 * State object for the wikitext serializers.
 * Here is what the state attributes mean:
 * rtTestMode
 * -  Are we currently running round-trip tests?  If yes, then we know
 *    there won't be any edits and we more aggressively try to use original
 *    source and source flags during serialization since this is a test of
 *    Parsoid's efficacy in preserving information.
 * sep
 * -  Separator information:
 *    - constraints: min/max number of newlines
 *    - text: collected separator text from DOM text/comment nodes
 *    - lastSourceNode: Seems to be bookkeeping to make sure we don't reuse
 *        original separators when `emitChunk` is called
 *        consecutively on the same node.  However, it also
 *        differs from `state.prevNode` in that it only gets
 *        updated when a node calls `emitChunk` so that nodes
 *        serializing `justChildren` don't mix up `buildSep`.
 * onSOL
 * -  Is the serializer at the start of a new wikitext line?
 * atStartOfOutput
 * -  True when wts kicks off, false after the first char has been output
 * inLink
 * -  Is the serializer currently handling link content (children of `<a>`)?
 * inIndentPre
 * -  Is the serializer currently handling indent-pre tags?
 * inPHPBlock
 * -  Is the serializer currently handling a tag that the PHP parser
 *    treats as a block tag?
 * inAttribute
 * -  Is the serializer being invoked recursively to serialize a
 *    template-generated attribute (via `WSP.getAttributeValue`'s
 *    template handling).  If so, we should suppress some
 *    serialization escapes, like autolink protection, since
 *    these are not valid for attribute values.
 * hasIndentPreNowikis
 * -  Did we introduce nowikis for indent-pre protection?
 *    If yes, we might run a post-pass to strip useless ones.
 * hasQuoteNowikis
 * -  Did we introduce nowikis to preserve quote semantics?
 *    If yes, we might run a post-pass to strip useless ones.
 * hasSelfClosingNowikis:
 * -  Did we introduce `<nowiki />`s?
 *    If yes, we do a postpass to remove unnecessary trailing ones.
 * hasHeadingEscapes:
 * -  Did we introduce nowikis around `=.*=` text?
 *    If yes, we do a postpass to remove unnecessary escapes.
 * wikiTableNesting
 * -  Records the nesting level of wikitext tables
 * wteHandlerStack
 * -  Stack of wikitext escaping handlers -- these handlers are responsible
 *    for smart escaping when the surrounding wikitext context is known.
 * currLine
 * -  This object is used by the wikitext escaping algorithm -- represents
 *    a "single line" of output wikitext as represented by a block node in
 *    the DOM.
 *    - firstNode: first DOM node processed on this line
 *    - text: output so far from all nodes on the current line
 *    - chunks: list of ConstrainedText chunks comprising the current line
 * singleLineContext
 * -  Stack used to enforce single-line context
 * redirectText
 * -  Text to be emitted at the start of file, for redirects
 * @module

'use strict';

const semver = require('semver');

const { ConstrainedText } = require('./ConstrainedText.js');
const { DOMDataUtils } = require('../utils/DOMDataUtils.js');
const { DOMUtils } = require('../utils/DOMUtils.js');
const { JSUtils } = require('../utils/jsutils.js');
const Promise = require('../utils/promise.js');
const { Util } = require('../utils/Util.js');
const { WTSUtils } = require('./WTSUtils.js');
const { WTUtils } = require('../utils/WTUtils.js');

const initialState = {
	rtTestMode: true,
	sep: {},
	onSOL: true,
	escapeText: false,
	atStartOfOutput: true, // SSS FIXME: Can this be done away with in some way?
	inIndentPre: false,
	inPHPBlock: false,
	inAttribute: false,
	hasIndentPreNowikis: false,
	hasSelfClosingNowikis: false,
	hasQuoteNowikis: false,
	hasHeadingEscapes: false,
	redirectText: null,
	wikiTableNesting: 0,
	wteHandlerStack: [],
	// XXX: replace with output buffering per line
	currLine: null,
	out: '',
	logPrefix: 'OUT:',

// Make sure the initialState is never modified

 * Stack and helpers to enforce single-line context while serializing.
 * @class
class SingleLineContext {
	constructor() { this._stack = []; }

	enforce() { this._stack.push(true); }

	enforced() { return this._stack.length > 0 && JSUtils.lastItem(this._stack); }

	disable() { this._stack.push(false); }

	pop() { this._stack.pop(); }

 * @class
class SerializerState {
	constructor(serializer, options) {
		this.env = serializer.env;
		this.serializer = serializer;
		// Make sure options and initialState are cloned,
		// so we don't alter the initial state for later serializer runs.
		Util.extendProps(this, Util.clone(options), Util.clone(initialState));
		this.singleLineContext = new SingleLineContext();

	initMode(selserMode) {
		this.useWhitespaceHeuristics = semver.gte(this.env.inputContentVersion, '1.7.0');
		this.selserMode = selserMode || false;
		this.rtTestMode = this.rtTestMode &&
				!this.selserMode;  // Always false in selser mode.

	 * Appends the seperator source and updates the SOL state if necessary.
	appendSep(src) {
		this.sep.src = (this.sep.src || '') + src;

	 * Cycle the state after processing a node.
	updateSep(node) {
		this.sep.lastSourceNode = node;

	 * Reset the current line state.
	resetCurrLine(node) {
		this.currLine = {
			text: '',
			chunks: [],
			firstNode: node,

	flushLine() {
		this.out += ConstrainedText.escapeLine(this.currLine.chunks);
		this.currLine.chunks.length = 0;

	 * Extracts a subset of the page source bound by the supplied indices.
	getOrigSrc(start, end) {
		return start <= end ? this.env.page.src.substring(start, end) : null;

	 * Like it says on the tin.
	updateModificationFlags(node) {
		this.prevNodeUnmodified = this.currNodeUnmodified;
		this.currNodeUnmodified = false;
		this.prevNode = node;

	 * Separators put us in SOL state.
	sepIntroducedSOL(sep) {
		// Don't get tripped by newlines in comments!  Be wary of nowikis added
		// by makeSepIndentPreSafe on the last line.
		if (sep.replace(Util.COMMENT_REGEXP_G, '').search(/\n$/) !== -1) {
			// Since we are stashing away newlines for emitting
			// before the next element, we are in SOL state wrt
			// the content of that next element.
			// FIXME: The only serious caveat is if all these newlines
			// will get stripped out in the context of any parent node
			// that suppress newlines (ex: <li> nodes that are forcibly
			// converted to non-html wikitext representation -- newlines
			// will get suppressed in those context). We currently don't
			// handle arbitrary HTML which cause these headaches. And,
			// in any case, we might decide to emit such HTML as native
			// HTML to avoid these problems. To be figured out later when
			// it is a real issue.
			this.onSOL = true;

	 * Accumulates chunks on the current line.
	pushToCurrLine(text, node) {
		console.assert(text instanceof ConstrainedText);

	 * Pushes the seperator to the current line and resets the separator state.
	emitSep(sep, node, debugPrefix) {
		sep = ConstrainedText.cast(sep, node);

		// Replace newlines if we're in a single-line context
		if (this.singleLineContext.enforced()) {
			sep.text = sep.text.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

		this.pushToCurrLine(sep, node);

		// Reset separator state
		this.sep = {};


			"--->", debugPrefix,
			() => JSON.stringify(sep.text));

	 * Determines if we can use the original seperator for this node or if we
	 * need to build one based on its constraints, and then emits it.
	 * The following comment applies to `origSepUsable` but is placed outside the
	 * function body since character count (including comments) can prevent
	 * inlining in older versions of v8 (node < 8.3).
	 * ---
	 * When block nodes are deleted, the deletion affects whether unmodified
	 * newline separators between a pair of unmodified P tags can be reused.
	 * Example:
	 * ```
	 * Original WT  : "<div>x</div>foo\nbar"
	 * Original HTML: "<div>x</div><p>foo</p>\n<p>bar</p>"
	 * Edited HTML  : "<p>foo</p>\n<p>bar</p>"
	 * Annotated DOM: "<mw:DiffMarker is-block><p>foo</p>\n<p>bar</p>"
	 * Expected WT  : "foo\n\nbar"
	 * ```
	 * Note the additional newline between "foo" and "bar" even though originally,
	 * there was just a single newline.
	 * So, even though the two P tags and the separator between them is
	 * unmodified, it is insufficient to rely on just that. We have to look at
	 * what has happened on the two wikitext lines onto which the two P tags
	 * will get serialized.
	 * Now, if you check the code for `nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT`, that code is
	 * not really looking at ALL the nodes before/after the nodes that could
	 * serialize onto the wikitext lines. It is looking at the immediately
	 * adjacent nodes, i.e. it is not necessary to look if a block-tag was
	 * deleted 2 or 5 siblings away. If we had to actually examine all of those,
	 * nodes, this would get very complex, and it would be much simpler to just
	 * discard the original separators => potentially lots of dirty diffs.
	 * To understand why it is sufficient (for correctness) to examine just
	 * the immediately adjacent nodes, let us look at an additional example.
	 * ```
	 * Original WT  : "a<div>b</div>c<div>d</div>e\nf"
	 * Original HTML: "<p>a</p><div>b</div><p>c</p><div>d</div><p>e</p>\n<p>f</p>"
	 * ```
	 * Note how `<block>` tags and `<p>` tags interleave in the HTML. This would be
	 * the case always no matter how much inline content showed up between the
	 * block tags in wikitext. If the b-`<div>` was deleted, we don't care
	 * about it, since we still have the d-`<div>` before the P tag that preserves
	 * the correctness of the single `"\n"` separator. If the d-`<div>` was deleted,
	 * we conservatively ignore the original separator and let normal P-P constraints
	 * take care of it. At worst, we might generate a dirty diff in this scenario.
	emitSepForNode(node) {
		var again = (node === this.sep.lastSourceNode);
		var origSepUsable = !again &&
			this.prevNodeUnmodified && !WTSUtils.nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT(this.prevNode, true) &&
			this.currNodeUnmodified && !WTSUtils.nextToDeletedBlockNodeInWT(node, false);

		var origSep = null;
		if (origSepUsable) {
			if (DOMUtils.isElt(this.prevNode) && DOMUtils.isElt(node)) {
				origSep = this.getOrigSrc(
			} else {
				origSep = this.sep.src || null;

		if (origSep !== null && WTSUtils.isValidSep(origSep)) {
			this.emitSep(origSep, node, 'ORIG-SEP:');
		} else {
			var sep = this.serializer.buildSep(node);
			this.emitSep(sep || '', node, 'SEP:');

	 * Pushes the chunk to the current line.
	emitChunk(res, node) {
		res = ConstrainedText.cast(res, node);

		// Replace newlines if we're in a single-line context
		if (this.singleLineContext.enforced()) {
			res.text = res.text.replace(/\n/g, ' ');

		// Emit separator first
		if (res.noSep) {
			/* skip separators for internal tokens fromSelSer */
		} else {

		if (this.onSOL) {
			// process escapes in our full line

		// Escape 'res' if necessary
		if (this.escapeText) {
			res = new ConstrainedText({
				text: this.serializer.wteHandlers.escapeWikiText(this, res.text, {
					node: node,
					isLastChild: DOMUtils.nextNonDeletedSibling(node) === null,
				prefix: res.prefix,
				suffix: res.suffix,
				node: res.node,
			this.escapeText = false;
		} else {
			// If 'res' is coming from selser and the current node is a paragraph tag,
			// check if 'res' might need some leading chars nowiki-escaped before being output.
			// Because of block-tag p-wrapping behavior, sol-sensitive characters that used to
			// be in non-sol positions, but yet wrapped in p-tags, could end up in sol-position
			// if those block tags get deleted during edits.
			// Ex: a<div>foo</div>*b
			// -- wt2html --> <p>a</p><div>foo<div><p>*b</p>
			// --   EDIT  --> <p>a</p><p>*b</p>
			// -- html2wt --> a\n\n<nowiki>*</nowiki>b
			// In this scenario, the <p>a</p>, <p>*b</p>, and <p>#c</p>
			// will be marked unmodified and will be processed below.
			if (this.selserMode
				&& this.onSOL
				&& this.currNodeUnmodified
				// 'node' came from original Parsoid HTML unmodified. So, if its content
				// needs nowiki-escaping, we know that the reason it didn't parse into
				// lists/headings/whatever is because it didn't occur at the start of the
				// line => it had a block-tag in the original wikitext. So if the previous
				// node was also unmodified (and since it also came from original Parsoid
				// HTML), we can safely infer that it couldn't have been an inline node or
				// a P-tag (if it were, the p-wrapping code would have swallowed that content
				// into 'node'). So, it would have to be some sort of block tag => this.onSOL
				// couldn't have been true (because we could have serialized 'node' on the
				// same line as the block tag) => we can save some effort by eliminating
				// scenarios where 'this.prevNodeUnmodified' is true.
				&& !this.prevNodeUnmodified
				&& node.nodeName === 'P' && !WTUtils.isLiteralHTMLNode(node)
			) {
				var pChild = DOMUtils.firstNonSepChild(node);
				// If a text node, we have to make sure that the text doesn't
				// get reparsed as non-text in the wt2html pipeline.
				if (pChild && DOMUtils.isText(pChild)) {
					var solWikitextRE = JSUtils.rejoin(
						// SSS FIXME: What about onlyinclude and noinclude?
						/([ \*#:;{\|!=].*)$/
					// Note that res is a ConstrainedText, not a string
					var match = res.match(solWikitextRE);
					if (match && match[2]) {
						if (/^([\*#:;]|{\||.*=$)/.test(match[2]) ||
							// ! and | chars are harmless outside tables
							(/^[\|!]/.test(match[2]) && this.wikiTableNesting > 0) ||
							// indent-pres are suppressed inside <blockquote>
							(/^ [^\s]/.test(match[2]) && !DOMUtils.hasAncestorOfName(node, 'BLOCKQUOTE'))) {
							res = ConstrainedText.cast((match[1] || '') +
								'<nowiki>' + match[2][0] + '</nowiki>' +
								match[2].substring(1), node);

		// Emitting text that has not been escaped
		this.currLine.text += res.text;

		// Output res
		this.env.log(this.serializer.logType, '--->', this.logPrefix, function() {
			return JSON.stringify(res instanceof ConstrainedText ? res.text : res);
		this.pushToCurrLine(res, node);

		// Update sol flag. Test for
		// newlines followed by optional includeonly or comments
		var solRE = JSUtils.rejoin(
			// SSS FIXME: What about onlyinclude and noinclude?
		// Note that res is a ConstrainedText, not a string
		if (!res.match(solRE)) {
			this.onSOL = false;

		// We've emit something so we're no longer at SOO.
		this.atStartOfOutput = false;

	 * Serialize the children of a DOM node, sharing the global serializer state.
	 * Typically called by a DOM-based handler to continue handling its children.
	*serializeChildrenG(node, wtEscaper, firstChild) {
		// SSS FIXME: Unsure if this is the right thing always
		if (wtEscaper) { this.wteHandlerStack.push(wtEscaper); }

		var child = firstChild || node.firstChild;
		while (child !== null) {
			var next = yield this.serializer._serializeNode(child);
			if (next === node) { break; }  // Serialized all children
			if (next === child) { next = next.nextSibling; }  // Advance
			child = next;

		if (wtEscaper) { this.wteHandlerStack.pop(); }

		// If we serialized children explicitly,
		// we were obviously processing a modified node.
		this.currNodeUnmodified = false;

	 * Abstracts some steps taken in `_serializeChildrenToString` and `serializeDOM`
	 * @private
	*_kickOffSerializeG(node, wtEscaper) {
		this.currNodeUnmodified = false;
		yield this.serializeChildren(node, wtEscaper);
		// Emit child-parent seps.
		// We've reached EOF, flush the remaining buffered text.

	 * Serialize children to a string
	 * FIXME(arlorla): Shouldln't affect the separator state, but accidents have
	 * have been known to happen. T109793 suggests using its own wts / state.
	*_serializeChildrenToStringG(node, wtEscaper, inState) {
		// FIXME: Make sure that the separators emitted here conform to the
		// syntactic constraints of syntactic context.
		var oldSep = this.sep;
		var oldSOL = this.onSOL;
		var oldOut = this.out;
		var oldStart = this.atStartOfOutput;
		var oldCurrLine = this.currLine;
		var oldLogPrefix = this.logPrefix;
		// Modification flags
		var oldPrevNodeUnmodified = this.prevNodeUnmodified;
		var oldCurrNodeUnmodified = this.currNodeUnmodified;
		var oldPrevNode = this.prevNode;

		this.out = '';
		this.logPrefix = 'OUT(C):';
		this.sep = {};
		this.onSOL = false;
		this.atStartOfOutput = false;
		this[inState] = true;

		yield this._kickOffSerialize(node, wtEscaper);

		// restore the state
		var bits = this.out;
		this.out = oldOut;
		this[inState] = false;
		this.sep = oldSep;
		this.onSOL = oldSOL;
		this.atStartOfOutput = oldStart;
		this.currLine = oldCurrLine;
		this.logPrefix = oldLogPrefix;
		// Modification flags
		this.prevNodeUnmodified = oldPrevNodeUnmodified;
		this.currNodeUnmodified = oldCurrNodeUnmodified;
		this.prevNode = oldPrevNode;
		return bits;

	_serializeLinkChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper) {
		return this._serializeChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper, 'inLink');

	_serializeCaptionChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper) {
		return this._serializeChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper, 'inCaption');

	_serializeIndentPreChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper) {
		return this._serializeChildrenToString(node, wtEscaper, 'inIndentPre');

// Clunky workaround
[ "serializeChildren", "_kickOffSerialize", "_serializeChildrenToString" ].forEach(function(f) {
	SerializerState.prototype[f] = Promise.async(SerializerState.prototype[f + "G"]);

// Clunky workaround
["serializeLinkChildrenToString", "serializeCaptionChildrenToString", "serializeIndentPreChildrenToString" ].forEach(function(f) {
	SerializerState.prototype[f] = Promise.method(SerializerState.prototype["_" + f]);

if (typeof module === "object") {
	module.exports.SerializerState = SerializerState;