* Insert paragraph tags where needed -- smartly and carefully
* -- there is much fun to be had mimicking "wikitext visual newlines"
* behavior as implemented by the PHP parser.
* @module
'use strict';
const { TokenUtils } = require('../../utils/TokenUtils.js');
const TokenHandler = require('./TokenHandler.js');
const { CommentTk, EOFTk, NlTk, TagTk, SelfclosingTagTk, EndTagTk } = require('../../tokens/TokenTypes.js');
// These are defined in the php parser's `BlockLevelPass`
const blockElems = new Set([
'TABLE', 'H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'PRE', 'P', 'UL', 'OL', 'DL',
const antiBlockElems = new Set([
'TD', 'TH',
const alwaysSuppress = new Set([
'TR', 'DT', 'DD', 'LI',
const neverSuppress = new Set([
// XXX: This is new in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/196532/
* @class
* @extends module:wt2html/tt/TokenHandler
class ParagraphWrapper extends TokenHandler {
constructor(manager, options) {
super(manager, options);
this.inPre = false;
this.hasOpenPTag = false;
this.inBlockElem = false;
this.tokenBuffer = [];
this.nlWsTokens = [];
this.newLineCount = 0;
this.currLine = null;
// Disable p-wrapper
this.disabled = this.options.inlineContext || this.options.inPHPBlock;
onNewline(token) {
return this.inPre ? token : this.onNewLineOrEOF(token);
onEnd(token) {
return this.onNewLineOrEOF(token);
reset() {
// This is the ordering of buffered tokens and how they should get emitted:
// token-buffer (from previous lines if newLineCount > 0)
// newline-ws-tokens (buffered nl+sol-transparent tokens since last non-nl-token)
// current-line-tokens (all tokens after newline-ws-tokens)
// newline-token-count is > 0 only when we encounter multiple "empty lines".
// Periodically, when it is clear where an open/close p-tag is required, the buffers
// are collapsed and emitted. Wherever tokens are buffered/emitted, verify that this
// order is preserved.
this.hasOpenPTag = false;
this.inPre = false;
// NOTE: This flag is the local equivalent of what we're mimicking with
// the inPHPBlock pipeline option.
this.inBlockElem = false;
resetBuffers() {
this.tokenBuffer = [];
this.nlWsTokens = [];
this.newLineCount = 0;
resetCurrLine() {
if (this.currLine && (this.currLine.openMatch || this.currLine.closeMatch)) {
this.inBlockElem = !this.currLine.closeMatch;
this.currLine = {
tokens: [],
hasWrappableTokens: false,
// These flags, along with `inBlockElem` are concepts from the
// php parser's `BlockLevelPass`.
openMatch: false,
closeMatch: false,
_processBuffers(token, flushCurrentLine) {
let res = this.processPendingNLs();
if (flushCurrentLine) {
res = res.concat(this.currLine.tokens);
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ", () => JSON.stringify(res));
return res;
_flushBuffers() {
// Assertion to catch bugs in p-wrapping; both cannot be true.
if (this.newLineCount > 0) {
"Failed assertion in _flushBuffers: newline-count:",
"; buffered tokens: ",
const resToks = this.tokenBuffer.concat(this.nlWsTokens);
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ", () => JSON.stringify(resToks));
return resToks;
discardOneNlTk(out) {
let i = 0;
const n = this.nlWsTokens.length;
while (i < n) {
const t = this.nlWsTokens.shift();
if (t.constructor === NlTk) {
return t;
} else {
return "";
openPTag(out) {
if (!this.hasOpenPTag) {
let i = 0;
let tplStartIndex = -1;
// Be careful not to expand template ranges unnecessarily.
// Look for open markers before starting a p-tag.
for (; i < out.length; i++) {
const t = out[i];
if (t.name === "meta") {
const typeOf = t.getAttribute("typeof");
if (/^mw:Transclusion$/.test(typeOf)) {
// We hit a start tag and everything before it is sol-transparent.
tplStartIndex = i;
} else if (/^mw:Transclusion/.test(typeOf)) {
// End tag. All tokens before this are sol-transparent.
// Let us leave them all out of the p-wrapping.
tplStartIndex = -1;
// Not a transclusion meta; Check for nl/sol-transparent tokens
// and leave them out of the p-wrapping.
if (!TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(this.env, t) && t.constructor !== NlTk) {
if (tplStartIndex > -1) { i = tplStartIndex; }
out.splice(i, 0, new TagTk('p'));
this.hasOpenPTag = true;
closeOpenPTag(out) {
if (this.hasOpenPTag) {
let i = out.length - 1;
let tplEndIndex = -1;
// Be careful not to expand template ranges unnecessarily.
// Look for open markers before closing.
for (; i > -1; i--) {
const t = out[i];
if (t.name === "meta") {
const typeOf = t.getAttribute("typeof");
if (/^mw:Transclusion$/.test(typeOf)) {
// We hit a start tag and everything after it is sol-transparent.
// Don't include the sol-transparent tags OR the start tag.
tplEndIndex = -1;
} else if (/^mw:Transclusion/.test(typeOf)) {
// End tag. The rest of the tags past this are sol-transparent.
// Let us leave them all out of the p-wrapping.
tplEndIndex = i;
// Not a transclusion meta; Check for nl/sol-transparent tokens
// and leave them out of the p-wrapping.
if (!TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(this.env, t) && t.constructor !== NlTk) {
if (tplEndIndex > -1) { i = tplEndIndex; }
out.splice(i + 1, 0, new EndTagTk('p'));
this.hasOpenPTag = false;
// Handle NEWLINE tokens
onNewLineOrEOF(token) {
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "NL |", () => JSON.stringify(token));
const l = this.currLine;
if (this.currLine.openMatch || this.currLine.closeMatch) {
} else if (!this.inBlockElem && !this.hasOpenPTag && l.hasWrappableTokens) {
// Assertion to catch bugs in p-wrapping; both cannot be true.
if (this.newLineCount > 0 && l.tokens.length > 0) {
"Failed assertion in onNewLineOrEOF: newline-count:",
"; current line tokens: ",
this.tokenBuffer = this.tokenBuffer.concat(l.tokens);
if (token.constructor === EOFTk) {
const res = this.processPendingNLs();
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ", () => JSON.stringify(res));
// ensure this propagates further in the pipeline, and doesn't hit the AnyHandler
return { tokens: res, skipOnAny: true };
} else {
return { tokens: [] };
processPendingNLs() {
let resToks = this.tokenBuffer;
let newLineCount = this.newLineCount;
let nlTk;
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, " NL-count:", newLineCount);
if (newLineCount >= 2 && !this.inBlockElem) {
// First is emitted as a literal newline
newLineCount -= 1;
const remainder = newLineCount % 2;
while (newLineCount > 0) {
nlTk = this.discardOneNlTk(resToks);
if (newLineCount % 2 === remainder) { // Always start here
if (this.hasOpenPTag) { // Only if we opened it
resToks.push(new EndTagTk('p'));
this.hasOpenPTag = false;
if (newLineCount > 1) { // Don't open if we aren't pushing content
resToks.push(new TagTk('p'));
this.hasOpenPTag = true;
} else {
resToks.push(new SelfclosingTagTk('br'));
newLineCount -= 1;
if (this.currLine.openMatch || this.currLine.closeMatch) {
if (newLineCount === 1) {
// Gather remaining ws and nl tokens
resToks = resToks.concat(this.nlWsTokens);
// reset buffers
return resToks;
onAny(token) {
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "ANY |", () => JSON.stringify(token));
let res;
const tc = token.constructor;
if (tc === TagTk && token.name === 'pre' && !TokenUtils.isHTMLTag(token)) {
if (this.inBlockElem) {
// No pre-tokens inside block tags -- replace it with a ' '
this.currLine.tokens.push(' ');
return { tokens: [] };
} else {
this.inPre = true;
// This will put us `inBlockElem`, so we need the extra `!inPre`
// condition below. Presumably, we couldn't have entered
// `inBlockElem` while being `inPre`. Alternatively, we could say
// that index-pre is "never suppressing" and set the `closeMatch`
// flag. The point of all this is that we want to close any open
// p-tags.
this.currLine.openMatch = true;
// skip ensures this doesn't hit the AnyHandler
return { tokens: this._processBuffers(token, true), skipOnAny: true };
} else if (tc === EndTagTk && token.name === 'pre' && !TokenUtils.isHTMLTag(token)) {
if (this.inBlockElem && !this.inPre) {
// No pre-tokens inside block tags -- swallow it.
return { tokens: [] };
} else {
if (this.inPre) {
this.inPre = false;
this.currLine.closeMatch = true;
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ", () => JSON.stringify(token));
res = [token];
// skip ensures this doesn't hit the AnyHandler
return { tokens: res, skipOnAny: true };
} else if (tc === EOFTk || this.inPre) {
this.env.log("trace/p-wrap", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ", () => JSON.stringify(token));
res = [token];
// skip ensures this doesn't hit the AnyHandler
return { tokens: res, skipOnAny: true };
} else if (tc === CommentTk || tc === String && token.match(/^[\t ]*$/) || TokenUtils.isEmptyLineMetaToken(token)) {
if (this.newLineCount === 0) {
// Since we have no pending newlines to trip us up,
// no need to buffer -- just flush everything
return { tokens: this._flushBuffers(), skipOnAny: true };
} else {
// We are in buffering mode waiting till we are ready to
// process pending newlines.
return { tokens: [] };
} else if (tc !== String &&
// T186965: <style> behaves similarly to sol transparent tokens in
// that it doesn't open/close paragraphs, but also doesn't induce
// a new paragraph by itself.
(TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(this.env, token) || token.name === 'style')
) {
if (this.newLineCount === 0) {
// Since we have no pending newlines to trip us up,
// no need to buffer -- just flush everything
return { tokens: this._flushBuffers(), skipOnAny: true };
} else if (this.newLineCount === 1) {
// Swallow newline, whitespace, comments, and the current line
this.tokenBuffer = this.tokenBuffer.concat(this.nlWsTokens, this.currLine.tokens);
this.newLineCount = 0;
this.nlWsTokens = [];
// But, don't process the new token yet.
return { tokens: [] };
} else {
return { tokens: this._processBuffers(token, false), skipOnAny: true };
} else {
const name = (token.name || '').toUpperCase();
if ((blockElems.has(name) && tc !== EndTagTk) ||
(antiBlockElems.has(name) && tc === EndTagTk) ||
alwaysSuppress.has(name)) {
this.currLine.openMatch = true;
if ((blockElems.has(name) && tc === EndTagTk) ||
(antiBlockElems.has(name) && tc !== EndTagTk) ||
neverSuppress.has(name)) {
this.currLine.closeMatch = true;
this.currLine.hasWrappableTokens = true;
return { tokens: this._processBuffers(token, false), skipOnAny: true };
if (typeof module === "object") {
module.exports.ParagraphWrapper = ParagraphWrapper;