"""Phabricator module."""
import configparser
import logging
import phabricator
from wmflib.exceptions import WmflibError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_phabricator(
bot_config_file: str,
section: str = 'phabricator_bot',
dry_run: bool = True
) -> phabricator.Phabricator:
"""Initialize the Phabricator client from the bot config file.
from wmflib.phabricator import create_phabricator
phab_client = create_phabricator('/path/to/config.ini')
phab_client.task_comment('T12345', 'Message')
bot_config_file (str): the path to the configuration file for the Phabricator bot, with the following
host = https://phabricator.example.com/api/
username = phab-bot
token = api-12345
section (str, optional): the name of the section of the configuration file where to find the required
dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN.
wmflib.phabricator.Phabricator: a Phabricator instance.
wmflib.phabricator.PhabricatorError: if unable to get all the required parameters from the bot configuration
file, or to initialize the Phabricator client.
parser = configparser.ConfigParser()
required_options = ('host', 'username', 'token')
params = {}
for option in required_options:
params[option] = parser.get(section, option)
except configparser.NoSectionError as e:
raise PhabricatorError(f'Unable to find section {section} in config file {bot_config_file}') from e
except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
raise PhabricatorError(f'Unable to find all required options {required_options} in section {section} of config '
f'file {bot_config_file}') from e
client = phabricator.Phabricator(**params)
except Exception as e:
raise PhabricatorError('Unable to instantiate Phabricator client') from e
return Phabricator(client, dry_run=dry_run)
class PhabricatorError(WmflibError):
"""Custom exception class for errors of the Phabricator class."""
class Phabricator:
"""Class to interact with a Phabricator website."""
def __init__(self, phabricator_client: phabricator.Phabricator, dry_run: bool = True) -> None:
"""Initialize the Phabricator client from the bot config file.
phabricator_client (phabricator.Phabricator): a Phabricator client instance.
dry_run (bool, optional): whether this is a DRY-RUN.
self._client = phabricator_client
self._dry_run = dry_run