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Mobile modal window


new Overlay(props) #


Name Type Description
props Object
Name Type Attributes Description
events Object

custom events to be bound to the overlay.

headerChrome boolean optional

Whether the header has chrome.

headerActions Array.<View> optional

children (usually buttons or icons) that should be placed in the header actions. Ignored when headers used.

heading string optional

heading for the overlay header. Use headers where overlays require more than one header. Ignored when headers used.

noHeader boolean

renders an overlay without a header

headers Array.<Element> optional

allows overlays to have more than one header. When used it is an array of jQuery Objects representing headers created via the header util function. It is expected that only one of these should be visible. If undefined, headerActions and heading is used.

footerAnchor Object optional

options for an optional Anchor that can appear in the footer

onBeforeExit function

allows a consumer to prevent exits in certain situations. This callback gets the following parameters:

    1. the exit function which should be run after the consumer has made their changes.
    1. the cancel function which should be run if the consumer explicitly changes their mind



hide() #

Fired when the overlay is closed.

Fired when the overlay is closed.