package org.wikidata.query.rdf.blazegraph.inline.literal;
import org.openrdf.model.URI;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.common.WikibasePoint;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.common.WikibasePoint.CoordinateOrder;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.common.uri.GeoSparql;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.common.uri.UrisSchemeFactory;
import com.bigdata.rdf.internal.IV;
import com.bigdata.rdf.internal.gis.ICoordinate.UNITS;
import com.bigdata.rdf.internal.impl.literal.XSDNumericIV;
import com.bigdata.rdf.model.BigdataValueFactory;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.DummyConstantNode;
import com.bigdata.service.geospatial.GeoSpatialSearchException;
import com.bigdata.service.geospatial.IGeoSpatialLiteralSerializer;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
* Serializer class for WKT format.
* See https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=47664
* and http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.3SVN/ch04.html
* Internal storage follows longitude-latitude order for this format.
public class WKTSerializer implements IGeoSpatialLiteralSerializer {
* Serializer ID.
justification = "We need to keep serialVersionUID for blazegraph correctness sake.")
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8893919944620967416L;
* Prefix for globe URIs.
private static final String URL_PREFIX = UrisSchemeFactory.getURISystem().entityIdToURI("Q");
// FIXME: we need a way to handle non-wikidata URIs
* This is put in coordinate field when there's no globe.
public static final String NO_GLOBE = System.getProperty(
WKTSerializer.class.getName() + ".noGlobe", "0");
* Default globe URI.
public static final String DEFAULT_GLOBE = URL_PREFIX + NO_GLOBE;
* URI of the wkt literal datatype.
private static final URI WKT_LITERAL_URI = new URIImpl(GeoSparql.WKT_LITERAL);
public String fromComponents(Object[] components) {
if (components == null)
return "";
if (components.length != 3)
throw new GeoSpatialSearchException(
"Expected component string of lenth 3, but was " + components.length);
String[] strComponents = new String[3];
strComponents[0] = components[0].toString();
strComponents[1] = components[1].toString();
strComponents[2] = components[2].toString();
WikibasePoint point;
if (strComponents[2].equals(NO_GLOBE)) {
point = new WikibasePoint(strComponents, null, CoordinateOrder.LONG_LAT);
} else {
point = new WikibasePoint(strComponents, URL_PREFIX + strComponents[2], CoordinateOrder.LONG_LAT);
return point.toString();
* Cut off prefix for the coordinate system URI.
* E.g. http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q
public String trimCoordURI(String uri) {
if (!uri.startsWith(URL_PREFIX)) {
throw new GeoSpatialSearchException("Invalid coordinate URI for the WKT value");
return uri.substring(URL_PREFIX.length());
public String[] toComponents(String literalString) {
if (literalString == null) {
return new String[0];
String[] comps = new String[3];
WikibasePoint point = new WikibasePoint(literalString);
// Should be in sync with RWStore.properties config
// and AbstractRandomizedBlazegraphStorageTestCase.java
comps[0] = point.getLongitude();
comps[1] = point.getLatitude();
String globe = point.getGlobe();
comps[2] = globe != null ? trimCoordURI(globe) : NO_GLOBE;
return comps;
public IV<?, ?> serializeCoordSystem(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object coordinateSystem) {
// Returns URI with prefix, so you can match it with entities
return DummyConstantNode.toDummyIV(vf.createURI(URL_PREFIX + coordinateSystem));
public IV<?, ?> serializeCustomFields(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object... arg1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Custom fields are not supported for this format");
public IV<?, ?> serializeLatitude(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object latitude) {
return new XSDNumericIV((Double)latitude);
public IV<?, ?> serializeLocation(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object lat, Object lon) {
// FIXME: this does not look really useful. Maybe needs to produce exception too.
WikibasePoint p = new WikibasePoint(new String[] {lat.toString(), lon.toString()},
null, CoordinateOrder.LAT_LONG);
return DummyConstantNode.toDummyIV(vf.createLiteral(p.toString(), WKT_LITERAL_URI));
public IV<?, ?> serializeLocationAndTime(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object latitude,
Object longitude, Object time) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time fields are not supported for this format");
public IV<?, ?> serializeLongitude(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object longitude) {
return new XSDNumericIV((Double)longitude);
public IV<?, ?> serializeTime(BigdataValueFactory vf, Object time) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time fields are not supported for this format");
public IV<?, ?> serializeDistance(final BigdataValueFactory vf, final Double distance, final UNITS unit) {
// TODO: implement units support
return new XSDNumericIV(Math.round(distance * 1000) / 1000.0);