise NetboxHostNotFoundError return host def _fetch_virtual_machine(self, hostname: str) -> pynetbox.core.response.Record: """Fetch a virrtual machine (virtualization.virtual_machine) object. Arguments: hostname (str): the name of the host to fetch Returns: pynetbox.core.response.Record: the host object from the API Raises: NetboxAPIError: on API error NetboxError: on parameter error NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the host is not found """ try: host = self._api.virtualization.virtual_machines.get(name=hostname) except pynetbox.RequestError as ex: # excepts on other errors raise NetboxAPIError("Error retrieving Netbox VM") from ex if host is None: raise NetboxHostNotFoundError return host
[docs] def put_host_status(self, hostname: str, status: str) -> None: """Set the device status. Note: This method does not operate on virtual machines since they are updated automatically from Ganeti into Netbox. Arguments: hostname (str): the name of the host to operate on status (str): A status label or name Raises: NetboxAPIError: on API error. NetboxError: on parameter error. """ status = status.lower() host = self._fetch_host(hostname) oldstatus = host.status if self._dry_run: "Skipping Netbox status update in DRY-RUN mode for host %s %s -> %s", hostname, oldstatus, status, ) return host.status = status try: save_result = except pynetbox.RequestError as ex: raise NetboxAPIError( "Failed to save Netbox status for host {} {} -> {}".format(hostname, oldstatus, status) ) from ex if save_result: "Netbox status updated for host %s %s -> %s", hostname, oldstatus, status, ) else: raise NetboxAPIError( "Failed to update Netbox status for host {} {} -> {}".format(hostname, oldstatus, status) )
[docs] def fetch_host_status(self, hostname: str) -> str: """Return the current status of a host as a string. Arguments: hostname (str): the name of the host status Returns: str: the normalized status name Raises: NetboxAPIError: on API error NetboxError: on parameter error NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the host is not found """ try: return self._fetch_host(hostname).status except NetboxHostNotFoundError: return self._fetch_virtual_machine(hostname).status
[docs] def fetch_host_detail(self, hostname: str) -> Dict: """Return a dict containing details about the host. Arguments: hostname (str): the name of the host to retrieve. Returns: dict: data about the host Raises: NetboxAPIError: on API error NetboxError: on parameter error NetboxHostNotFoundError: if the host is not found """ is_virtual = False vm_cluster = "N/A" try: host = self._fetch_host(hostname) except NetboxHostNotFoundError: host = self._fetch_virtual_machine(hostname) is_virtual = True vm_cluster = ret = host.serialize() ret["is_virtual"] = is_virtual ret["ganeti_cluster"] = vm_cluster return ret