Source code for spicerack.reposync

"""Manage updates to automated git repositories."""
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Generator, Optional

from git import Actor, Repo
from git.exc import GitError
from git.remote import PushInfo
from wmflib.interactive import ask_confirmation

from spicerack.constants import KEYHOLDER_SOCK
from spicerack.exceptions import SpicerackError
from spicerack.remote import RemoteHosts

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RepoSyncError(SpicerackError): """Exception raised for push errors."""
[docs]class RepoSyncPushError(RepoSyncError): """Exception raised for push errors."""
[docs]class RepoSyncNoChangeError(RepoSyncError): """Exception raised for push errors."""
[docs]class RepoSync: """Class for syncing git repos.""" _data_subdir: str = "data" _email: str = "" def __init__(self, repo: Repo, username: str, remote_hosts: RemoteHosts, *, dry_run: bool) -> None: """Initialise the object. Arguments: repo (git.repo.base.Repo): the path to the repo username (str): The username making the change remote_hosts (spicerack.remote.RemoteHosts): A remotes hosts object pointing to all git remote servers. The servers are expected to have a valid KEYHOLDER_SOCK configured dry_run (bool): don't preform any write actions """ self._hexsha: Optional[str] = None self._username = username self._remote_hosts = remote_hosts self._dry_run = dry_run self._repo = repo self._author = Actor(self._username, self._email) @property def hexsha(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the hexsha of the last commit.""" return self._hexsha def _commit(self, working_repo: Repo, message: str) -> None: """Commit files in working repo. Arguments: working_repo (git.repo.base.Repo): The working git repo message (str): the commit message Raises: spicerack.reposync.RepoSyncNoChangeError: if no changes detected spicerack.reposync.RepoSyncError: If no hexsha returned for commit """ # Don't use working_repo.index.add(".") as it adds the .git folder # working_repo.git.add(A=True) if working_repo.head.is_valid() and not working_repo.index.diff(working_repo.head.commit): raise RepoSyncNoChangeError("Nothing to commit") commit = working_repo.index.commit(message, author=self._author, committer=self._author) if not isinstance(commit.hexsha, str): raise RepoSyncError("No valid commit hexsha from commit")"Committed changes: %s", commit.hexsha) self._hexsha = commit.hexsha def _push(self, working_repo: Repo) -> None: """Push the committed changes to the repository's remote. Arguments: working_repo (git.repo.base.Repo): the repository with the commit to push. Raises: spicerack.reposync.RepoSyncPushError: if there was an error pushing """ if self._dry_run:"Would have pushed commit") return old_ssh_auth_sock = os.getenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK") os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] = KEYHOLDER_SOCK try: for remote in working_repo.remotes: logger.debug("Attempt push to: %s", remote) try: # TODO: later versions of git python have raise_if_error push_info_list = remote.push() for push_info in push_info_list: msg = f"bitflags {push_info.flags}: {push_info.summary.strip()}" if push_info.flags & PushInfo.ERROR == PushInfo.ERROR: raise RepoSyncPushError(f"Error pushing to {remote}: {msg}") # remote.push returns an empty list on error except (StopIteration, GitError) as error: raise RepoSyncPushError(f"Error pushing to {remote}: {error}") from error"Pushed to %s", remote) finally: if old_ssh_auth_sock is None: del os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] else: os.environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] = old_ssh_auth_sock def _update_local(self, working_dir: Path, message: str) -> None: """Update the repo with data from fetch_data. Arguments: working_dir (pathlib.Path): The temporary directory used to build diffs message (str): the commit message """ repo_dir = working_dir / "repo" data_dir = working_dir / self._data_subdir working_repo = self._repo.clone(repo_dir) # Delete all existing files to ensure removal of stale data working_repo.git.rm("./", r=True, ignore_unmatch=True) # TODO: on python >= 3.8 we can use shutil.copytree with dirs_exist_ok=True copy_tree(str(data_dir), str(repo_dir), preserve_symlinks=1) self._commit(working_repo, message) print(["--color=always", "HEAD"])) ask_confirmation(f"Ok to push changes to {self._repo.common_dir}") self._push(working_repo)
[docs] @contextmanager def update(self, message: str) -> Generator: """Context manager for updating a temporary directory with new data. The context manager will create and yield a temporary directory. Users should populate this directory with fresh data to be committed to the main repository. Arguments: message (str): the commit message Yields: pathlib.Path: temporary directory to populate with data intended for the git repo Raises: spicerack.reposync.RepoSyncError: if unable to update local repo """ with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: working_dir = Path(tmp_dir) data_dir = working_dir / self._data_subdir data_dir.mkdir() yield data_dir try: next(data_dir.iterdir()) except StopIteration: raise RepoSyncError("No data written to data directory") from None try: self._update_local(working_dir, message) except RepoSyncNoChangeError as error: return logger.debug("Push to remotes: %s", self._repo.remotes) self._push(self._repo)