Source code for spicerack.mysql_legacy

"""MySQL module (legacy).

    replace with a proper MySQL module that uses a Python MySQL client, preferably in a parallel way.

import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union

from ClusterShell.MsgTree import MsgTreeElem
from cumin import NodeSet

from spicerack.constants import CORE_DATACENTERS
from spicerack.decorators import retry
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError
from spicerack.remote import Remote, RemoteHostsAdapter

REPLICATION_ROLES: Tuple[str, ...] = ("master", "slave", "standalone")
"""tuple: list of valid replication roles."""
CORE_SECTIONS: Tuple[str, ...] = (
"""tuple: list of valid MySQL RW section names (external storage RO sections are not included here)."""
ACTIVE_ACTIVE_SECTIONS: Tuple[str] = ("x2",)
"""tuple: active/active sections that should not go read-only"""

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MysqlLegacyError(SpicerackError): """Custom exception class for errors of this module."""
[docs]class MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts(RemoteHostsAdapter): """Custom RemoteHosts class to execute MySQL queries."""
[docs] def run_query( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, query: str, database: str = "", success_threshold: float = 1.0, batch_size: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, batch_sleep: Optional[float] = None, is_safe: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[NodeSet, MsgTreeElem]]: """Execute the query via Remote. Arguments: query (str): the mysql query to be executed. Double quotes must be already escaped. database (str, optional): an optional MySQL database to connect to before executing the query. success_threshold (float, optional): to consider the execution successful, must be between 0.0 and 1.0. batch_size (int, str, optional): the batch size for cumin, either as percentage (e.g. ``25%``) or absolute number (e.g. ``5``). batch_sleep (float, optional): the batch sleep in seconds to use in Cumin before scheduling the next host. is_safe (bool, optional): whether the command is safe to run also in dry-run mode because it's a read-only command that doesn't modify the state. Returns: generator: as returned by :py:meth:`cumin.transports.BaseWorker.get_results`. Raises: RemoteExecutionError: if the Cumin execution returns a non-zero exit code. """ command = 'mysql --skip-ssl --skip-column-names --batch -e "{query}" {database}'.format( query=query, database=database ).strip() return self._remote_hosts.run_sync( command, success_threshold=success_threshold, batch_size=batch_size, batch_sleep=batch_sleep, is_safe=is_safe, )
[docs]class MysqlLegacy: """Class to manage MySQL servers.""" heartbeat_query = ( "SELECT ts FROM heartbeat.heartbeat WHERE datacenter = '{dc}' and shard = '{section}' " "ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1" ) """str: Query pattern to check the heartbeat for a given datacenter and section.""" def __init__(self, remote: Remote, dry_run: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize the instance. Arguments: remote (spicerack.remote.Remote): the Remote instance. dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN. """ self._remote = remote self._dry_run = dry_run
[docs] def get_dbs(self, query: str) -> MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts: """Get a MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts instance for the matching hosts. Arguments: query (str): the Remote query to use to fetch the DB hosts. Returns: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts: an instance with the remote targets. """ return MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts(self._remote.query(query))
[docs] def get_core_dbs( self, *, datacenter: Optional[str] = None, section: Optional[str] = None, replication_role: Optional[str] = None, excludes: Tuple[str, ...] = () ) -> MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts: """Find the core databases matching the parameters. Arguments: datacenter (str, optional): the name of the datacenter to filter for, accepted values are those specified in :py:data:`spicerack.constants.CORE_DATACENTERS`. replication_role (str, optional): the repication role to filter for, accepted values are those specified in :py:data:`spicerack.mysql_legacy.REPLICATION_ROLES`. section (str, optional): a specific section to filter for, accepted values are those specified in :py:data:`spicerack.mysql_legacy.CORE_SECTIONS`. excludes (Tuple[str, ...]): sections to exclude from getting Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on invalid data or unexpected matching hosts. Returns: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts: an instance with the remote targets. """ query_parts = ["A:db-core"] dc_multipler = len(CORE_DATACENTERS) section_multiplier = len(CORE_SECTIONS) if datacenter is not None: dc_multipler = 1 if datacenter not in CORE_DATACENTERS: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Got invalid datacenter {dc}, accepted values are: {dcs}".format( dc=datacenter, dcs=CORE_DATACENTERS ) ) query_parts.append("A:" + datacenter) for exclude in excludes: if exclude not in CORE_SECTIONS: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Got invalid excludes {section}, accepted values are: {sections}".format( section=exclude, sections=CORE_SECTIONS ) ) section_multiplier -= 1 query_parts.append("not A:db-section-{section}".format(section=exclude)) if section is not None: section_multiplier = 1 if section not in CORE_SECTIONS: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Got invalid section {section}, accepted values are: {sections}".format( section=section, sections=CORE_SECTIONS ) ) query_parts.append("A:db-section-{section}".format(section=section)) if replication_role is not None: if replication_role not in REPLICATION_ROLES: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Got invalid replication_role {role}, accepted values are: {roles}".format( role=replication_role, roles=REPLICATION_ROLES ) ) query_parts.append("A:db-role-{role}".format(role=replication_role)) mysql_hosts = MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts(self._remote.query(" and ".join(query_parts))) # Sanity check of matched hosts in case of master selection if replication_role == "master" and len(mysql_hosts) != dc_multipler * section_multiplier: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Matched {matched} masters, expected {expected}".format( matched=len(mysql_hosts), expected=dc_multipler * section_multiplier ) ) return mysql_hosts
[docs] def set_core_masters_readonly(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Set the core masters in read-only. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to filter for. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on Remote failures. spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failing to verify the modified value. """ logger.debug("Setting core DB masters in %s to be read-only", datacenter) target = self.get_core_dbs(datacenter=datacenter, replication_role="master", excludes=ACTIVE_ACTIVE_SECTIONS) target.run_query("SET GLOBAL read_only=1") self.verify_core_masters_readonly(datacenter, True)
[docs] def set_core_masters_readwrite(self, datacenter: str) -> None: """Set the core masters in read-write. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to filter for. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on Remote failures. spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failing to verify the modified value. """ logger.debug("Setting core DB masters in %s to be read-write", datacenter) target = self.get_core_dbs(datacenter=datacenter, replication_role="master", excludes=ACTIVE_ACTIVE_SECTIONS) target.run_query("SET GLOBAL read_only=0") self.verify_core_masters_readonly(datacenter, False)
[docs] def verify_core_masters_readonly(self, datacenter: str, is_read_only: bool) -> None: """Verify that the core masters are in read-only or read-write mode. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter to filter for. is_read_only (bool): whether the read-only mode should be set or not. Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failure. """ logger.debug( "Verifying core DB masters in %s have read-only=%d", datacenter, is_read_only, ) target = self.get_core_dbs(datacenter=datacenter, replication_role="master", excludes=ACTIVE_ACTIVE_SECTIONS) expected = str(int(is_read_only)) # Convert it to the returned value from MySQL: 1 or 0. failed = False for nodeset, output in target.run_query("SELECT @@global.read_only", is_safe=True): response = output.message().decode() if response != expected: logger.error( "Expected output to be '%s', got '%s' for hosts %s", expected, response, str(nodeset), ) failed = True if failed and not self._dry_run: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Verification failed that core DB masters in {dc} have read-only={ro}".format( dc=datacenter, ro=is_read_only ) )
[docs] def check_core_masters_in_sync(self, dc_from: str, dc_to: str) -> None: """Check that all core masters in dc_to are in sync with the core masters in dc_from. Arguments: dc_from (str): the name of the datacenter from where to get the master positions. dc_to (str): the name of the datacenter where to check that they are in sync. Raises: spicerack.remote.RemoteExecutionError: on failure. """ logger.debug("Waiting for the core DB masters in %s to catch up", dc_to) heartbeats = self.get_core_masters_heartbeats(dc_from, dc_from) self.check_core_masters_heartbeats(dc_to, dc_from, heartbeats)
[docs] def get_core_masters_heartbeats(self, datacenter: str, heartbeat_dc: str) -> Dict[str, datetime]: """Get the current heartbeat values from core DB masters in DC for a given heartbeat DC. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter from where to get the heartbeat values. heartbeat_dc (str): the name of the datacenter for which to filter the heartbeat query. Returns: dict: a dictionary with the section name :py:class:`str` as keys and their heartbeat :py:class:`datetime.datetime` as values. For example:: {'s1': datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 123456)} Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failure to gather the heartbeat or convert it into a datetime. """ heartbeats = {} for section in CORE_SECTIONS: core_dbs = self.get_core_dbs(datacenter=datacenter, section=section, replication_role="master") heartbeats[section] = MysqlLegacy._get_heartbeat(core_dbs, section, heartbeat_dc) return heartbeats
[docs] def check_core_masters_heartbeats( self, datacenter: str, heartbeat_dc: str, heartbeats: Dict[str, datetime] ) -> None: """Check the current heartbeat values in the core DB masters in DC are in sync with the provided heartbeats. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter from where to get the heartbeat values. heartbeat_dc (str): the name of the datacenter for which to filter the heartbeat query. heartbeats (dict): a dictionary with the section name :py:class:`str` as keys and heartbeat :py:class:`datetime.datetime` for each core section as values. Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failure to gather the heartbeat or convert it into a datetime. """ for section, heartbeat in heartbeats.items(): self._check_core_master_in_sync(datacenter, heartbeat_dc, section, heartbeat)
@retry(exceptions=(MysqlLegacyError,)) def _check_core_master_in_sync( self, datacenter: str, heartbeat_dc: str, section: str, parent_heartbeat: datetime, ) -> None: """Check and retry that the heartbeat value in a core DB master in DC is in sync with the provided heartbeat. Arguments: datacenter (str): the name of the datacenter from where to get the heartbeat value. heartbeat_dc (str): the name of the datacenter for which to filter the heartbeat query. section (str): the section name from where to get the heartbeat value and filter the heartbeat query. master_heartbeat (datetime.datetime): the reference heartbeat from the parent master to use to verify this master is in sync with it. Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failure to gather the heartbeat or convert it into a datetime or not yet in sync. """ core_dbs = self.get_core_dbs(datacenter=datacenter, section=section, replication_role="master") local_heartbeat = MysqlLegacy._get_heartbeat(core_dbs, section, heartbeat_dc) # The check requires that local_heartbeat is stricly greater than parent_heartbeat because heartbeat writes also # when the DB is in read-only mode and has a granularity of 1s (as of 2018-09), meaning that an event could have # been written after the last heartbeat but before the DB was set in read-only mode and that event could not # have been replicated, hence checking the next heartbeat to ensure they are in sync. if local_heartbeat <= parent_heartbeat: delta = (local_heartbeat - parent_heartbeat).total_seconds() raise MysqlLegacyError( ( "Heartbeat from master {host} for section {section} not yet in sync: " "{hb} <= {master_hb} (delta={delta})" ).format( host=core_dbs, section=section, hb=local_heartbeat, master_hb=parent_heartbeat, delta=delta, ) ) @staticmethod def _get_heartbeat(mysql_hosts: MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts, section: str, heartbeat_dc: str) -> datetime: """Get the heartbeat from the remote host for a given DC. Arguments: mysql_hosts (spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyRemoteHosts): the instance for the target DB to query. section (str): the DB section for which to get the heartbeat. heartbeat_dc (str): the name of the datacenter for which to filter the heartbeat query. Returns: datetime.datetime: the converted heartbeat. Raises: spicerack.mysql_legacy.MysqlLegacyError: on failure to gather the heartbeat or convert it into a datetime. """ query = MysqlLegacy.heartbeat_query.format(dc=heartbeat_dc, section=section) for _, output in mysql_hosts.run_query(query, is_safe=True): try: heartbeat_str = output.message().decode() heartbeat = datetime.strptime(heartbeat_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") break except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Unable to convert heartbeat '{hb}' into datetime".format(hb=heartbeat_str) ) from e else: raise MysqlLegacyError( "Unable to get heartbeat from master {host} for section {section}".format( host=mysql_hosts, section=section ) ) return heartbeat