/** @module */

'use strict';


var semver = require('semver');
var qs = require('querystring');
var cType = require('content-type');

var ContentUtils = require('../utils/ContentUtils.js').ContentUtils;
var DOMDataUtils = require('../utils/DOMDataUtils.js').DOMDataUtils;
var DOMUtils = require('../utils/DOMUtils.js').DOMUtils;
var Promise = require('../utils/promise.js');
var Util = require('../utils/Util.js').Util;
var PegTokenizer = require('../wt2html/tokenizer.js').PegTokenizer;
var PHPParseRequest = require('../mw/ApiRequest.js').PHPParseRequest;

 * @alias module:api/apiUtils
var apiUtils = module.exports = { };

 * Send a redirect response with optional code and a relative URL.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} path
 * @param {number} [httpStatus]
apiUtils.relativeRedirect = function(res, path, httpStatus) {
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	var args = [path];
	if (typeof httpStatus === 'number') {
	res.redirect.apply(res, args);

 * Set header, but only if response hasn't been sent.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} field
 * @param {string} value
apiUtils.setHeader = function(res, field, value) {
	console.assert(value !== undefined);
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	res.set(field, value);

 * Send an html response, but only if response hasn't been sent.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} body
 * @param {number} [status] HTTP status code.
 * @param {Object} [headers] HTTP headers to include.
 * @param {string} [headers.content-type] A more specific type to use.
 * @param {string} [headers.content-language] Content language of response.
 * @param {string} [headers.vary] Vary header contents.
 * @param {boolean} [omitEscape] Be explicit about omitting escaping.
apiUtils.htmlResponse = function(res, body, status, headers, omitEscape) {
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	if (typeof status === 'number') {
	// The `headers` arg will only be null if we are on the error response path,
	// in which case precise content-language/vary values don't matter much.
	// They should not be `undefined`, though!
	// The given values match the defaults in
	// MWParserEnvironment#htmlContentLanguage() and
	// MWParserEnvironment#htmlVary()
	if (!headers) { headers = { "content-language": "en", "vary": "Accept" }; }
	const contentType = headers['content-type'] || 'text/html; charset=utf-8';
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Content-Type', contentType);
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Content-Language', headers['content-language']);
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Vary', headers.vary);
	// Explicit cast, since express varies response encoding by argument type
	// though that's probably offset by setting the header above
	body = String(body);
	if (!omitEscape) {
		body = Util.escapeHtml(body);
	res.send(body);  // Default string encoding for send is text/html

 * Send a plaintext response, but only if response hasn't been sent.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} text
 * @param {number} [status] HTTP status code.
 * @param {string} [contentType] A more specific type to use.
apiUtils.plainResponse = function(res, text, status, contentType) {
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	if (typeof status === 'number') {
	contentType = contentType || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8';
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Content-Type', contentType);
	// Explicit cast, since express varies response encoding by argument type
	// though that's probably offset by setting the header above

 * Send a JSON response, but only if response hasn't been sent.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {Object} json
 * @param {number} [status] HTTP status code.
 * @param {string} [contentType] A more specific type to use.
apiUtils.jsonResponse = function(res, json, status, contentType) {
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	if (typeof status === 'number') {
	contentType = contentType || 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Content-Type', contentType);

 * Render response, but only if response hasn't been sent.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} view
 * @param {Object} locals
apiUtils.renderResponse = function(res, view, locals) {
	if (res.headersSent) { return; }
	res.render(view, locals);

 * Error response.
 * @param {Response} res The response object from our routing function.
 * @param {string} text
 * @param {number} [status]
apiUtils.errorResponse = function(res, text, status) {
	if (typeof status !== 'number') {
		status = 500;
	switch (res.locals.errorEnc) {
		case 'html':
			apiUtils.htmlResponse(res, text, status);
		case 'json':
			text = { error: text };
			apiUtils.jsonResponse(res, text, status);
		case 'plain':
			apiUtils.plainResponse(res, text, status);
			throw new Error('Unknown response type: ' + res.locals.errorEnc);

 * Generic error response handler.
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {Error} err
apiUtils.errorHandler = function(env, err) {
	if (err.type === 'MaxConcurrentCallsError') {
		err.suppressLoggingStack = true;
		err.httpStatus = 503;
	} else if (err.type === 'TimeoutError') {
		err.suppressLoggingStack = true;
		err.httpStatus = 504;
	env.log('fatal/request', err);

 * Wrap a promised value with a catch that invokes {@link #errorHandler}.
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {Promise|any} promiseOrValue
apiUtils.errorWrapper = function(env, promiseOrValue) {
	return Promise.resolve(promiseOrValue).catch(function(err) {
		apiUtils.errorHandler(env, err);

 * To support the 'subst' API parameter, we need to prefix each
 * top-level template with 'subst'. To make sure we do this for the
 * correct templates, tokenize the starting wikitext and use that to
 * detect top-level templates. Then, substitute each starting '{{' with
 * '{{subst' using the template token's tsr.
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {string} target
 * @param {string} wt
apiUtils.substTopLevelTemplates = function(env, target, wt) {
	var tokenizer = new PegTokenizer(env);
	var tokens = tokenizer.tokenizeSync(wt);
	var tsrIncr = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
		if (tokens[i].name === 'template') {
			var tsr = tokens[i].dataAttribs.tsr;
			wt = wt.substring(0, tsr[0] + tsrIncr) +
				'{{subst:' +
				wt.substring(tsr[0] + tsrIncr + 2);
			tsrIncr += 6;
	// Now pass it to the MediaWiki API with onlypst set so that it
	// subst's the templates.
	return PHPParseRequest.promise(env, target, wt, true);

 * Return the appropriate content-type string for wikitext.
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
apiUtils.wikitextContentType = function(env) {
	return 'text/plain; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/wikitext/' + env.wikitextVersion + '"';

 * Return the appropriate content-type string for Parsoid HTML.
 * @param {string} outputContentVersion
apiUtils.htmlContentType = function(outputContentVersion) {
	return 'text/html; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/HTML/' + outputContentVersion + '"';

 * Return the appropriate content-type string for a Parsoid page bundle.
 * @param {string} outputContentVersion
apiUtils.pagebundleContentType = function(outputContentVersion) {
	return 'application/json; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/pagebundle/' + outputContentVersion + '"';

 * Return the appropriate content-type string for a data-parsoid JSON blob.
 * @param {string} outputContentVersion
apiUtils.dataParsoidContentType = function(outputContentVersion) {
	return 'application/json; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/data-parsoid/' + outputContentVersion + '"';

 * Return the appropriate content-type string for a data-mw JSON blob.
 * @param {string} outputContentVersion
apiUtils.dataMwContentType = function(outputContentVersion) {
	return 'application/json; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/data-mw/' + outputContentVersion + '"';

 * Extracts a pagebundle from a revision.
 * @param {Object} revision
 * @return {Object}
apiUtils.extractPageBundle = function(revision) {
	return {
		parsoid: revision['data-parsoid'] && revision['data-parsoid'].body,
		mw: revision['data-mw'] && revision['data-mw'].body,

 * Validates the pagebundle was provided in the expected format.
 * @param {Object} pb
 * @param {string} originalVersion
apiUtils.validatePageBundle = function(pb, originalVersion) {
	var err;
	if (!pb.parsoid || pb.parsoid.constructor !== Object || !pb.parsoid.ids) {
		err = new Error('Invalid data-parsoid was provided.');
		err.httpStatus = 400;
		err.suppressLoggingStack = true;
		throw err;
	if (semver.satisfies(originalVersion, '^999.0.0') &&
			(!pb.mw || pb.mw.constructor !== Object || !pb.mw.ids)) {
		err = new Error('Invalid data-mw was provided.');
		err.httpStatus = 400;
		err.suppressLoggingStack = true;
		throw err;

 * Log a fatal/request.
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {string} text
 * @param {number} [httpStatus]
apiUtils.fatalRequest = function(env, text, httpStatus) {
	var err = new Error(text);
	err.httpStatus = httpStatus || 404;
	err.suppressLoggingStack = true;
	env.log('fatal/request', err);

 * Determine the content version from the html's content type.
 * @param {Object} html
 * @return {string|null}
apiUtils.versionFromType = function(html) {
	var ct = html.headers && html.headers['content-type'];
	if (ct) {
		try {
			var t = cType.parse(ct);
			var profile = t.parameters && t.parameters.profile;
			if (profile) {
				var p = apiUtils.parseProfile(profile, 'html');
				return p && p.version;
			} else {
				return null;
		} catch (e) {
			return null;
	} else {
		return null;

var oldSpec = /^mediawiki.org\/specs\/(html)\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/;
var newSpec = /^https:\/\/www.mediawiki.org\/wiki\/Specs\/(HTML|pagebundle)\/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)$/;

 * Used to extract the format and content version from a profile.
 * @param {string} profile
 * @param {string} format
 *   Just used for backwards compatibility w/ <= 1.2.0
 *   where the pagebundle didn't have a spec.
 * @return {Object|null}
apiUtils.parseProfile = function(profile, format) {
	var match = newSpec.exec(profile);
	// TODO(arlolra): Remove when this version is no longer supported.
	if (!match) {
		match = oldSpec.exec(profile);
		if (match) { match[1] = format; }
	if (match) {
		return {
			format: match[1].toLowerCase(),
			version: match[2],
	} else {
		return null;

 * Set the content version to an acceptable version.
 * Returns false if Parsoid is unable to supply one.
 * @param {Response} res
 * @param {Array} acceptableTypes
 * @return {boolean}
apiUtils.validateAndSetOutputContentVersion = function(res, acceptableTypes) {
	var env = res.locals.env;
	var opts = res.locals.opts;

	// `acceptableTypes` is already sorted by quality.
	return !acceptableTypes.length || acceptableTypes.some(function(t) {
		var profile = t.parameters && t.parameters.profile;
		if ((opts.format === 'html' && t.type === 'text/html') ||
				(opts.format === 'pagebundle' && t.type === 'application/json') ||
				// 'pagebundle' is sending 'text/html' in older versions
				oldSpec.exec(profile)) {
			if (profile) {
				var p = apiUtils.parseProfile(profile, opts.format);
				if (p && (opts.format === p.format)) {
					var contentVersion = env.resolveContentVersion(p.version);
					if (contentVersion !== null) {
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;
				} else {
					return false;
			} else {
				return true;
		} else if (t.type === '*/*' ||
				(opts.format === 'html' && t.type === 'text/*')) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

 * Generate an HTTP redirect.
 * @private
apiUtils._redirect = function(req, res, target, httpStatus, processRedirect) {
	var locals = res.locals;
	var path = processRedirect([
		(req.method === 'POST' ? 'transform/' + locals.opts.from + '/to' : 'page'),

	// Don't cache redirect requests
	apiUtils.setHeader(res, 'Cache-Control', 'private,no-cache,s-maxage=0');
	apiUtils.relativeRedirect(res, path, httpStatus);

 * Generate an HTTP redirect to a specific revision.
 * @param {Request} req
 * @param {Response} res
apiUtils.redirectToOldid = function(req, res) {
	var env = res.locals.env;
	var target = env.normalizeAndResolvePageTitle();
	// Preserve the request method since we currently don't allow GETing the
	// "lint" format.  See T169006
	var httpStatus = (req.method === 'GET') ? 302 : 307;
	return this._redirect(req, res, target, httpStatus, function(redirPath) {
		var revid = env.page.meta.revision.revid;
		redirPath += '/' + revid;
		if (Object.keys(req.query).length > 0) {
			redirPath += '?' + qs.stringify(req.query);
		var format = res.locals.opts.format;
		env.log('info', 'redirecting to revision', revid, 'for', format);
		var metrics = env.conf.parsoid.metrics;
		if (metrics) {
			metrics.increment('redirectToOldid.' + format.toLowerCase());
		return redirPath;

 * @private
 * @param {string} title
 * @param {Request} req
 * @param {Response} res
apiUtils._redirectToPage = function(title, req, res) {
	return this._redirect(req, res, title, undefined, function(path) {
		res.locals.env.log('info', 'redirecting to ', path);
		return path;

 * Downgrade content from 999.x to 2.x.
 * @param {Document} doc
 * @param {Object} pb
var downgrade999to2 = function(doc, pb) {
	// Effectively, skip applying data-parsoid.  Note that if we were to
	// support a pb2html downgrade, we'd need to apply the full thing,
	// but that would create complications where ids would be left behind.
	// See the comment in around `DOMDataUtils.applyPageBundle`
	DOMDataUtils.applyPageBundle(doc, { parsoid: { ids: {} }, mw: pb.mw });
	// Now, modify the pagebundle to the expected form.  This is important
	// since, at least in the serialization path, the original pb will be
	// applied to the modified content and its presence could cause lost
	// deletions.
	pb.mw = { ids: {} };

 * Is this a transition we know how to handle?
 * @param {string} from
 * @param {string} to
 * @return {Object|undefined}
apiUtils.findDowngrade = function(from, to) {
	return [
		{ from: '999.0.0', to: '2.0.0', func: downgrade999to2 },
	].find(a =>
		semver.satisfies(from, '^' + a.from) &&
		semver.satisfies(to, '^' + a.to)

 * Downgrade content
 * @param {Object} downgrade
 * @param {Object} [metrics]
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {Object} revision
 * @param {string} version
 * @return {Object}
apiUtils.doDowngrade = function(downgrade, metrics, env, revision, version) {
	if (metrics) { metrics.increment(`downgrade.from.${downgrade.from}.to.${downgrade.to}`); }
	const doc = env.createDocument(revision.html.body);
	const pb = apiUtils.extractPageBundle(revision);
	apiUtils.validatePageBundle(pb, version);
	const start = Date.now();
	downgrade.func(doc, pb);
	if (metrics) { metrics.endTiming('downgrade.time', start); }
	return { doc, pb };

 * Downgrade and return content
 * @param {Object} downgrade
 * @param {Object} [metrics]
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
 * @param {Object} revision
 * @param {Response} res
 * @param {string} [contentmodel]
apiUtils.returnDowngrade = function(downgrade, metrics, env, revision, res, contentmodel) {
	const { doc, pb } = apiUtils.doDowngrade(downgrade, metrics, env, revision, env.inputContentVersion);
	// Match the http-equiv meta to the content-type header
	var meta = doc.querySelector('meta[property="mw:html:version"]');
	if (meta) { meta.setAttribute('content', env.outputContentVersion); }
	// No need to `ContentUtils.extractDpAndSerialize`, it wasn't applied.
	var html = ContentUtils.toXML(res.locals.body_only ? doc.body : doc, {
		innerXML: res.locals.body_only,
	apiUtils.wt2htmlRes(res, html, pb, contentmodel, DOMUtils.findHttpEquivHeaders(doc), env.outputContentVersion);

 * Send an appropriate response with the right content types for wt2html.
 * @param {Object} res
 * @param {string} html
 * @param {Object} pb
 * @param {string} [contentmodel]
 * @param {Object} headers
 * @param {string} outputContentVersion
apiUtils.wt2htmlRes = function(res, html, pb, contentmodel, headers, outputContentVersion) {
	if (pb) {
		var response = {
			contentmodel: contentmodel,
			html: {
				headers: Object.assign({
					'content-type': apiUtils.htmlContentType(outputContentVersion),
				}, headers),
				body: html,
			'data-parsoid': {
				headers: { 'content-type': apiUtils.dataParsoidContentType(outputContentVersion) },
				body: pb.parsoid,
		if (semver.satisfies(outputContentVersion, '^999.0.0')) {
			response['data-mw'] = {
				headers: { 'content-type': apiUtils.dataMwContentType(outputContentVersion) },
				body: pb.mw,
		apiUtils.jsonResponse(res, response, undefined, apiUtils.pagebundleContentType(outputContentVersion));
	} else {
		apiUtils.htmlResponse(res, html, undefined, Object.assign({
			'content-type': apiUtils.htmlContentType(outputContentVersion),
		}, headers), true);

 * @return {boolean}
apiUtils.shouldScrub = function(req, def) {
	// Check hasOwnProperty to avoid overwriting the default when
	// this isn't set.  `scrubWikitext` was renamed in RESTBase to
	// `scrub_wikitext`.  Support both for backwards compatibility,
	// but prefer the newer form.
	if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('scrub_wikitext')) {
		return !(!req.body.scrub_wikitext || req.body.scrub_wikitext === 'false');
	} else if (req.query.hasOwnProperty('scrub_wikitext')) {
		return !(!req.query.scrub_wikitext || req.query.scrub_wikitext === 'false');
	} else if (req.body.hasOwnProperty('scrubWikitext')) {
		return !(!req.body.scrubWikitext || req.body.scrubWikitext === 'false');
	} else if (req.query.hasOwnProperty('scrubWikitext')) {
		return !(!req.query.scrubWikitext || req.query.scrubWikitext === 'false');
	} else {
		return def;