Extension that adds maps to wiki pages
Kartographer Namespace Reference

This class implements action=sanitize-mapdata API, validating and sanitizing user-entered GeoJSON. More...


class  ApiQueryMapData
class  ApiSanitizeMapData
class  CoordFormatter
 Formats coordinates into human-readable strings. More...
class  DataModule
class  ExternalLinksProvider
class  Hooks
class  SimpleStyleParser
 Parses and sanitizes text properties of GeoJSON/simplestyle by putting them through parser. More...
class  SpecialMap
 Special page that works as a fallback destination for non-JS users who click on map links. More...
class  State
 Stores information about map tags on page in ParserOutput. More...

Detailed Description

This class implements action=sanitize-mapdata API, validating and sanitizing user-entered GeoJSON.