
Netbox module.

exception spicerack.netbox.NetboxAPIError[source]

Bases: NetboxError

Usually a wrapper for pynetbox.RequestError, errors that occur when accessing the API.

exception spicerack.netbox.NetboxError[source]

Bases: SpicerackError

General errors raised by this module.

exception spicerack.netbox.NetboxHostNotFoundError[source]

Bases: NetboxError

Raised when a host is not found for an operation.

class spicerack.netbox.Netbox(url: str, token: str, *, dry_run: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Class which wraps Netbox API operations.

Create Netbox instance.

  • url (str) -- The Netbox top level URL (with scheme and port if necessary).

  • token (str) -- A Netbox API token.

  • dry_run (bool, default: True) -- set to False to cause writes to Netbox to occur.

get_server(hostname: str) spicerack.netbox.NetboxServer[source]

Return a NetboxServer instance for the given hostname.


hostname (str) -- the device hostname.

Return type:


property api: Api

Get the pynetbox instance to interact directly with Netbox APIs.


When feasible use higher level functionalities.

class spicerack.netbox.NetboxServer(*, api: pynetbox.core.api.Api, server: pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices | pynetbox.models.virtualization.VirtualMachines, dry_run: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Represent a Netbox device of role server or a virtual machine.

Initialize the instance.

  • api (pynetbox.core.api.Api) -- the API instance to connect to Netbox.

  • server (typing.Union[pynetbox.models.dcim.Devices, pynetbox.models.virtualization.VirtualMachines]) -- the server object.


spicerack.netbox.NetboxError -- if the device is not of type server.

as_dict() dict[source]

Return a dict containing details about the server.

Return type:


allowed_status_transitions: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {'active': ('failed', 'decommissioned'), 'decommissioned': ('planned', 'spare'), 'failed': ('spare', 'planned', 'active', 'decommissioned'), 'planned': ('active', 'failed', 'decommissioned'), 'spare': ('planned', 'failed', 'decommissioned')}

Allowed transition between Netbox statuses. See

property asset_tag_fqdn: str

Return the management FQDN for the asset tag of the device.


spicerack.netbox.NetboxError -- for virtual servers or the server has no management FQDN defined in Netbox.

property fqdn: str

Return the FQDN of the device.


spicerack.netbox.NetboxError -- if the server has no FQDN defined in Netbox.

property mgmt_fqdn: str

Return the management FQDN of the device.


spicerack.netbox.NetboxError -- for virtual servers or the server has no management FQDN defined in Netbox.

property status: str

Get and set the server status.

Modifying its value can be done only on physical devices and only between allowed transitions.

The allowed transitions are defined in spicerack.netbox.Netbox.allowed_status_transitions.


value -- the name of the status to be set. It will be lower cased automatically.


spicerack.netbox.NetboxError -- if trying to set it on a virtual device or the status transision is not allowed.

property virtual: bool

Getter to check if the server is physical or virtual.


True if the server is virtual, False if physical.

spicerack.netbox.MANAGEMENT_IFACE_NAME: str = 'mgmt'

The interface name used in Netbox for the OOB network.

spicerack.netbox.SERVER_ROLE_SLUG: str = 'server'

Netbox role to identify servers.