/* global ve, $ */
const EditorOverlayBase = require( './EditorOverlayBase' ),
EditorGateway = require( './EditorGateway' ),
fakeToolbar = require( '../mobile.init/fakeToolbar' ),
mfExtend = require( '../mobile.startup/mfExtend' ),
router = __non_webpack_require__( 'mediawiki.router' ),
identifyLeadParagraph = require( './identifyLeadParagraph' ),
setPreferredEditor = require( './setPreferredEditor' ),
util = require( '../mobile.startup/util' ),
OverlayManager = require( '../mobile.startup/OverlayManager' ),
overlayManager = OverlayManager.getSingleton(),
currentPage = require( '../mobile.startup/currentPage' );
* Overlay for VisualEditor view
* @class VisualEditorOverlay
* @extends EditorOverlayBase
* @private
* @param {Object} options Configuration options
* @param {SourceEditorOverlay} options.SourceEditorOverlay Class to use for standard
* Wikitext editor. It must be passed in explicitly to avoid a cyclic
* dependency between VisualEditorOverlay and SourceEditorOverlay
function VisualEditorOverlay( options ) {
const surfaceReady = util.Deferred();
EditorOverlayBase.call( this,
util.extend( {
editSwitcher: false,
hasToolbar: true,
onBeforeExit: this.onBeforeExit.bind( this ),
isBorderBox: false,
className: 'overlay editor-overlay editor-overlay-ve'
}, options )
this.SourceEditorOverlay = options.SourceEditorOverlay;
this.isNewPage = options.isNewPage;
this.fromModified = options.dataPromise && options.switched;
// VE surfaces must be attached to the DOM while initializing, and measurable
this.$el.addClass( 'editor-overlay-ve-initializing' );
overlayManager.container.appendChild( this.$el[ 0 ] );
// Gateway present for a few utility purposes; the VE articletarget
// handles the actual API calls separately
this.gateway = new EditorGateway( {
api: options.api,
title: options.title,
sectionId: options.sectionId,
oldId: options.oldId
} );
this.origDataPromise = this.options.dataPromise || mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.requestPageData(
sessionStore: true,
section: options.sectionId || null,
oldId: options.oldId || undefined,
targetName: ve.init.mw.MobileArticleTarget.static.trackingName,
preload: options.preload,
preloadparams: options.preloadparams,
editintro: options.editintro
const modes = [];
this.currentPage = currentPage();
if ( this.currentPage.isVEVisualAvailable() ) {
modes.push( 'visual' );
if ( this.currentPage.isVESourceAvailable() ) {
modes.push( 'source' );
this.target = ve.init.mw.targetFactory.create( 'article', this, {
$element: this.$el,
// string or null, but not undefined
section: this.options.sectionId || null,
modes: modes,
// If source is passed in without being in modes, it'll just fall back to visual
defaultMode: this.options.mode === 'source' ? 'source' : 'visual'
} );
this.target.once( 'surfaceReady', function () {
this.target.getSurface().getModel().getDocument().once( 'transact', function () {
this.log( { action: 'firstChange' } );
}.bind( this ) );
}.bind( this ) );
let firstLoad = true;
this.target.on( 'surfaceReady', function () {
setPreferredEditor( this.target.getDefaultMode() === 'source' ? 'SourceEditor' : 'VisualEditor' );
// On first surfaceReady we wait for any dialogs to be closed before running targetInit.
// On subsequent surfaceReady's (i.e. edit mode switch) we can initialize immediately.
if ( !firstLoad ) {
firstLoad = false;
}.bind( this ) );
this.target.load( this.origDataPromise );
// Overlay is only shown after this is resolved. It must be resolved
// with the API response regardless of what we are waiting for.
this.dataPromise = this.origDataPromise.then( function ( data ) {
this.gateway.wouldautocreate =
data && data.visualeditor && data.visualeditor.wouldautocreate;
return surfaceReady.then( function () {
this.$el.removeClass( 'editor-overlay-ve-initializing' );
return data && data.visualeditor;
}.bind( this ) );
}.bind( this ) );
mfExtend( VisualEditorOverlay, EditorOverlayBase, {
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
templatePartials: util.extend( {}, EditorOverlayBase.prototype.templatePartials, {
editHeader: util.template( `
<div class="overlay-header header initial-header hideable hidden">
<div class="toolbar"></div>
` ),
content: util.template( `
<div class="surface" lang="{{contentLang}}" dir="{{contentDir}}">
` )
} ),
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
editor: 'visualeditor',
* Destroy the existing VisualEditor target.
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
destroyTarget: function () {
if ( this.target ) {
this.target = null;
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
show: function () {
options = this.options,
showAnonWarning = options.isAnon && !options.switched;
EditorOverlayBase.prototype.show.apply( this, arguments );
// log edit attempt
this.log( { action: 'ready' } );
this.log( { action: 'loaded' } );
if ( !showAnonWarning ) {
} else {
this.$anonWarning = this.createAnonWarning( this.options );
this.$anonTalkWarning = this.createAnonTalkWarning();
this.$el.append( [ this.$anonTalkWarning, this.$anonWarning ] );
this.$el.find( '.overlay-content' ).hide();
this.emit( 'editor-loaded' );
* Initialize the target after it has been made visible
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
targetInit: function () {
// Note this.target will not be set if an error occurred and/or destroyTarget was called.
if ( this.target ) {
* Scroll so that the lead paragraph in edit mode shows at the same place on the screen
* as the lead paragraph in read mode.
* Their normal position is different because of (most importantly) the lead paragraph
* transformation to move it before the infobox, and also invisible templates and slugs
* caused by the presence of hatnote templates (both only shown in edit mode).
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
scrollToLeadParagraph: function () {
let editLead, editLeadView, readLead, offset, initialCursorOffset;
currentPageHTMLParser = this.options.currentPageHTMLParser,
fakeScroll = this.options.fakeScroll,
$window = $( window ),
section = this.target.section,
surface = this.target.getSurface(),
mode = surface.getMode();
if ( ( section === null || section === '0' ) && mode === 'visual' ) {
editLead = identifyLeadParagraph( surface.getView().$attachedRootNode );
if ( currentPageHTMLParser.getLeadSectionElement() ) {
readLead = identifyLeadParagraph( currentPageHTMLParser.getLeadSectionElement() );
if ( editLead && readLead ) {
offset = $( editLead ).offset().top - ( $( readLead ).offset().top - fakeScroll );
// Set a model range to match
editLeadView = $( editLead ).data( 'view' );
if ( editLeadView ) {
new ve.Range( editLeadView.getModel().getRange().start )
initialCursorOffset =
// Ensure the surface is tall enough to scroll the cursor into view
surface.$element.css( 'min-height', $window.height() + initialCursorOffset - surface.padding.top );
$window.scrollTop( offset );
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
onBeforeExit: function ( exit, cancel ) {
const overlay = this;
EditorOverlayBase.prototype.onBeforeExit.call( this, function () {
// If this function is called, the parent method has decided that we should exit
// VE-specific cleanup
}, cancel );
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
onClickBack: function () {
EditorOverlayBase.prototype.onClickBack.apply( this, arguments );
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
onClickAnonymous: function () {
const self = this;
self.$el.find( '.overlay-content' ).show();
* Reveal the editing interface.
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
switchToEditor: function () {
this.showHidden( '.initial-header' );
* Loads an {SourceEditorOverlay} and replaces the existing {VisualEditorOverlay}
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
* @param {jQuery.Promise} [dataPromise] Optional promise for loading content
switchToSourceEditor: function ( dataPromise ) {
const self = this,
SourceEditorOverlay = this.SourceEditorOverlay,
options = this.getOptionsForSwitch();
this.log( {
action: 'abort',
type: 'switchnochange',
mechanism: 'navigate'
} );
this.logFeatureUse( {
feature: 'editor-switch',
action: 'source-mobile'
} );
// Save a user setting indicating that this user prefers using the SourceEditor
setPreferredEditor( 'SourceEditor' );
this.$el.addClass( 'switching' );
this.$el.find( '.overlay-header-container' ).hide();
this.$el.append( fakeToolbar() );
this.target.getSurface().setReadOnly( true );
if ( dataPromise ) {
// If switching with edits we can't stay in section editing, as a VE edit
// can always affect the whole document (e.g. references)
options.sectionId = null;
router.navigateTo( document.title, {
path: '#/editor/all',
useReplaceState: true
} );
const newOverlay = new SourceEditorOverlay( options, dataPromise );
newOverlay.getLoadingPromise().then( function () {
self.switching = true;
self.overlayManager.replaceCurrent( newOverlay );
self.switching = false;
} );
* @inheritdoc
* @memberof VisualEditorOverlay
* @instance
hasChanged: function () {
if ( this.saved ) {
// If we just saved, there's not really any changes, and the
// target is going to be destroyed in one tick
return false;
return this.fromModified || (
this.target &&
this.target.getSurface() &&
} );
module.exports = VisualEditorOverlay;