/** @module */

'use strict';


 * Consolidates logging data into a single flattened
 * object (flatLogObject) and exposes various methods
 * that can be used by backends to generate message
 * strings (e.g., stack trace).
 * @class
 * @param {string} logType Type of log being generated.
 * @param {Object} logObject Data being logged.
var LogData = function(logType, logObject) {
	this.logType = logType;
	this.logObject = logObject;
	this._error = new Error();

	// Cache log information if previously constructed.
	this._cache = {};

 * Generate a full message string consisting of a message and stack trace.
LogData.prototype.fullMsg = function() {
	if (this._cache.fullMsg === undefined) {
		var messageString = this.msg();

		// Stack traces only for error & fatal
		// FIXME: This should be configurable later on.
		if (/^(error|fatal)(\/|$)?/.test(this.logType) && this.stack()) {
			messageString += '\n' + this.stack();

		this._cache.fullMsg = messageString;
	return this._cache.fullMsg;

 * Generate a message string that combines all of the
 * logObject's message fields (if an originally an object)
 * or strings (if originally an array of strings).
LogData.prototype.msg = function() {
	if (this._cache.msg === undefined) {
		this._cache.msg = this.flatLogObject().msg;
	return this._cache.msg;

LogData.prototype._getStack = function() {
	// Save original Error.prepareStackTrace
	var origPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;

	// Override with function that just returns `stack`
	Error.prepareStackTrace = function(_, s) { return s; };

	// Remove superfluous function calls on stack
	var stack = this._error.stack;
	for (var i = 0; i < stack.length - 1; i++) {
		if (/\.log \(/.test(stack[i])) {
			stack = stack.slice(i + 1);

	// Restore original `Error.prepareStackTrace`
	Error.prepareStackTrace = origPrepareStackTrace;

	return "Stack:\n  " + stack.join('\n  ');

 * Generates a message string with a stack trace. Uses the
 * flattened logObject's stack trace if it exists; otherwise,
 * creates a new stack trace.
LogData.prototype.stack = function() {
	if (this._cache.stack === undefined) {
		this._cache.stack = this.flatLogObject().stack === undefined
			? this._getStack() : this.flatLogObject().stack;
	return this._cache.stack;

 * Flattens the logObject array into a single object for access
 * by backends.
LogData.prototype.flatLogObject = function() {
	if (this._cache.flatLogObject === undefined) {
		this._cache.flatLogObject = this._flatten(this.logObject, 'top level');
	return this._cache.flatLogObject;

 * Returns a flattened object with an arbitrary number of fields,
 * including "msg" (combining all "msg" fields and strings from
 * underlying objects) and "stack" (a stack trace, if any).
 * @param {Object} o Object to flatten.
 * @param {string} topLevel Separate top-level from recursive calls.
 * @return {Object} Flattened Object.
 * @return {string} [return.msg] All "msg" fields, combined with spaces.
 * @return {string} [return.longMsg] All "msg" fields, combined with newlines.
 * @return {string} [return.stack] A stack trace (if any).
LogData.prototype._flatten = function(o, topLevel) {
	var f, msg, longMsg;

	if (typeof (o) === 'undefined' || o === null) {
		return { msg: '' };
	} else if (Array.isArray(o) && topLevel) {
		// flatten components, but no longer in a top-level context.
		f = o.map(oo => this._flatten(oo));
		// join all the messages with spaces or newlines between them.
		var tobool = (x => !!x);
		msg = f.map(oo => oo.msg).filter(tobool).join(' ');
		longMsg = f.map(oo => oo.msg).filter(tobool).join('\n');
		// merge all custom fields
		f = f.reduce((prev, oo) => Object.assign(prev, oo), {});
		return Object.assign(f, {
			msg: msg,
			longMsg: longMsg,
	} else if (o instanceof Error) {
		f = {
			msg: o.message,
			// In some cases, we wish to suppress stacks when logging,
			// as indicated by `suppressLoggingStack`.
			// (E.g. see DoesNotExistError in mediawikiApiRequest.js).
			// We return a defined value to avoid generating a stack above.
			stack: o.suppressLoggingStack ? "" : o.stack,
		if (o.httpStatus) {
			f.httpStatus = o.httpStatus;
		return f;
	} else if (typeof (o) === 'function') {
		return this._flatten(o());
	} else if (typeof (o) === 'object' && o.hasOwnProperty('msg')) {
		return o;
	} else if (typeof (o) === 'string') {
		return { msg: o };
	} else {
		return { msg: JSON.stringify(o) };

if (typeof module === "object") {
	module.exports.LogData = LogData;