
package org.wikidata.query.rdf.mwoauth;

import static javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.FORBIDDEN;
import static javax.ws.rs.core.Response.status;
import static javax.ws.rs.core.Response.temporaryRedirect;

import java.io.DataInput;
import java.io.DataOutput;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.ws.rs.CookieParam;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.HeaderParam;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
import javax.ws.rs.core.CacheControl;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Cookie;
import javax.ws.rs.core.NewCookie;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;

import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;

import com.github.scribejava.apis.MediaWikiApi;
import com.github.scribejava.core.builder.ServiceBuilder;
import com.github.scribejava.core.model.OAuth1AccessToken;
import com.github.scribejava.core.model.OAuth1RequestToken;
import com.github.scribejava.core.oauth.OAuth10aService;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;

import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;

 * Provides an authentication workflow via mediawiki OAuth 1.0
 * Authorizing a request:
 *  - Auth request comes in to /check_auth. Looks for SESSION_COOKIE_NAME in
 *    the http cookies, if available we attempt to validate as a JWT token.
 *    If valid responds 200 ok, all other conditions return 403 not-authorized.
 *  Creating a new authentication token:
 *  - Initial request comes in to /check_login.
 *  - Look for OAUTH_COOKIE_NAME in the http cookies, if available attempt to use
 *    this value to sign and perform an identify request. If valid issue a new JWT token.
 *  - Otherwise, the proxy creates a unique request token, caches it, and then
 *    provides the user a redirect to MW oauth api including the request token.
 *  - MW will, on successful auth, send the user back to /oauth_verify. The proxy
 *    will lookup the cached request token and provide it along with mw provided
 *    params to the oauth service for verification. On success issues an
 *    irrevocable time-limited access token in SESSION_COOKIE_NAME and stores
 *    the oauth access token in AUTH_COOKIE_NAME.
//Multiple classes and annotations from both auth and jax-rs are needed,
// I don't see much point in splitting the service
public class OAuthProxyService {

    public static final String SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = "wcqsSession";
    public static final String OAUTH_COOKIE_NAME = "wcqsOauth";
    private static final int OAUTH_COOKIE_EXPIRE_AFTER = (int)Duration.ofDays(3650).getSeconds();

    private ServletConfig servletConfig;

    private OAuth10aService service;
    private OAuthIdentifyService identify;
    // Sessions that are authenticating with the oauth provider
    private KaskSessionStore<PreAuthSessionState> preAuthSessions;
    private String wikiLogoutLink;
    private String sessionKeyPrefix;
    private String successRedirect;
    private TimeLimitedAccessTokenFactory authTokenFactory;
    private Set<String> bannedUsernames;
    private Duration expireAfter;
    private CacheControl noCache;

    static class PreAuthSessionState {
        public final OAuth1RequestToken token;
        public final Optional<URI> returnUri;

        PreAuthSessionState(OAuth1RequestToken token, Optional<URI> returnUri) {
            this.token = token;
            this.returnUri = returnUri;

    public void init() {
        OAuthProxyConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthProxyConfig(servletConfig);
        OAuth10aService oauthService = new ServiceBuilder(oauthConfig.consumerKey())
            .build(new MediaWikiApi(oauthConfig.indexUrl(), oauthConfig.niceUrlBase()));
        HttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault();
        KaskSessionStore<PreAuthSessionState> requestTokenStore = buildRequestTokenStore(oauthConfig, httpClient);
        OAuthIdentifyService identify = new OAuthIdentifyService(oauthService, oauthConfig.indexUrl(), oauthConfig.consumerSecret());
        init(oauthConfig, oauthService, identify, requestTokenStore);

    public void init(OAuthProxyConfig config, OAuth10aService service, OAuthIdentifyService identify,
                     KaskSessionStore<PreAuthSessionState> requestTokenStore) {
        preAuthSessions = requestTokenStore;
        sessionKeyPrefix = config.sessionStoreKeyPrefix();
        wikiLogoutLink = config.wikiLogoutLink();
        successRedirect = config.successRedirect();
        bannedUsernames = config.bannedUsernames();
        expireAfter = config.accessTokenDuration();
        authTokenFactory = new TimeLimitedAccessTokenFactory(config.accessTokenSecret(), expireAfter, bannedUsernames);
        this.service = service;
        this.identify = identify;
        // Header informs browsers to always call the related url, and that only the end-user (browser)
        // can retain this response. Usually attached to responses that contain user specific cookies.
        noCache = new CacheControl();

    public Response checkLogin(
        @HeaderParam("X-redirect-url") String redirectUrl,
        @CookieParam(OAUTH_COOKIE_NAME) String rawAccessToken
    ) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException, URISyntaxException {
        // Step 1: Try to verify rawAccessToken is still valid with the oauth provider by
        // performing a signed request for the identity associated with the token, if so
        // issue a fresh JWT. This avoids sending the user through a round-trip to the oauth
        // service that may fail if we are inside an XHR request (and mw oauth doesn't allow CORS).
        Optional<String> username = Optional.ofNullable(rawAccessToken)
            .filter(name -> !bannedUsernames.contains(name));
        if (username.isPresent()) {
            URI finalRedirect = URI.create(redirectUrl == null ? successRedirect : redirectUrl);
            return temporaryRedirect(finalRedirect)
        // Step 2: Start an oauth request flow
        final OAuth1RequestToken requestToken = service.getRequestToken();
            new PreAuthSessionState(requestToken, Optional.ofNullable(redirectUrl).map(URI::create)));
        String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl(requestToken);
        return temporaryRedirect(getAuthenticationURI(authorizationUrl)).cacheControl(noCache).build();

    private NewCookie sessionCookie(String value) {
        return new NewCookie(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, value, "/", null, null, (int) expireAfter.getSeconds(), true, true);

    private NewCookie authTokenCookie(OAuth1AccessToken token) {
        // This shares the token secret with the browser as a cookie value. We decided this is acceptable for two
        // reasons:
        //  1. Requests must be signed with both the consumer_secret and the oauth_token_secret. The token secret is
        //     half of a password and useless on its own.
        //  2. The only access granted to our consumer is the ability to call Special:OAuth/identify.  Pages cannot
        //     be read or edited with this token.
        // Token values from mediawiki are hex encoded ([0-9a-f]), use . as a plausible separator that won't otherwise
        // be seen.
        String value = token.getToken() + '.' + token.getTokenSecret();
        return new NewCookie(OAUTH_COOKIE_NAME, value, "/", null, null, OAUTH_COOKIE_EXPIRE_AFTER, true, true);

    private Optional<OAuth1AccessToken> decodeAuthTokenCookie(String value) {
        String[] pieces = value.split("\\.", 3);
        if (pieces.length != 2) {
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.of(new OAuth1AccessToken(pieces[0], pieces[1]));

    private NewCookie deleteCookie(String name) {
        return new NewCookie(name, "deleted", "/", null, Cookie.DEFAULT_VERSION,
            null, 0, new Date(0), true, true);

    public Response oauthVerify(@QueryParam ("oauth_verifier") String oauthVerifier,
                                @QueryParam ("oauth_token") String oauthToken,
                                @HeaderParam("X-redirect-url") String redirectUrl
    ) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException {
        PreAuthSessionState state = preAuthSessions.getIfPresent(oauthToken);
        if (state == null) {
            return status(FORBIDDEN).build();
        OAuth1AccessToken accessToken = service.getAccessToken(state.token, oauthVerifier);
        Optional<String> username = identify.getUsername(accessToken)
            .filter(name -> !bannedUsernames.contains(name));
        if (!username.isPresent()) {
            return status(FORBIDDEN).build();
        // prefer the uri from initial request, then from current request, and finally the system default.
        URI finalRedirect = state.returnUri.orElseGet(() -> URI.create(redirectUrl != null ? redirectUrl : successRedirect));
        return temporaryRedirect(finalRedirect)

    public Response checkUser(@CookieParam(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME) String session) {
        return authTokenFactory.decide(
            () -> Response.ok().build(),
            () -> status(FORBIDDEN).build());

    public Response logout() throws URISyntaxException {
        return temporaryRedirect(new URI(wikiLogoutLink))
            // The token itself can't be expired, all we can do is remove the cookie holding it.
            // If the token was captured somewhere else it is still valid for the token duration.
            // Accordingly, durations should be kept short. Minutes or hours not days or weeks.
            // Re-auth should be transparent and safe to re-check.
            // The oauth cookie refers to an entry at the oauth provider, if the cookie value is held somewhere
            // other than the requesting http client it stays valid even after this logout function is run. To
            // actually disable this token the user would need to visit Special:OAuthManageMyGrants and revoke
            // access to the application.

    // ScribeJava doesn't provide an mw-oauth authentication url (it's not part of oauth1.0a standard),
    // which is used for authentication only consumers. Fortunately, url is almost the same.
    private URI getAuthenticationURI(String authorizationUrl) throws URISyntaxException {
        return new URI(authorizationUrl.replace("authorize", "authenticate"));

    static KaskSessionStore.Serde<PreAuthSessionState> preAuthSessionStateSerde(String sessionKeyPrefix) {
        return new KaskSessionStore.Serde<PreAuthSessionState>() {
            public String keyEncoder(String key) {
                return sessionKeyPrefix + ":request:" + key;

            public void valueEncoder(DataOutput out, PreAuthSessionState state) throws IOException {
                // Write out constructor args, rather than full object serialization,
                // to get better guarantees about what we are doing with what we read back.
                if (state.returnUri.isPresent()) {

            public PreAuthSessionState valueDecoder(DataInput in) throws IOException {
                short version = in.readShort();
                if (version != 0 && version != 1) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("serialization version mismatch");
                OAuth1RequestToken token = new OAuth1RequestToken(in.readUTF(), in.readUTF());
                Optional<URI> returnUri = Optional.empty();
                if (version >= 1 && in.readBoolean()) {
                    returnUri = Optional.of(URI.create(in.readUTF()));
                return new PreAuthSessionState(token, returnUri);

    private KaskSessionStore<PreAuthSessionState> buildRequestTokenStore(OAuthProxyConfig config, HttpClient httpClient) {
        return new KaskSessionStore<>(httpClient, config.sessionStoreHost(), preAuthSessionStateSerde(sessionKeyPrefix));
