* Stand-alone XMLSerializer for DOM3 documents
* The output is identical to standard XHTML5 DOM serialization, as given by
* http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/
* and
* https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#serialising-html-fragments
* except that we may quote attributes with single quotes, *only* where that would
* result in more compact output than the standard double-quoted serialization.
* @module
'use strict';
const entities = require('entities');
const { DOMUtils } = require('../utils/DOMUtils.js');
const { JSUtils } = require('../utils/jsutils.js');
const { WTUtils } = require('../utils/WTUtils.js');
const { WikitextConstants } = require('../config/WikitextConstants.js');
// nodeType constants
var TEXT_NODE = 3;
* HTML5 void elements
* @namespace
* @private
var emptyElements = {
area: true,
base: true,
basefont: true,
bgsound: true,
br: true,
col: true,
command: true,
embed: true,
frame: true,
hr: true,
img: true,
input: true,
keygen: true,
link: true,
meta: true,
param: true,
source: true,
track: true,
wbr: true,
* HTML5 elements with raw (unescaped) content
* @namespace
* @private
var hasRawContent = {
style: true,
script: true,
xmp: true,
iframe: true,
noembed: true,
noframes: true,
plaintext: true,
noscript: true,
* Elements that strip leading newlines
* http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-end.html#html-fragment-serialization-algorithm
* @namespace
* @private
var newlineStrippingElements = {
pre: true,
textarea: true,
listing: true,
* @namespace
var XMLSerializer = {};
function serializeToString(node, options, accum) {
var child;
if (options.tunnelFosteredContent && WikitextConstants.HTML.FosterablePosition.has(node.nodeName)) {
// Tunnel fosterable metas as comments.
// This is analogous to what is done when treebuilding.
const ownerDoc = node.ownerDocument;
const allowedTags = WikitextConstants.HTML.TableContentModels.get(node.nodeName);
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
const next = child.nextSibling;
if (DOMUtils.isText(child)) {
console.assert(DOMUtils.isIEW(child), 'Only expecting whitespace!');
} else if (DOMUtils.isElt(child) && !allowedTags.includes(child.nodeName)) {
console.assert(child.nodeName === 'META', 'Only fosterable metas expected!');
const comment = WTUtils.fosterCommentData(
Array.from(child.attributes).map(a => [a.name, a.value]),
node.replaceChild(ownerDoc.createComment(comment), child);
child = next;
switch (node.nodeType) {
child = node.firstChild;
var attrs = node.attributes;
var len = attrs.length;
var nodeName = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
var localName = node.localName;
accum('<' + localName, node);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var attr = attrs.item(i);
if (options.smartQuote &&
// More double quotes than single quotes in value?
(attr.value.match(/"/g) || []).length >
(attr.value.match(/'/g) || []).length) {
// use single quotes
accum(' ' + attr.name + "='"
+ attr.value.replace(/[<&']/g, entities.encodeHTML5) + "'",
} else {
// use double quotes
accum(' ' + attr.name + '="'
+ attr.value.replace(/[<&"]/g, entities.encodeHTML5) + '"',
if (child || !emptyElements[nodeName]) {
accum('>', node, 'start');
// if is cdata child node
if (hasRawContent[nodeName]) {
// TODO: perform context-sensitive escaping?
// Currently this content is not normally part of our DOM, so
// no problem. If it was, we'd probably have to do some
// tag-specific escaping. Examples:
// * < to \u003c in <script>
// * < to \3c in <style>
// ...
if (child) {
accum(child.data, node);
} else {
if (child && newlineStrippingElements[localName]
&& child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE && /^\n/.test(child.data)) {
/* If current node is a pre, textarea, or listing element,
* and the first child node of the element, if any, is a
* Text node whose character data has as its first
* character a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, then
* append a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character. */
accum('\n', node);
while (child) {
serializeToString(child, options, accum);
child = child.nextSibling;
accum('</' + localName + '>', node, 'end');
} else {
accum('/>', node, 'end');
child = node.firstChild;
while (child) {
serializeToString(child, options, accum);
child = child.nextSibling;
return accum(node.data.replace(/[<&]/g, entities.encodeHTML5), node);
// According to
// http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Parsing/#dfn-concept-serialize-xml
// we could throw an exception here if node.data would not create
// a "well-formed" XML comment. But we use entity encoding when
// we create the comment node to ensure that node.data will always
// be okay; see WTUtils.encodeComment().
return accum('<!--' + node.data + '-->', node);
accum('??' + node.nodeName, node);
var accumOffsets = function(out, bit, node, flag) {
if (DOMUtils.isBody(node)) {
out.html += bit;
if (flag === 'start') {
out.start = out.html.length;
} else if (flag === 'end') {
out.start = null;
out.uid = null;
} else if (!DOMUtils.isElt(node) || out.start === null || !DOMUtils.isBody(node.parentNode)) {
// In case you're wondering, out.start may never be set if body
// isn't a child of the node passed to serializeToString, or if it
// is the node itself but options.innerXML is true.
out.html += bit;
if (out.uid !== null) {
out.offsets[out.uid].html[1] += bit.length;
} else {
var newUid = node.hasAttribute('id') ? node.getAttribute('id') : null;
// Encapsulated siblings don't have generated ids (but may have an id),
// so associate them with preceding content.
if (newUid && newUid !== out.uid && !out.last) {
if (!WTUtils.isEncapsulationWrapper(node)) {
out.uid = newUid;
} else if (WTUtils.isFirstEncapsulationWrapperNode(node)) {
var about = node.getAttribute('about');
out.last = JSUtils.lastItem(WTUtils.getAboutSiblings(node, about));
out.uid = newUid;
if (out.last === node && flag === "end") {
out.last = null;
console.assert(out.uid !== null);
if (!out.offsets.hasOwnProperty(out.uid)) {
var dt = out.html.length - out.start;
out.offsets[out.uid] = { html: [dt, dt] };
out.html += bit;
out.offsets[out.uid].html[1] += bit.length;
* Serialize an HTML DOM3 node to XHTML.
* @param {Node} node
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.smartQuote=true]
* @param {boolean} [options.innerXML=false]
* @param {boolean} [options.captureOffsets=false]
XMLSerializer.serialize = function(node, options) {
if (!options) { options = {}; }
if (!options.hasOwnProperty('smartQuote')) {
options.smartQuote = true;
if (node.nodeName === '#document') {
node = node.documentElement;
var out = { html: '', offsets: {}, start: null, uid: null, last: null };
var accum = options.captureOffsets ?
(bit, node, flag) => accumOffsets(out, bit, node, flag) : (bit) => { out.html += bit; };
if (options.innerXML) {
for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
serializeToString(child, options, accum);
} else {
serializeToString(node, options, accum);
// Ensure there's a doctype for documents.
if (!options.innerXML && /^html$/i.test(node.nodeName)) {
out.html = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' + out.html;
// Drop the bookkeeping
const bookkeeping = { start: undefined, uid: undefined, last: undefined };
if (!options.captureOffsets) { bookkeeping.offsets = undefined; }
Object.assign(out, bookkeeping);
return out;
module.exports = XMLSerializer;