'use strict';
const mobile = require( 'mobile.startup' );
const Button = mobile.Button,
View = mobile.View,
Icon = mobile.Icon,
util = mobile.util;
* Renders a block message details.
* @extends module:mobile.startup/View
* @private
class BlockMessageDetails extends View {
/** @inheritdoc */
get isTemplateMode() {
return true;
* @inheritdoc
get defaults() {
return {
createDetailsAnchorHref: () => ( blockId, render ) => mw.util.getUrl(
'Special:BlockList', { wpTarget: '#' + render( blockId ) }
createDetailsAnchorLabel: () => mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-help' ),
createTitle: () => {
let msgKey = 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title';
if ( mw.user.isAnon() ) {
msgKey += '-ip';
if ( this.partial ) {
msgKey += '-partial';
// The following messages can be passed here:
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-partial
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-ip
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-title-ip-partial
return mw.msg( msgKey );
createBody: () => {
let msgKey = '';
if ( mw.user.isAnon() && this.anonOnly ) {
msgKey = 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body';
if ( this.noCreateAccount ) {
msgKey += '-login';
} else {
msgKey += '-login-createaccount';
if ( this.partial ) {
msgKey += '-partial';
} else {
if ( this.partial ) {
msgKey = 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-partial';
// The following messages can be passed here:
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-partial
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-partial
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-createaccount
// * mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-login-createaccount-partial
return msgKey ? mw.msg( msgKey ) : msgKey;
seeMoreLink: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-body-link' ),
reasonHeader: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-reason-header' ),
creatorHeader: () => mw.msg(
// The gender is the subject (the blockee) not the object (the blocker).
mw.user.options.get( 'gender' )
expiryHeader: mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-expiry-header' )
* Configure the call to action depending on the type of block.
* @return {Object} Configuration options
getButtonConfig() {
let cta = true;
const config = {
progressive: true
wiki = mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' );
if ( mw.user.isAnon() && this.options.anonOnly ) {
// The user can avoid the block by logging in
config.label = mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-action-login' );
config.href = new mw.Title( 'Special:UserLogin' ).getUrl();
} else if ( this.options.partial ) {
// The user can avoid the block by editing a different page
config.label = mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-action-randompage' );
config.href = new mw.Title( 'Special:Random' ).getUrl();
config.quiet = true;
} else {
// The user cannot avoid the block
config.tagName = 'button';
config.label = mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-blocked-drawer-action-ok' );
config.additionalClassNames = 'cancel';
cta = false;
if ( cta && mw.config.get( 'wgMFTrackBlockNotices' ) ) {
mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.BlockNotices.' + wiki + '.MobileFrontend.ctaShown', 1 );
mw.track( 'stats.mediawiki_block_notices_total', 1, {
source: 'MobileFrontend',
action: 'ctaShown',
} );
config.events = {
click() {
mw.track( 'counter.MediaWiki.BlockNotices.' + wiki + '.MobileFrontend.ctaClicked', 1 );
mw.track( 'stats.mediawiki_block_notices_total', 1, {
source: 'MobileFrontend',
action: 'ctaClicked',
} );
return config;
* @inheritdoc
postRender() {
this.$el.find( '.block-message-buttons' ).prepend(
new Button( this.getButtonConfig() ).$el
this.$el.find( '.block-message-icon' ).prepend(
( new Icon( {
icon: 'block-destructive'
} ) ).$el
this.options.parsedReason.then( ( htmlReason ) => {
this.$el.find( '.block-message-reason div' ).html( htmlReason );
} );
* @inheritdoc
get template() {
return util.template( `
<div class="block-message block-message-container">
<div class="block-message-icon"></div>
<div class="block-message-info">
<div class="block-message-item block-message-title">
<h5>{{ createTitle }}</h5>
<div class="block-message-data">
<div class="block-message-item">
{{ createBody }}
<a class ="block-message-see-more" href="#">{{ seeMoreLink }}</a>
<div class="block-message-item block-message-creator">
{{ creatorHeader }}
<a href="{{ creator.url }}">{{ creator.name }}</a>
{{ creator.name }}
<div class="block-message-item">
{{ expiryHeader }}
<strong>{{ duration }}</strong>
<div class="block-message-item">
<a href="{{#createDetailsAnchorHref}}{{ blockId }}{{/createDetailsAnchorHref}}">
{{ createDetailsAnchorLabel }}
<div class="block-message-item block-message-reason">
<h5>{{ reasonHeader }}</h5>
<div><p>{{{ reason }}}</p></div>
<div class="block-message-buttons">
</div>` );
module.exports = BlockMessageDetails;