
Kubernetes module.

exception spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackError

Custom error class for errors interacting with the kubernetes api.

exception spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiTooManyRequests[source]

Bases: spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiError

Custom error class for HTTP TooManyRequest errors when interacting with the kubernetes api.

exception spicerack.k8s.KubernetesCheckError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackCheckError

Custom error class for errors checking kubernetes resources.

exception spicerack.k8s.KubernetesError[source]

Bases: spicerack.exceptions.SpicerackError

Custom error class for errors in running the kubernetes module.

class spicerack.k8s.Kubernetes(group: str, cluster: str, *, dry_run: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

High-level interface for interacting with the kubernetes api from spicerack.

Initialize the instance.

  • group (string) -- the cluster group we want to operate on

  • cluster (string) -- the cluster we're operating on

  • dry_run (bool) -- if true, no write operations will happen.

get_node(name: str) spicerack.k8s.KubernetesNode[source]

Get an object for a kubernetes node.


name (string) -- the name of the node




spicerack.kubernetes.KubernetesApiError if the node is not found on the cluster. --

get_pod(namespace: str, name: str) spicerack.k8s.KubernetesPod[source]

Get an object for a kubernetes pod.

  • name (string) -- the name of the pod

  • namespace (string) -- the namespace the pod is in




spicerack.kubernetes.KubernetesApiError if the pod is not found on the cluster --

class spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiFactory(cluster: str)[source]

Bases: object

Provides kubernetes object classes easy access to the API.

Initialize the instace.


cluster (string) -- the cluster we're operating on

configuration(user: str) kubernetes.client.configuration.Configuration[source]

Provide the configuration for a specific user.


user (string) -- the user to fetch the configuration for.


the configuration for the specified user.

Return type



KubernetesError if the user or the configuration are invalid --

core(*, user: str = 'admin') kubernetes.client.api.core_v1_api.CoreV1Api[source]

Return an instance of the core api correctly configured.


user (string) -- the user to use for authentication

class spicerack.k8s.KubernetesNode(fqdn: str, api: spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiFactory, dry_run: bool = True, init_obj: Optional[kubernetes.client.models.v1_node.V1Node] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Encapsulates actions on a kubernetes node.

Initialize the instance.

  • fqdn (string) -- the fqdn of the node.

  • api (KubernetesApiFactory) -- the api factory we're going to use.

  • dry_run (bool) -- if true, no write operations will happen.

  • init_obj (kubernetes.client.models.v1_node.V1Node) -- if not None, this api object will be used, instead of fetching it from the api.

cordon() None[source]

Makes the node unschedulable.

  • KubernetesApiError if the call to the api failed --

  • KubernetesCheckError if the node wasn't set to unschedulable --

drain() None[source]

Drains the node, analogous to kubectl drain.


KubernetesCheckError if we can't evict all pods --

get_pods() List[spicerack.k8s.KubernetesPod][source]

Get the pods running on this node.

is_schedulable() bool[source]

Checks if a node is schedulable or not.


bool true if payloads can be scheduled on the node, false otherwise.

refresh() None[source]

Refresh the api object from the kubernetes api server.

uncordon() None[source]

Makes a node schedulable.

  • KubernetesApiError if the call to the api failed --

  • KubernetesCheckError if the node wasn't set to unschedulable --

property name: str

The name of the node.


the name of the node.

Return type


property taints: List[kubernetes.client.models.v1_taint.V1Taint]

The taints of the node.


the taints of the node.

Return type


class spicerack.k8s.KubernetesPod(namespace: str, name: str, api: spicerack.k8s.KubernetesApiFactory, dry_run: bool = True, init_obj: Optional[kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Encapsulates actions on a kubernetes pod.

Initialize the pod isntance.

  • namespace (string) -- the namespace where the pod is located.

  • name (string) -- the name of the pod

  • api (KubernetesApiFactory) -- the api factory we're going to use.

  • dry_run (bool) -- if true, no write operations will happen.

  • init_obj (kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod.V1Pod) -- if not None, this api object will be used, instead of fetching it from the api.

evict() None[source]

Submit an eviction request to the kubernetes api for this pod.

  • KubernetesApiTooManyRequests in case of a persistent HTTP 429 from the server. --

  • KubernetesApiError in case of a bad response from the server. --

  • KubernetesError if the pod is not evictable. --

is_daemonset() bool[source]

Checks if the pod is part of a daemonset.


bool true if it is a daemonset, false otherwise.

is_evictable() bool[source]

Check if the pod can be evicted.


bool true if this pod can be evicted, false otherwise.

is_mirror() bool[source]

Check if the pod is a mirror pod.


bool true if this is a mirror pod, false otherwise.

is_terminated() bool[source]

Checks if the pod is terminated.


bool true if the pod is not running, false otherwise.

refresh() None[source]

Refresh the api object from the kubernetes api server.

property controller: Optional[kubernetes.client.models.v1_owner_reference.V1OwnerReference]

Get the reference to the controlling object, if any.


the reference.

Return type


property spec: kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod_spec.V1PodSpec

Acess the pod's spec.


kubernetes.client.models.v1_pod_spec.V1PodSpec the pod spec