| __construct (array $opts) |
| bumpParserResourceUse (string $resource, int $count=1) |
| @suppress PhanEmptyPublicMethod
| __construct (SiteConfig $siteConfig, PageConfig $pageConfig, DataAccess $dataAccess, ContentMetadataCollector $metadata, ?array $options=null) |
| profiling () |
| Is profiling enabled?
| getCurrentProfile () |
| Get the profile at the top of the stack.
| pushNewProfile () |
| New pipeline started.
| popProfile () |
| Pipeline ended.
| hasTraceFlags () |
| hasTraceFlag (string $flag) |
| Test which trace information to log.
| hasDumpFlags () |
| hasDumpFlag (string $flag) |
| Test which state to dump.
| writeDump (string $str) |
| Write out a string (because it was requested by dumpFlags)
| getSiteConfig () |
| Get the site config.
| getPageConfig () |
| Get the page config.
| getDataAccess () |
| Get the data access object.
| getMetadata () |
| Return the ContentMetadataCollector.
| getTOCData () |
| Return the Table of Contents information for the article.
| nativeTemplateExpansionEnabled () |
| getUID () |
| Get the current uid counter value.
| getFID () |
| Get the current fragment id counter value.
| getWrapSections () |
| Whether <section> wrappers should be added.
| getPipelineFactory () |
| Get the pipeline factory.
| getRequestOffsetType () |
| Return the external format of character offsets in source ranges.
| getCurrentOffsetType () |
| Return the current format of character offsets in source ranges.
| setCurrentOffsetType (string $offsetType) |
| Update the current offset type.
| getContextTitle () |
| Return the title from the PageConfig, as a Parsoid title.
| resolveTitle (string $str, bool $resolveOnly=false) |
| Resolve strings that are page-fragments or subpage references with respect to the current page name.
| normalizedTitleKey (string $str, bool $noExceptions=false, bool $ignoreFragment=false) |
| Get normalized title key for a title string.
| makeTitleFromText (string $str, ?int $defaultNs=null, bool $noExceptions=false) |
| Create a Title object.
| makeTitleFromURLDecodedStr (string $str, ?int $defaultNs=null, bool $noExceptions=false) |
| Create a Title object.
| makeLink (Title $title) |
| Make a link to a Title.
| isValidLinkTarget ( $href) |
| Test if an href attribute value could be a valid link target.
| generateUID () |
| Generate a new uid.
| newObjectId () |
| Generate a new object id.
| generateAnnotationUID () |
| Generate a new annotation uid.
| newAnnotationId () |
| Generate a new annotation id.
| newAboutId () |
| Generate a new about id.
| setDOMDiff ( $doc) |
| Store reference to DOM diff document.
| getDOMDiff () |
| Return reference to DOM diff document.
| newFragmentId () |
| Generate a new fragment id.
| setupTopLevelDoc (?Document $topLevelDoc=null) |
| When an environment is constructed, we initialize a document (and RemexPipeline) to be used throughout the parse.
| fetchRemexPipeline (bool $toFragment) |
| setBehaviorSwitch (string $switch, $state) |
| Record a behavior switch.
| getBehaviorSwitch (string $switch, $default=null) |
| Fetch the state of a previously-recorded behavior switch.
| getDOMFragmentMap () |
| getDOMFragment (string $id) |
| setDOMFragment (string $id, DocumentFragment $forest) |
| removeDOMFragment (string $id) |
| recordLint (string $type, array $lintData) |
| Record a lint.
| getLints () |
| Retrieve recorded lints.
| setLints (array $lints) |
| Init lints to the passed array.
| log (string $prefix,... $args) |
| bumpWt2HtmlResourceUse (string $resource, int $count=1) |
| Bump usage of some limited parser resource (ex: tokens, # transclusions, # list items, etc.)
| compareWt2HtmlLimit (string $resource, int $n) |
| bumpHtml2WtResourceUse (string $resource, int $count=1) |
| Bump usage of some limited serializer resource (ex: html size)
| getContentHandler (?string &$contentmodel=null) |
| Get an appropriate content handler, given a contentmodel.
| langConverterEnabled () |
| Is the language converter enabled on this page?
| getInputContentVersion () |
| The HTML content version of the input document (for html2wt and html2html conversions).
| getOutputContentVersion () |
| The HTML content version of the input document (for html2wt and html2html conversions).
| getHtmlVariantLanguageBcp47 () |
| If non-null, the language variant used for Parsoid HTML; we convert to this if wt2html, or from this (if html2wt).
| getWtVariantLanguageBcp47 () |
| If non-null, the language variant to be used for wikitext.
| getSkipLanguageConversionPass () |
| htmlVary () |
| Determine appropriate vary headers for the HTML form of this page.
| htmlContentLanguageBcp47 () |
| Determine an appropriate content-language for the HTML form of this page.
| getExternalLinkAttribs (string $url) |
| Get an array of attributes to apply to an anchor linking to $url.
| getLinterConfig () |
| linting (?string $type=null) |
| Whether to enable linter Backend.