Elasticsearch-powered search for MediaWiki
A fallback method is a way to interact (correct/fix/suggest a better query) with the search results. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | Elastica |
Implementation of "sltr" query from ltr-query plugin. | |
Classes | |
class | ArchiveChangeListener |
Change listener responsible for writing to the archive index. More... | |
class | BaseInterwikiResolver |
Base InterwikiResolver class. More... | |
class | BaseRequestLog |
class | BulkUpdateRequestLog |
Request log for requests that update the elasticsearch cluster. More... | |
class | ChangeListener |
Implementation to all the hooks that CirrusSearch needs to listen in order to keep its index in sync with main SQL database. More... | |
class | CirrusConfigInterwikiResolver |
InterwikiResolver suited for custom cirrus config: More... | |
class | CirrusDebugOptions |
Cirrus debug options generally set via unofficial URI param (&cirrusXYZ=ZYX) More... | |
class | CirrusSearch |
SearchEngine implementation for CirrusSearch. More... | |
class | CirrusSearchHookRunner |
class | CirrusSearchServices |
A simple wrapper for MediaWikiServices, to support type safety when accessing services defined by this extension. More... | |
class | ClusterSettings |
Handles resolving configuration variables into specific settings for a specific cluster. More... | |
class | CompletionRequestLog |
class | CompletionSuggester |
Performs search as you type queries using Completion Suggester. More... | |
class | Connection |
Forms and caches connection to Elasticsearch as well as client objects that contain connection information like \Elastica\Index and \Elastica\Type. More... | |
class | CrossSearchStrategy |
Defines support strategies regarding cross wiki searches. More... | |
class | DataSender |
Handles non-maintenance write operations to the elastic search cluster. More... | |
class | Dump |
action=cirrusDump handler. More... | |
class | ElasticaErrorHandler |
Generic functions for extracting and reporting on errors/exceptions from Elastica. More... | |
class | ElasticsearchIntermediary |
Base class with useful functions for communicating with Elasticsearch. More... | |
class | EmptyInterwikiResolver |
class | EventBusWeightedTagSerializer |
class | EventBusWeightedTagsUpdater |
class | ExplainPrinter |
Formats the result of elasticsearch explain to a (slightly) more readable html format than raw json. More... | |
class | ExternalIndex |
Represents an external index referenced by the OtherIndex functionality. More... | |
class | HashSearchConfig |
SearchConfig implemenation backed by a simple HashConfig. More... | |
class | Hooks |
All CirrusSearch's external hooks. More... | |
interface | InterwikiResolver |
Retrieve Interwiki information. More... | |
class | InterwikiResolverFactory |
Factory class used to create InterwikiResolver. More... | |
class | InterwikiSearcher |
Performs searches using Elasticsearch – on interwikis! More... | |
class | MultiSearchRequestLog |
Extending from SearchRequestLog doesn't quite feel right, but there is a good amount of shared code. More... | |
class | NearMatchPicker |
Picks the best "near match" title. More... | |
class | NoActiveTestException |
Thrown when a user testing method is called that requires an active test, but no test was active. More... | |
class | OtherIndexesUpdater |
Tracks whether a Title is known on other indexes. More... | |
class | PageChangeTracker |
Listen to a set of hooks to keep track if a pageId was involved in a "page change". More... | |
interface | RequestLog |
Represents logging information for a single network operation made between php and elasticsearch. More... | |
class | RequestLogger |
Handles logging information about requests made to various destinations, such as monolog, EventBus and statsd. More... | |
class | SearchConfig |
Configuration class encapsulating Searcher environment. More... | |
class | Searcher |
Performs searches using Elasticsearch. More... | |
class | SearchRequestLog |
class | SiteMatrixInterwikiResolver |
InterwikiResolver suited for WMF context and uses SiteMatrix. More... | |
class | UpdateGroup |
class | Updater |
Performs updates and deletes on the Elasticsearch index. More... | |
class | UserTestingEngine |
Decision making around user testing. More... | |
class | UserTestingStatus |
Reports UserTesting bucketing decision. More... | |
class | Util |
Random utility functions that don't have a better home. More... | |
class | Version |
Fetch the Elasticsearch version. More... | |
interface | WarningCollector |
Warning collector interface. More... | |
class | WeightedTagsException |
interface | WeightedTagsUpdater |
Interface for changing weighted tags. More... | |
Variables | |
return ['default'=>['builder_class'=> Query\FullTextQueryStringQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>[],], 'browser_tests'=>['builder_class'=> Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>['default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 0.3, 'fields'=>['title'=> 2.3, 'redirect.title'=>['boost'=> 2.0, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>['is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 1.05, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 1.8, 'heading'=> 1.3, 'text'=>['boost'=> 0.4, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>['boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.2, 'file_text'=> 0.2,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>['text'=> 0.14, 'text.plain'=> 0.2,], 'dismax_settings'=>['text_and_opening_text'=>['tie_breaker'=> 0.2,],],]], 'perfield_builder'=>['builder_class'=> \CirrusSearch\Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>['default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 3.0, 'fields'=>['title'=> 0.3, 'redirect.title'=>['boost'=> 0.27, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>['is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 0.20, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 0.05, 'heading'=> 0.05, 'text'=>['boost'=> 0.6, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>['boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.05, 'file_text'=> 0.5,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>['all'=> 0.06, 'all.plain'=> 0.1,],],], 'perfield_builder_title_filter'=>['builder_class'=> \CirrusSearch\Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>['default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 3.0, 'filter'=>['type'=> 'constrain_title', 'settings'=>['minimum_should_match'=> '3< 80%'],], 'fields'=>['title'=> 0.3, 'redirect.title'=>['boost'=> 0.27, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>['is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 0.20, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 0.05, 'heading'=> 0.05, 'text'=>['boost'=> 0.6, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>['boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.05, 'file_text'=> 0.5,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>['all'=> 0.06, 'all.plain'=> 0.1,],],],] | |
CirrusSearch - List of FullTextQueryBuilderProfiles used to generate an elasticsearch query by parsing user input. | |
$phraseRescorePlaceHolder | |
CirrusSearch - List of profiles for function score rescores. | |
return ['classic'=>['i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic', 'supported_namespaces'=> 'all', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'classic_allinone_chain']]], 'classic_noboostlinks'=>['i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-classic-noboostlinks', 'supported_namespaces'=> 'all', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'optional_chain'],]], 'empty'=>['i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-empty', 'supported_namespaces'=> 'all', 'rescore'=>[],], 'wsum_inclinks'=>['i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks', 'supported_namespaces'=> 'all', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'total', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'wsum_inclinks'], ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'optional_chain'],],], 'wsum_inclinks_pv'=>['i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-wsum-inclinks-pv', 'supported_namespaces'=> 'content', 'fallback_profile'=> 'wsum_inclinks', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'total', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'wsum_inclinks_pv'], ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'optional_chain'],],], 'popular_inclinks_pv'=>['supported_namespaces'=> 'content', 'fallback_profile'=> 'popular_inclinks', 'i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-pv', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'total', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'wsum_inclinks_pv+'], ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'optional_chain'],],], 'popular_inclinks'=>['supported_namespaces'=> 'all', 'i18n_msg'=> 'cirrussearch-qi-profile-popular-inclinks', 'rescore'=>[$phraseRescorePlaceHolder, ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 100.0, 'score_mode'=> 'total', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'wsum_inclinks'], ['window'=> 8192, 'window_size_override'=> 'CirrusSearchFunctionRescoreWindowSize', 'query_weight'=> 1.0, 'rescore_query_weight'=> 1.0, 'score_mode'=> 'multiply', 'type'=> 'function_score', 'function_chain'=> 'optional_chain'],],],] | |
A fallback method is a way to interact (correct/fix/suggest a better query) with the search results.
Functionality related to the (Wikimedia-specific) weighted_tags search feature.
Field definitions for the (Wikimedia-specific) weighted_tags search feature.
Index field representing the source_text data.
Index field representing a short technical text.
Boost score when certain field is matched with certain term.
Append functions to a FunctionScore \Search\Rescore.
Simple TextIndexField subclass useful to customize COPY_TO_SUGGEST.
Index field representing double.
Index field representing keyword.
Index field representing integer.
Index field representing datetime field.
Index field representing boolean value.
Finds pages based on how well they match a given topic, based on scores provided by the (Wikimedia-specific) articletopic ORES model.
Multiple methods can be chained together the order in which they are applied is determined by the successApproximation method.
The actual work is then done in the rewrite method where the method can actually change/augment the current resultset.
Keywords use special analyzer.
Config: [ 'field_name' => ['match1' => WEIGHT1, ...], ...] \Search
ShortText uses a language agnostic analyzer.
CirrusSearch\$phraseRescorePlaceHolder |
CirrusSearch - List of profiles for function score rescores.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. List of rescore profiles.
NOTE: writing a new custom profile is a complex task, you can use &cirrusDumpResult&cirrusExplain query params to dump score information at runtime. Transient var used to position the phrase rescore
CirrusSearch\return[ 'default'=>[ 'builder_class'=> Query\FullTextQueryStringQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>[],], 'browser_tests'=>[ 'builder_class'=> Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>[ 'default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 0.3, 'fields'=>[ 'title'=> 2.3, 'redirect.title'=>[ 'boost'=> 2.0, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>[ 'is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 1.05, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 1.8, 'heading'=> 1.3, 'text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.4, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.2, 'file_text'=> 0.2,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>[ 'text'=> 0.14, 'text.plain'=> 0.2,], 'dismax_settings'=>[ 'text_and_opening_text'=>[ 'tie_breaker'=> 0.2,],],]], 'perfield_builder'=>[ 'builder_class'=> \CirrusSearch\Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>[ 'default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 3.0, 'fields'=>[ 'title'=> 0.3, 'redirect.title'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.27, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>[ 'is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 0.20, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 0.05, 'heading'=> 0.05, 'text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.6, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.05, 'file_text'=> 0.5,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>[ 'all'=> 0.06, 'all.plain'=> 0.1,],],], 'perfield_builder_title_filter'=>[ 'builder_class'=> \CirrusSearch\Query\FullTextSimpleMatchQueryBuilder::class, 'settings'=>[ 'default_min_should_match'=> '1', 'default_query_type'=> 'most_fields', 'default_stem_weight'=> 3.0, 'filter'=>[ 'type'=> 'constrain_title', 'settings'=>[ 'minimum_should_match'=> '3< 80%'],], 'fields'=>[ 'title'=> 0.3, 'redirect.title'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.27, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles'], 'suggest'=>[ 'is_plain'=> true, 'boost'=> 0.20, 'in_dismax'=> 'redirects_or_shingles',], 'category'=> 0.05, 'heading'=> 0.05, 'text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.6, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'opening_text'=>[ 'boost'=> 0.5, 'in_dismax'=> 'text_and_opening_text',], 'auxiliary_text'=> 0.05, 'file_text'=> 0.5,], 'phrase_rescore_fields'=>[ 'all'=> 0.06, 'all.plain'=> 0.1,],],],] |
CirrusSearch - List of FullTextQueryBuilderProfiles used to generate an elasticsearch query by parsing user input.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.