Source code for wmflib.requests

"""Requests module."""
from typing import Any, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from requests import PreparedRequest, Response, Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util import Retry

from wmflib import __version__

TimeoutType = Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]
"""Type alias for the requests timeout parameter."""
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: TimeoutType = (3.0, 5.0)
""":py:class:`tuple`: the default timeout to use if none is passed, in seconds."""
DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES: Tuple[int, ...] = (429, 500, 502, 503, 504)
""":py:class`tuple`: the default sequence of HTTP status codes that are retried if the method is one of
""":py:class`tuple`: the default sequence of HTTP methods that are retried if the status code is one of

[docs] class TimeoutHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter): """Requests HTTP Adapter with default timeout for all requests. See Also: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): """Initialize the adapter with a default timeout, that can be overriden. To override the default timeout of :py:const:`wmflib.requests.DEFAULT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT`` pass the ``timeout`` parameter when initializing an instance of this class. Params: As required by requests's HTTPAdapter: """ self.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT if 'timeout' in kwargs: self.timeout = kwargs['timeout'] del kwargs['timeout'] super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def send(self, request: PreparedRequest, # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Override the send method to pass the default timeout if not set. Params: As required by requests's HTTPAdapter: The ``noqa`` is needed unless the exact signature is replicated. """ if kwargs.get('timeout') is None: # The Session will pass timeout=None when not set by the caller. kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout return super().send(request, **kwargs)
[docs] def http_session(name: str, *, timeout: TimeoutType = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, tries: int = 3, backoff: float = 1.0, retry_codes: Sequence[int] = DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES, retry_methods: Sequence[str] = DEFAULT_RETRY_METHODS) -> Session: """Return a new requests Session with User-Agent, default timeout and retry logic on failure already setup. By default the returned session will retry any :py:const:`DEFAULT_RETRY_METHODS` request that returns one of the following HTTP status code (see :py:const:`DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES`): - 429 Too Many Requests - 500 Internal Server Error - 502 Bad Gateway - 503 Service Unavailable - 504 Gateway Timeout It will also retry any request that times out before the specified timeout. For non-idempotent HTTP methods the request will not be retried if the data has reached the server. The retry interval between requests is determined by the ``backoff`` parameter, see below. The timeout functionality is provided via the :py:class:`wmflib.requests.TimeoutHTTPAdapter` and individual request can override the session timeout by specifying a ``timeout`` parameter. When using this adapter to unset the timeout for a specific call, it should be set to ``(None, None)``. Examples: With default parameters:: from wmflib.requests import http_session session = http_session('AppName') # The given name will be used in the User-Agent header, see below # At this point the session can be used as a normal requests session With customized parameters:: session = http_session('AppName', timeout=10.0, tries=5, backoff=2.0, retry_codes=(429,)) session = http_session('AppName', timeout=(3.0, 10.0), tries=5, backoff=2.0, retry_methods=('GET',)) # Disable the retry logic, just set the User-Agent and default timeout session = http_session('AppName', tries=0) See Also: Arguments: name (str): the name to use for the User-Agent header. It can be specified in the ``name/version`` format, if applicable. The resulting header will be set to:: pywmflib/{version} {name} + timeout (:py:data:`wmflib.requests.TimeoutType`): the default timeout to use in all requests within this session, in seconds. Any request can override it passing the ``timeout`` parameter explicitely. It can be either a single float or a tuple of two floats (connect, read), according to requests's documentation. tries (int): the total number of requests to perform before bailing out. If set to ``0`` the whole retry logic is not added to the session, making all the other parameters except the ``name`` one to be ignored. In this case only the User-Agent and default timeout are set. backoff (float): the backoff factor to use, will generate a sleep between retries, in seconds, of:: {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1)) retry_codes (sequence): a sequence of integers with the list of HTTP status codes to retry instead of the default of :py:const:`DEFAULT_RETRY_STATUS_CODES`. retry_methods (sequence): a sequence of strings with the list of HTTP methods to retry intead of the default default of :py:const:`DEFAULT_RETRY_METHODS`. Returns: requests.Session: the pre-configured session. """ # The method_whitelist parameter has been deprecated since urllib3 v1.26.0 and will be removed in v2.0. # It has been renamed to allowed_methods in v1.26.0. Keep backward compatibility. session = Session() user_agent = f'pywmflib/{__version__} {name} +' session.headers.update({'User-Agent': user_agent}) if tries > 0: methods_param_name = 'allowed_methods' if hasattr(Retry.DEFAULT, 'allowed_methods') else 'method_whitelist' # TODO: add type hint with Literal once Python 3.7 support is dropped and remove the type ignore on line 145 params = { 'total': tries, 'backoff_factor': backoff, 'status_forcelist': retry_codes, methods_param_name: retry_methods, } retry_strategy = Retry(**params) # type: ignore[arg-type] adapter = TimeoutHTTPAdapter(timeout=timeout, max_retries=retry_strategy) else: adapter = TimeoutHTTPAdapter(timeout=timeout) session.mount('http://', adapter) session.mount('https://', adapter) return session