package org.wikidata.query.rdf.blazegraph;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.blazegraph.label.LabelService;
import org.wikidata.query.rdf.common.uri.Ontology;
import com.bigdata.bop.BOp;
import com.bigdata.bop.IBindingSet;
import com.bigdata.bop.IVariable;
import com.bigdata.bop.Var;
import com.bigdata.rdf.model.BigdataValue;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.ArbitraryLengthPathNode;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.AssignmentNode;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.IBindingProducerNode;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.JoinGroupNode;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.NamedSubqueryInclude;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.StaticAnalysis;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.SubqueryBase;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.eval.AST2BOpContext;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.optimizers.AbstractJoinGroupOptimizer;
import com.bigdata.rdf.sparql.ast.service.ServiceNode;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
* Finds appropriate placement for SERVICE clause.
* The placement depends on which variables are used and projected in the SERVICE clause.
public abstract class WikidataServicePlacementOptimizer extends AbstractJoinGroupOptimizer {
* Annotations for LabelService optimizers.
* Stores list of vars incoming (objects to be labeled) and outgoing (labels) for the service clause.
protected static final String WIKIDATA_SERVICE_IN_VARS = "WikidataService.inVars";
protected static final String WIKIDATA_SERVICE_OUT_VARS = "WikidataService.outVars";
* URI for service optimizer hint parameter to disable reordering. Usage: inside
* service clause add: bd:serviceParam wikibase:disableReordering true.
public static final URIImpl DISABLE_REORDERING = new URIImpl(Ontology.NAMESPACE + "disableReordering");
* Annotation to store optimizer hint for disabling reordering.
public static final String DISABLE_REORDERING_ANNOTATION = LabelService.class.getName() + ".disableReordering";
protected void optimizeJoinGroup(AST2BOpContext ctx, StaticAnalysis sa, IBindingSet[] bSets, JoinGroupNode op) {
getServiceNodes(op, getServiceKey()).forEach(service -> {
// Skip optimizer if service node marked with None optimizer param
if (TRUE.equals(service.annotations().get(DISABLE_REORDERING_ANNOTATION))) {
processProjection(sa, service);
// Rearrange ServiceNode to the latest possible position to allow for assignment and other projecting
// nodes to see variables projected by service node
int lastJoinIndex = findLatestPossiblePositionForTheServiceNode(sa, service, op);
op.addArg(lastJoinIndex + 1, service);
private static Stream<ServiceNode> getServiceNodes(JoinGroupNode join, String prefix) {
return join.getServiceNodes().stream().filter(node -> {
final BigdataValue serviceRef = node.getServiceRef().getValue();
return serviceRef != null && serviceRef.stringValue().startsWith(prefix);
private int findLatestPossiblePositionForTheServiceNode(StaticAnalysis sa, BOp serviceNode,
final JoinGroupNode joinGroup) {
int lastJoinIndex = -1;
// Retrieve inVars from annotations. If no WIKIDATA_SERVICE_IN_VARS annotation provided
// (which occurs on first run of LabelServicePlacementOptimizer), we still need to
// traverse the tree, as there might be NamedSubqueryInclude, which might
// be producing variables for ServiceNode.
Object inVarsObject = serviceNode.annotations().get(WIKIDATA_SERVICE_IN_VARS);
Set<IVariable<?>> inVars = inVarsObject instanceof Set ? (Set<IVariable<?>>) inVarsObject : Collections.emptySet();
for (int i = joinGroup.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
BOp child = joinGroup.get(i);
if (child != serviceNode && child instanceof IBindingProducerNode) {
// We could not just place the service node after the last node producing bindings,
// as it might be based on the service call projection,
// so we are skipping nodes in bottom up direction until any node
// will touch any inbound var for the service
if (checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, child, inVars)) {
lastJoinIndex = i;
return lastJoinIndex;
* Check if this node - or its subnodes - bind any of the vars in the set.
private boolean checkIfNodeProducesVars(StaticAnalysis sa, BOp node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
if (node.args() != null) {
for (BOp arg: node.args()) {
if (checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, arg, projectedVars)) {
return true;
return checkIfSpecificNodeProducesVars(sa, node, projectedVars);
private boolean checkIfSpecificNodeProducesVars(StaticAnalysis sa, BOp node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
if (node instanceof Var<?>) {
return projectedVars.contains(node);
} else if (node instanceof AssignmentNode) {
return checkAssignmentNode((AssignmentNode) node, projectedVars);
} else if (node instanceof JoinGroupNode) {
return checkJoinGroupNode(sa, (JoinGroupNode) node, projectedVars);
} else if (node instanceof ArbitraryLengthPathNode) {
return checkArbitraryLengthPathNode(sa, (ArbitraryLengthPathNode) node, projectedVars);
} else if (node instanceof SubqueryBase) {
return checkSubqueryBase(sa, (SubqueryBase) node, projectedVars);
} else if (node instanceof NamedSubqueryInclude) {
// We could not access NamedSubqueryInclude projection from this point, it holds only
// string name of the named query. Also, due to bottom-up evaluation semantics, any named
// subquery are logically evaluated first, so we need to place any service nodes afterwards.
return true;
} else if (node instanceof ServiceNode) {
return checkServiceNode(sa, (ServiceNode) node, projectedVars);
return false;
private boolean checkServiceNode(StaticAnalysis sa, ServiceNode node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
Set<IVariable<?>> serviceVars = sa.getMaybeProducedBindings(node);
for (IVariable<?> serviceVar: serviceVars) {
if (checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, serviceVar, projectedVars)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkSubqueryBase(StaticAnalysis sa, SubqueryBase node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
return checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, node.getProjection(), projectedVars);
private boolean checkArbitraryLengthPathNode(StaticAnalysis sa, ArbitraryLengthPathNode node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
BOp left = node.left();
BOp right = node.right();
return checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, left, projectedVars) || checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, right, projectedVars);
justification = "This function's purpose is to check JoinGroupNode instances only")
private boolean checkJoinGroupNode(StaticAnalysis sa, JoinGroupNode node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
for (BOp child: node) {
if (checkIfNodeProducesVars(sa, child, projectedVars)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean checkAssignmentNode(AssignmentNode node, Set<IVariable<?>> projectedVars) {
if (projectedVars.contains(node.getVar())) {
return true;
for (IVariable<?> v: node.getConsumedVars()) {
if (projectedVars.contains(v)) {
return true;
return false;
* Process the projection clause.
protected abstract void processProjection(StaticAnalysis sa, ServiceNode serviceNode);
* The URI of the service being processed.
protected abstract String getServiceKey();