 * The WikitextConstant structure holds "global constants" that
 * capture properties about wikitext markup.
 * Ex: Valid options for wikitext image markup
 * This structure, over time, can come to serve as useful documentation
 * about Wikitext itself.
 * @module

'use strict';


const { JSUtils } = require('../utils/jsutils.js');

/** @namespace */
var WikitextConstants = {
	 * Valid media options:
	 * * Prefix options are of the form "alt=foo"
	 * * Simple options are of the form "center"
	 * @see [Wikipedia:Extended_image_syntax](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Extended_image_syntax)
	 *   for more information about how they are used.
	 * @namespace
	Media: {
		/** @type {Map} */
		PrefixOptions: JSUtils.mapObject({
			'img_link':        'link',
			'img_alt':         'alt',
			'img_page':        'page',
			'img_lang':        'lang',  // see T34987
			'img_upright':     'upright',
			'img_width':       'width',
			'img_class':       'class',
			'img_manualthumb': 'manualthumb',

			'timedmedia_thumbtime':       'thumbtime',
			'timedmedia_starttime':       'start',
			'timedmedia_endtime':         'end',
			'timedmedia_disablecontrols': 'disablecontrols',  // See T135537
		/** @type {Map} */
		SimpleOptions: JSUtils.mapObject({
			// halign
			'img_left':   'halign',
			'img_right':  'halign',
			'img_center': 'halign',
			'img_none':   'halign',

			// valign
			'img_baseline':    'valign',
			'img_sub':         'valign',
			'img_super':       'valign',
			'img_top':         'valign',
			'img_text_top':    'valign',
			'img_middle':      'valign',
			'img_bottom':      'valign',
			'img_text_bottom': 'valign',

			// format
			// 'border' can be given in addition to *one of*
			// frameless, framed, or thumbnail
			'img_border':    'border',
			'img_frameless': 'format',
			'img_framed':    'format',
			'img_thumbnail': 'format',

			// Ha! Upright can be either one! Try parsing THAT!
			'img_upright': 'upright',

			'timedmedia_noplayer': 'noplayer',  // See T134880
			'timedmedia_noicon':   'noicon',  // See T134880

	/** @namespace */
	Sanitizer: {
		 * List of whitelisted tags that can be used as raw HTML in wikitext.
		 * All other html/html-like tags will be spit out as text.
		 * @type {Set}
		TagWhiteList: new Set([
			// In case you were wondering, explicit <a .. > HTML is NOT allowed in wikitext.
			// That is why the <a> tag is missing from the white-list.
			'B', 'BDI', 'BDO', 'BIG', 'BLOCKQUOTE', 'BR',
			'DATA', 'DD', 'DEL', 'DFN', 'DIV', 'DL', 'DT',
			'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'HR',
			'I', 'INS',
			'P', 'PRE',
			'RB', 'RP', 'RT', 'RTC', 'RUBY',
			'S', 'SAMP', 'SMALL', 'SPAN', 'STRIKE', 'STRONG', 'SUB', 'SUP',
			'TABLE', 'TD', 'TH', 'TIME', 'TR', 'TT',
			'U', 'UL',

	 * These HTML tags have native wikitext representations.
	 * All other HTML tags would have to be emitted as HTML tags in wikitext.
	 * @type {Set}
	HTMLTagsWithWTEquivalents: new Set([
		"A", "B", "P", "PRE",
		"HR", "I", "IMG", "LINK", "META",
		"H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
		"OL", "LI", "UL", "DD", "DL", "DT",
		"TABLE", "TD", "TH", "TR", "CAPTION",

	 * These HTML tags come from native wikitext markup and
	 * (as long as they are not literal HTML tags in the wikitext source)
	 * should have whitespace trimmed from their content.
	 * @type {Set}
	WikitextTagsWithTrimmableWS: new Set([
		"H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
		"OL", "LI", "UL", "DD", "DL", "DT",
		"TD", "TH", "CAPTION",

	 * These HTML tags will be generated only if
	 * the corresponding wikitext occurs in a SOL context.
	 * @type {Set}
	HTMLTagsRequiringSOLContext: new Set([
		"H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6",
		"OL", "LI", "UL", "DD", "DL", "DT",

	 * These wikitext tags are composed with quote-chars.
	 * @type {Set}
	WTQuoteTags: new Set(['I', 'B']),

	 * Leading whitespace on new lines in these elements does not lead to indent-pre.
	 * This only applies to immediate children (while skipping past zero-wikitext tags).
	 * (Ex: content in table-cells induce indent pres)
	 * @type {Set}
	WeakIndentPreSuppressingTags: new Set([
		'TABLE', 'TBODY', 'TR',

	 * Leading whitespace on new lines in these elements does not lead to indent-pre.
	 * This applies to all nested content in these tags.
	 * Ex: content in table-cells nested in blocktags do not induce indent pres
	 * These tags should match `$openmatch` regexp in `doBlockLevels`:
	 * ```
	 * $openmatch = preg_match( '/(?:<table|<blockquote|<h1|<h2|<h3|<h4|<h5|<h6|<pre|<tr|<p|<ul|<ol|<dl|<li|<\\/tr|<\\/td|<\\/th)/iS', $t )
	 * ```
	 * PHP parser handling is line-based. Our handling is DOM-children based.
	 * So, there might be edge cases where behavior will be different.
	 * @type {Set}
	StrongIndentPreSuppressingTags: new Set([
		'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6',
		'UL', 'OL', 'DL', 'LI',

	 * Leading whitespace on new lines changes wikitext
	 * parsing for these tags (`*#;:=`).
	 * @type {Set}
	SolSpaceSensitiveTags: new Set([
		'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6',
		'UL', 'OL', 'LI', 'DL', 'DD', 'DT',

	 * In the PHP parser, these block tags open block-tag scope.
	 * See `doBlockLevels` in the PHP parser (`includes/parser/Parser.php`).
	 * @type {Set}
	BlockScopeOpenTags: new Set([
		'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6',
		'UL', 'OL', 'LI', 'DL',
		'TABLE', 'TR',

	 * In the PHP parser, these block tags close block-tag scope.
	 * See `doBlockLevels` in the PHP parser (`includes/parser/Parser.php`).
	 * @type {Set}
	BlockScopeCloseTags: new Set([
		'TD', 'TH',

	/** @namespace */
	HTML: {
		 * The list of HTML5 tags, mainly used for the identification of *non*-html tags.
		 * Non-html tags terminate otherwise tag-eating rules in the tokenizer
		 * to support potential extension tags.
		 * @type {Set}
		HTML5Tags: new Set([
			"DETAILS", "DFN", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "EMBED", "FIELDSET",
			"H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEAD", "HEADER", "HGROUP",
			"HR", "HTML", "I", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "KBD", "KEYGEN",
			"LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "LINK", "MAP", "MARK", "MENU", "META",
			"OUTPUT", "P", "PARAM", "PRE", "PROGRESS", "Q", "RB", "RP", "RT",
			"TITLE", "TR", "TRACK", "U", "UL", "VAR", "VIDEO", "WBR",

		 * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#metadata-content-2
		 * @type {Set}
		MetaTags: new Set([

		/** From {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/#obsolete-elements}.
		 * SSS FIXME: basefont is missing here, but looks like the PHP parser
		 * does not support it anyway and treats it as plain text.  So, skipping
		 * this one in Parsoid as well.
		 * @type {Set}
		OlderHTMLTags: new Set([
			"STRIKE", "BIG", "CENTER", "FONT", "TT",

		 * From {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Block-level_elements}.
		 * However, you probably want to use `TokenUtils.isBlockTag()`, where some
		 * exceptions are being made.
		 * @type {Set}
		HTML4BlockTags: new Set([
			'DIV', 'P',
			// tables
			'TABLE', 'TBODY', 'THEAD', 'TFOOT', 'CAPTION', 'TH', 'TR', 'TD',
			// lists
			'UL', 'OL', 'LI', 'DL', 'DT', 'DD',
			// HTML5 heading content
			'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'HGROUP',
			// HTML5 sectioning content
			// other

		 * From {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Inline_elements}
		 * plus some non-strict elements not on that list (FONT, S, STRIKE, U) since
		 * these are tags that are actually used on wikipedias.
		 * All HTML5 formatting elements except NOBR are on this list.
		 * @type {Set}
		HTML4InlineTags: new Set([
			'A', 'ABBR', /* 'ACRONYM', */
			'B', 'BIG', 'BDO', 'BR', 'BUTTON',
			'CITE', 'CODE',
			'I', 'IMG', 'INPUT',
			'TEXTAREA', 'TIME', 'TT',

		 * @see http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#formatting
		 * @type {Set}
		FormattingTags: new Set([
			'A', 'B', 'BIG', 'CODE', 'EM', 'FONT', 'I', 'NOBR',
			'S', 'SMALL', 'STRIKE', 'STRONG', 'TT', 'U',

		/** @type {Set} */
		ListTags: new Set(['UL', 'OL', 'DL']),

		/** @type {Set} */
		ListItemTags: new Set(['LI', 'DD', 'DT']),

		/** @type {Set} */
		FosterablePosition: new Set(['TABLE', 'THEAD', 'TBODY', 'TFOOT', 'TR']),

		/** @type {Map} */
		TableContentModels: new Map([
			[ 'THEAD', ['TR'] ],
			[ 'TBODY', ['TR'] ],
			[ 'TFOOT', ['TR'] ],
			[ 'TR', ['TD', 'TH'] ],

		/** @type {Set} */
		TableTags: new Set([
			'TABLE', 'TBODY', 'THEAD', 'TFOOT', 'CAPTION', 'TH', 'TR', 'TD',

		 * Table tags that can be parents.
		 * @type {Set}
		ParentTableTags: new Set([
			"TABLE", "TBODY", "THEAD", "TFOOT", "TR",

		 * Table tags that can be children.
		 * @type {Set}
		ChildTableTags: new Set([
			"TBODY", "THEAD", "TFOOT", "TR", "CAPTION", "TH", "TD",

		 * @see http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#void-elements
		 * @type {Set}
		VoidTags: new Set([
			'AREA', 'BASE', 'BR', 'COL', 'COMMAND', 'EMBED', 'HR', 'IMG',
			'TRACK', 'WBR',

	 * These HTML tags have native wikitext representations.
	 * The wikitext equivalents do not have closing tags.
	 * @type {Set}
	WTTagsWithNoClosingTags: new Set([
		"PRE", "LI", "DT", "DD", "HR", "TR", "TD", "TH"

	/** @namespace */
	Output: {
		/** @type {Set} */
		FlaggedEmptyElts: new Set([
			'LI', 'TR', 'P',

	 * Known wikitext tag widths.  These are known statically
	 * but other widths are computed or updated based on actual wikitext usage.
	 * @type {Map}
	WtTagWidths: JSUtils.mapObject({
		"BODY":   [0, 0],
		"HTML":   [0, 0],
		"HEAD":   [0, 0],
		"P":      [0, 0],
		"META":   [0, 0],
		"PRE":    [1, 0],
		"OL":     [0, 0],
		"UL":     [0, 0],
		"DL":     [0, 0],
		"LI":     [1, 0],
		"DT":     [1, 0],
		"DD":     [1, 0],
		"H1":     [1, 1],
		"H2":     [2, 2],
		"H3":     [3, 3],
		"H4":     [4, 4],
		"H5":     [5, 5],
		"H6":     [6, 6],
		"HR":     [4, 0],
		"TABLE":  [2, 2],
		"TBODY":  [0, 0],
		"THEAD":  [0, 0],
		"TFOOT":  [0, 0],
		"TR":     [null, 0],
		"TD":     [null, 0],
		"TH":     [null, 0],
		"B":      [3, 3],
		"I":      [2, 2],
		"BR":     [0, 0],
		"FIGURE": [2, 2],
		"FIGCAPTION": [0,0],

	 * HTML tags whose wikitext equivalents are zero-width.
	 * This information is derived from WtTagWidths and set below.
	 * @type {Set}
	ZeroWidthWikitextTags: new Set(),

	 * Map LanguageConverter wikitext flags to readable JSON field names.
	 * @type {Map}
	LCFlagMap: new Map([
		// These first three flags are used internally during flag processing,
		// but should never appear in the output wikitext, so we prepend them
		// with '$'.

		// 'S': Show converted text
		[ '$S', 'show' ],
		// '+': Add conversion rule
		[ '$+', 'add' ],
		// 'E': Error in the given flags
		[ '$E', 'error' ],

		// These rest of these are valid flags in wikitext.

		// 'A': add conversion rule *and show converted text* (implies S)
		[ 'A', 'add' ],
		// 'T': Convert and override page title
		[ 'T', 'title' ],
		// 'R': Disable language conversion (exclusive flag)
		[ 'R', 'disabled' ],
		// 'D': Describe conversion rule (without adding to table)
		[ 'D', 'describe' ],
		// '-': Remove existing conversion rule (exclusive flag)
		[ '-', 'remove' ],
		// 'H': add rule for convert code (but no display in placed code )
		[ 'H', '' ], // this is handled implicitly as a lack of 'show'
		// 'N': Output current variant name (exclusive flag)
		[ 'N', 'name' ],

	 * Map JSON field names to LanguageConverter wikitext flags.
	 * This information is derived from {@link .LCFlagMap} and set below.
	 * @type {Map}
	LCNameMap: new Map(),

// Derived information from 'WtTagWidths'
WikitextConstants.WtTagWidths.forEach(function(widths, tag) {
	// This special case can be fixed by maybe removing them WtTagWidths.
	// They may no longer be necessary -- to be investigated in another patch.
	if (tag !== 'HTML' && tag !== 'HEAD' && tag !== 'BODY') {
		if (widths[0] === 0 && widths[1] === 0) {

// Derived information from `LCFlagMap`
WikitextConstants.LCFlagMap.forEach(function(v,k) {
	if (v) {
		WikitextConstants.LCNameMap.set(v, k);
// Handle ambiguity in inverse mapping.
WikitextConstants.LCNameMap.set('add', 'A');

// Freeze constants to prevent accidental changes

if (typeof module === "object") {
	module.exports.WikitextConstants = WikitextConstants;