 * Some parser functions, and quite a bunch of stubs of parser functions.
 * IMPORTANT NOTE: These parser functions are only used by the Parsoid-native
 * template expansion pipeline, which is *not* the default or used in
 * production. Normally we use API calls into a MediaWiki installation to
 * implement parser functions and other preprocessor functionality. The only
 * use of this code is currently in parserTests, but those tests should
 * probably be marked as PHP-only and any mixed testing moved into separate
 * tests. This means that there is not much point in spending time on
 * implementing more parser functions here.
 * There are still quite a few missing, see
 * {@link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Magic_words} and
 * {@link http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions}.
 * Instantiated and called by the {@link TemplateHandler} extension.
 * Any `pf_<prefix>`
 * matching a lower-cased template name prefix up to the first colon will
 * override that template.
 * @module

'use strict';


var Promise = require('../../utils/promise.js');
var Sanitizer = require('./Sanitizer.js').Sanitizer;
var TokenUtils = require('../../utils/TokenUtils.js').TokenUtils;
var Util = require('../../utils/Util.js').Util;
const { KV, TagTk, EndTagTk, SelfclosingTagTk } = require('../../tokens/TokenTypes.js');

 * @class
 * @param {MWParserEnvironment} env
function ParserFunctions(env) {
	this.env = env;

// 'cb' can only be called once after "everything" is done.
// But, we need something that can be used in async context where it is
// called repeatedly till we are done.
// Primarily needed in the context of async.map calls that requires a 1-shot callback.
// Use with caution!  If the async stream that we are accumulating into the buffer
// is a firehose of tokens, the buffer will become huge.
function buildAsyncOutputBufferCB(cb) {
	function AsyncOutputBufferCB(cb2) {
		this.accum = [];
		this.targetCB = cb2;

	AsyncOutputBufferCB.prototype.processAsyncOutput = function(res) {
		// * Ignore switch-to-async mode calls since
		//   we are actually collapsing async calls.
		// * Accumulate async call results in an array
		//   till we get the signal that we are all done
		// * Once we are done, pass everything to the target cb.
		if (res.async !== true) {
			// There are 3 kinds of callbacks:
			// 1. cb({tokens: .. })
			// 2. cb({}) ==> toks can be undefined
			// 3. cb(foo) -- which means in some cases foo can
			//    be one of the two cases above, or it can also be a simple string.
			// Version 1. is the general case.
			// Versions 2. and 3. are optimized scenarios to eliminate
			// additional processing of tokens.
			// In the C++ version, this is handled more cleanly.
			var toks = res.tokens;
			if (!toks && res.constructor === String) {
				toks = res;

			if (toks) {
				if (Array.isArray(toks)) {
					for (var i = 0, l = toks.length; i < l; i++) {
					// this.accum = this.accum.concat(toks);
				} else {

			if (!res.async) {
				// we are done!

	var r = new AsyncOutputBufferCB(cb);
	return r.processAsyncOutput.bind(r);

// Temporary helper.
ParserFunctions.prototype._rejoinKV = function(trim, k, v) {
	if (k.constructor === String && k.length > 0) {
		return [k].concat(['='], v);
	} else if (Array.isArray(k) && k.length > 0) {
		return k.concat(['='], v);
	} else {
		return trim ? (v.constructor === String ? v.trim() : TokenUtils.tokenTrim(v)) : v;

// XXX: move to frame?
ParserFunctions.prototype.expandKV = function(kv, cb, defaultValue, type, trim) {
	if (trim === undefined) {
		trim = true;

	if (type === undefined) {
		type = 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded';
	if (kv === undefined) {
		cb({ tokens: [ defaultValue || '' ] });
	} else if (kv.constructor === String) {
		return cb({ tokens: [kv] });
	} else if (kv.k.constructor === String && kv.v.constructor === String) {
		if (kv.k) {
			cb({ tokens: [kv.k + '=' + kv.v] });
		} else {
			cb({ tokens: [trim ? kv.v.trim() : kv.v] });
	} else {
		var getCB = (v) => {
			cb({ tokens: this._rejoinKV(trim, kv.k, v) });
			type: type,
			cb: getCB,
			asyncCB: cb,

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_if = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target.trim() !== '') {
		this.expandKV(args[1], cb);
	} else {
		this.expandKV(args[2], cb);

ParserFunctions.prototype._switchLookupFallback = function(frame, kvs, key, dict, cb, v) {
	var kv;
	var l = kvs.length;
	this.env.log('debug', '_switchLookupFallback', kvs.length, key, v);
	var _cbTrim = function(res) {
		if (res.constructor === String) {
			cb({ tokens: [ res.trim() ], async: res.async });
		} else if (Array.isArray(res)) {
			cb({ tokens: TokenUtils.tokenTrim(res), async: res.async });
		} else {
	var _cbNoTrim = function(res) {
		if (res.constructor === String) {
			cb({ tokens: [ res ], async: res.async });
		} else if (Array.isArray(res)) {
			cb({ tokens: res, async: res.async });
		} else if (res.async) {
		} else {
			this.env.log('error', 'Unprocessable res in ParserFunctions:_cbNoTrim', res);


	// 'v' need not be a string in cases where it is the last fall-through case
	var vStr = v ? TokenUtils.tokensToString(v) : null;
	if (vStr && key === vStr.trim()) {
		// This handles fall-through switch cases:
		//   {{#switch:<key>
		//     | c1 | c2 | c3 = <res>
		//     ...
		//   }}
		// So if <key> matched c1, we want to return <res>.
		// Hence, we are looking for the next entry with a non-empty key.
		this.env.log('debug', 'switch found');
		for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) {
			kv = kvs[j];
			// XXX: make sure the key is always one of these!
			if (kv.k.length) {
					type: 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded',
					cb: _cbTrim,
					asyncCB: _cbTrim,
		// No value found, return empty string? XXX: check this
	} else if (kvs.length) {
		// search for value-only entry which matches
		var i = 0;
		if (v) {
			i = 1;
		for (; i < l; i++) {
			kv = kvs[i];
			if (kv.k.length || !kv.v.length) {
				// skip entries with keys or empty values
			} else {
				if (!kv.v.get) {
					this.env.log('debug', kv.v);
				// We found a value-only entry.  However, we have to verify
				// if we have any fall-through cases that this matches.
				//   {{#switch:<key>
				//     | c1 | c2 | c3 = <res>
				//     ...
				//   }}
				// In the switch example above, if we found 'c1', that is
				// not the fallback value -- we have to check for fall-through
				// cases.  Hence the recursive callback to _switchLookupFallback.
				//   {{#switch:<key>
				//     | c1 = <..>
				//     | c2 = <..>
				//     | [[Foo]]</div>
				//   }}
				// 'val' may be an array of tokens rather than a string as in the
				// example above where 'val' is indeed the final return value.
				// Hence 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded' type below.
					type: 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded',
					cb: function(k, val) {
							this._switchLookupFallback.bind(this, frame,
								kvs.slice(k + 1), key, dict, cb, val)
					}.bind(this, i),
					asyncCB: cb,
		// value not found!
		if ('#default' in dict) {
				type: 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded',
				cb: _cbTrim,
				asyncCB: cb,
		} else if (kvs.length) {
			var lastKV = kvs[kvs.length - 1];
			if (lastKV && !lastKV.k.length) {
					cb: _cbNoTrim,
					asyncCB: cb,
			} else {
		} else {
			// nothing found at all.
	} else if (v) {
		cb({ tokens: Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v] });
	} else {
		// nothing found at all.

// TODO: Implement
// http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#Grouping_results
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_switch = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k.trim();
	this.env.log('debug', 'switch enter', target, token);
	// create a dict from the remaining args
	var dict = args.dict();
	if (target && dict[target] !== undefined) {
		this.env.log('debug', 'switch found: ', target, dict, ' res=', dict[target]);
			type: 'tokens/x-mediawiki/expanded',
			cb: function(res) {
				cb({ tokens: res.constructor === String ? [res.trim()] : TokenUtils.tokenTrim(res) });
			asyncCB: cb,
	} else {
		this._switchLookupFallback(frame, args, target, dict, cb);

// #ifeq
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_ifeq = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	if (args.length < 3) {
	} else {
		var b = args[1].v;
		b.get({ cb: this._ifeq_worker.bind(this, cb, args), asyncCB: cb });

ParserFunctions.prototype._ifeq_worker = function(cb, args, b) {
	if (args[0].k.trim() === b.trim()) {
		this.expandKV(args[2], cb);
	} else {
		this.expandKV(args[3], cb);

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_expr = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var res;
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target) {
		try {
			// FIXME: make this safe and implement MW expressions!
			var f = new Function('return (' + target + ')');  // eslint-disable-line
			res = f();
		} catch (e) {
			cb({ tokens: [ 'class="error" in expression ' + target ] });
	} else {
		res = '';
	// Avoid crashes
	if (res === undefined) {
		cb({ tokens: [ 'class="error" in expression ' + target ] });
	cb({ tokens: [ res.toString() ] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_ifexpr = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	this.env.log('debug', '#ifexp: ', args);
	var res = null;
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target) {
		try {
			// FIXME: make this safe, and fully implement MW expressions!
			var f = new Function('return (' + target + ')');  // eslint-disable-line
			res = f();
		} catch (e) {
			cb({ tokens: [ 'class="error" in expression ' + target ] });
	if (res) {
		this.expandKV(args[1], cb);
	} else {
		this.expandKV(args[2], cb);

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_iferror = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target.indexOf('class="error"') >= 0) {
		this.expandKV(args[1], cb);
	} else {
		this.expandKV(args[1], cb, target);

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_lc = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [ args[0].k.toLowerCase() ] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_uc = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [ args[0].k.toUpperCase() ] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_ucfirst = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target) {
		cb({ tokens: [ target[0].toUpperCase() + target.substr(1) ] });
	} else {
		cb({ tokens: [] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_lcfirst = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (target) {
		cb({ tokens: [ target[0].toLowerCase() + target.substr(1) ] });
	} else {
		cb({ tokens: [] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_padleft = function(token, frame, cb, params) {
	var target = params[0].k;
	var env = this.env;
	if (!params[1]) {
		return cb({ tokens: [] });
	// expand parameters 1 and 2
		type: 'text/x-mediawiki/expanded',
	}, 1, 3).then(function(args) {
		var n = +(args[0].v);
		if (n > 0) {
			var pad = '0';
			if (args[1] && args[1].v !== '') {
				pad = args[1].v;
			var padLength = pad.length;
			var extra = '';
			while ((target.length + extra.length + padLength) < n) {
				extra += pad;
			if (target.length + extra.length < n) {
				extra += pad.substr(0, n - target.length - extra.length);
			cb({ tokens: [extra + target] });
		} else {
			env.log('debug', 'padleft no pad width', args);
			cb({ tokens: [] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_padright = function(token, frame, cb, params) {
	var target = params[0].k;
	var env = this.env;
	if (!params[1]) {
		return cb({});
	// expand parameters 1 and 2
		type: 'text/x-mediawiki/expanded',
	}, 1, 3).then(function(args) {
		var n = +(args[0].v);
		if (n > 0) {
			var pad = '0';
			if (args[1] && args[1].v !== '') {
				pad = args[1].v;
			var padLength = pad.length;
			while ((target.length + padLength) < n) {
				target += pad;
			if (target.length < n) {
				target += pad.substr(0, n - target.length);
			cb({ tokens: [target] });
		} else {
			env.log('debug', 'padright no pad width', args);
			cb({ tokens: [] });

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_tag = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	// Check http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TagParser for more info
	// about the #tag parser function.
	var target = args[0].k;
	if (!target || target === '') {
	} else {
		// remove tag-name
		this.tag_worker(target, cb, args);

ParserFunctions.prototype.tag_worker = function(target, cb, kvs) {
	var contentToks = [];
	var tagAttribs = [];
	for (var i = 0, n = kvs.length; i < n; i++) {
		if (kvs[i].k === '') {
			contentToks = contentToks.concat(kvs[i].v);
		} else {

	var tokens = [new TagTk(target, tagAttribs)].concat(
		[new EndTagTk(target)]
	cb({ tokens: tokens });

// TODO: These are just quick wrappers for now, optimize!
	['year', 'Y'], ['month', 'm'], ['monthname', 'F'], ['monthabbrev', 'M'],
	['week', 'W'], ['day', 'j'], ['day2', 'd'], ['dow', 'w'], ['dayname', 'l'],
	['time', 'H:i'], ['hour', 'H'], ['week', 'W'],
	['timestamp', 'YmdHis'],
].forEach(function(a) {
	var name = a[0];
	var format = a[1];
	ParserFunctions.prototype['pf_current' + name] =
		function(token, frame, cb, args) {
			cb(this._pf_time_tokens(format, [], {}));
	ParserFunctions.prototype['pf_local' + name] =
		function(token, frame, cb, args) {
			cb(this._pf_timel_tokens(format, [], {}));
// XXX Actually use genitive form!
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_currentmonthnamegen = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb(this._pf_time_tokens('F', [], {}));
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_localmonthnamegen = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb(this._pf_timel_tokens('F', [], {}));

// A first approximation of time stuff.
// TODO: Implement time spec (+ 1 day etc), check if formats are complete etc.
// See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#.23time
// for the full list of requirements!
// First (very rough) approximation below based on
// http://jacwright.com/projects/javascript/date_format/, MIT licensed.
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_time = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: this._pf_time(args[0].k, args.slice(1)) });

ParserFunctions.prototype._pf_time_tokens = function(target, args) {
	return { tokens: this._pf_time(target, args) };
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_timel = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: this._pf_time(args[0].k, args.slice(1), 'local') });

ParserFunctions.prototype._pf_timel_tokens = function(target, args) {
	return { tokens: this._pf_time(target, args, 'local') };

var ParsoidDate; // forward declaration

ParserFunctions.prototype._pf_time = function(target, args, isLocal) {
	var res;
	var tpl = target.trim();
	var date = new ParsoidDate(this.env, isLocal);
	try {
		res = [ date.format(tpl) ];
	} catch (e2) {
		this.env.log("error", "#time " + e2);
		res = [ date.toString() ];
	return res;

// Simulates PHP's date function
// NOTE that Javascript doesn't have a proper user-specified-timezone API.
// PHP format specifiers which return the name of the timezone (for example,
// 'e' and 'T') can't be implemented in JavaScript w/o the use of an external
// timezone database, like for instance https://github.com/mde/timezone-js
ParsoidDate = function(env, isLocal, forcetime) {
	var date = new Date();
	var offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
	// XXX: parse forcetime and change date
	// when testing, look aside to other date?
	if (typeof (env.conf.wiki.fakeTimestamp) === 'number') {
		// php time stamps are in seconds; js timestamps are in milliseconds
		date.setTime(env.conf.wiki.fakeTimestamp * 1000);
	if (typeof (env.conf.wiki.timezoneOffset) === 'number') {
		// this is the wiki's $wgLocaltimezone (if set)
		offset = env.conf.wiki.timezoneOffset;
	if (!isLocal) {
		offset = 0; // UTC
	this._date = date;
	// _localdate is a date object which is, in UTC, the desired local time.
	// for example, if _date is 'Tue, 02 Apr 2013 21:30:44 GMT-0400 (EDT)'
	// then _localdate is       'Tue, 02 Apr 2013 21:30:44 GMT'
	offset *= 60 * 1000; /* convert from minutes to milliseconds */
	this._localdate = new Date(date.getTime() - offset);
ParsoidDate.prototype.format = function(format) {
	var returnStr = '';
	var replace = ParsoidDate.replaceChars;
	for (var i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
		var curChar = format.charAt(i);
		if (i - 1 >= 0 && format.charAt(i - 1) === "\\") {
			returnStr += curChar;
		} else if (replace[curChar]) {
			returnStr += replace[curChar].call(this);
		} else if (curChar !== "\\") {
			returnStr += curChar;
	return returnStr;
ParsoidDate.prototype.toString = function() {
	return this.format('D, d M Y H:i:s O');
ParsoidDate.prototype.getTimezoneOffset = function() {
	return (this._date.getTime() - this._localdate.getTime()) / (60 * 1000);
var getJan1 = function(d) {
	d = new Date(d.getTime());
	return d;
ParsoidDate.prototype.getWeek = function() {
	var start = getJan1(this._localdate);
	return Math.ceil((((this._localdate.valueOf() - start.valueOf()) / 86400000) + start.getUTCDay() + 1) / 7);
ParsoidDate.prototype.getWeekYear = function() { // ISO-8601 week year
	var d = new Date(this._localdate);
	d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate() - ((d.getUTCDay() + 6) % 7) + 3);
	return d.getUTCFullYear();
ParsoidDate.prototype.getDayOfYear = function() {
	var start = getJan1(this._localdate);
	return Math.ceil((this._localdate.valueOf() - start.valueOf()) / 86400000);
// proxy certain methods of _date into ParsoidDate.
	'getUTCHours', 'getUTCMinutes', 'getUTCSeconds',
	'getTime', 'valueOf',
].forEach(function(f) {
	ParsoidDate.prototype[f] = function() {
		var d = this._date;
		return d[f].apply(d, arguments);
// local dates use UTC methods, but on _localdate
	'getHours', 'getMinutes', 'getSeconds', 'getMilliseconds',
	'getDate', 'getDay', 'getMonth', 'getFullYear',
].forEach(function(f) {
	var ff = f.replace('get', 'getUTC');
	ParsoidDate.prototype[f] = function() {
		var d = this._localdate;
		return d[ff].apply(d, arguments);

// XXX: support localization
ParsoidDate.replaceChars = {
	shortMonths: [
		'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
		'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec',
	longMonths: [
		'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
		'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December',
	shortDays: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
	longDays: [
		'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday',
		'Friday', 'Saturday',

	// Day
	d: function() { return (this.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + this.getDate(); },
	D: function() { return ParsoidDate.replaceChars.shortDays[this.getDay()]; },
	j: function() { return this.getDate(); },
	l: function() { return ParsoidDate.replaceChars.longDays[this.getDay()]; },
	N: function() { return this.getDay() + 1; },
	S: function() {
		return (this.getDate() % 10 === 1 &&
			this.getDate() !== 11 ? 'st' : (this.getDate() % 10 === 2 &&
				this.getDate() !== 12 ? 'nd' : (this.getDate() % 10 === 3 &&
					this.getDate() !== 13 ? 'rd' : 'th')));
	w: function() { return this.getDay(); },
	z: function() { return this.getDayOfYear(); },
	// Week
	W: function() { return this.getWeek(); },
	// Month
	F: function() { return ParsoidDate.replaceChars.longMonths[this.getMonth()]; },
	m: function() { return (this.getMonth() < 9 ? '0' : '') + (this.getMonth() + 1); },
	M: function() { return ParsoidDate.replaceChars.shortMonths[this.getMonth()]; },
	n: function() { return this.getMonth() + 1; },
	t: function() {
		return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate();
	// Year
	L: function() {
		var year = this.getFullYear();
		return (year % 400 === 0 || (year % 100 !== 0 && year % 4 === 0));
	o: function() { return this.getWeekYear(); },
	Y: function() { return this.getFullYear(); },
	y: function() { return ('' + this.getFullYear()).substr(2); },
	// Time
	a: function() { return this.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; },
	A: function() { return this.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; },
	B: function() {
		return Math.floor((((this.getUTCHours() + 1) % 24) +
					this.getUTCMinutes() / 60 +
					this.getUTCSeconds() / 3600) * 1000 / 24);
	g: function() { return this.getHours() % 12 || 12; },
	G: function() { return this.getHours(); },
	h: function() {
		return ((this.getHours() % 12 || 12) < 10 ? '0' : '') +
			(this.getHours() % 12 || 12);
	H: function() { return (this.getHours() < 10 ? '0' : '') + this.getHours(); },
	i: function() { return (this.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + this.getMinutes(); },
	s: function() { return (this.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' : '') + this.getSeconds(); },
	u: function() {
		var m = this.getMilliseconds();
		return (m < 10 ? '00' : (m < 100 ? '0' : '')) + m;
	// Timezone
	e: function() { return "Not Yet Supported"; },
	I: function() { return "Not Yet Supported"; },
	O: function() {
		return (-this.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? '-' : '+') +
			(Math.abs(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') +
			(Math.abs(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)) + '00';
	P: function() {
		return (-this.getTimezoneOffset() < 0 ? '-' : '+') +
			(Math.abs(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) < 10 ? '0' : '') +
			(Math.abs(this.getTimezoneOffset() / 60)) + ':00';
	T: function() { return "Not Yet Supported"; },
	Z: function() { return -this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60; },
	// Full Date/Time
	c: function() { return this.format("Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP"); },
	r: function() { return this.toString(); },
	U: function() { return this.getTime() / 1000; },

ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_localurl = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	var env = this.env;
	args = args.slice(1);
	Promise.all(args.map(item => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		// FIXME: we are swallowing all errors
		var resCB = buildAsyncOutputBufferCB(resolve);
		this.expandKV(item, resCB, '', 'text/x-mediawiki/expanded', false);
	}))).then(function(expandedArgs) {
			tokens: [
				env.conf.wiki.script + '?title=' +
				env.normalizedTitleKey(target) + '&' +

/* Stub section: Pick any of these and actually implement them!  */

// The page name and similar information should be carried around in
// this.env
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_formatnum = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [ target ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_currentpage = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [ target ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_pagenamee = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [ target.split(':', 2)[1] || '' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_fullpagename = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [target || this.env.page.name || '' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_fullpagenamee = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [ target || this.env.page.name || '' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_pagelanguage = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	// The language (code) of the current page.
	cb({ tokens: [ this.env.page.pagelanguage || 'en' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_dirmark =
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_directionmark = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	// The directionality of the current page.
	var dir = this.env.page.pagelanguagedir ||
		(this.env.conf.wiki.rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr");
	var mark = (dir === 'rtl') ? '&rlm;' : '&lrm;';
	// See Parser.php::getVariableValue()
	cb({ tokens: [ Util.decodeWtEntities(mark) ] });
// This should be doable with the information in the envirionment
// (this.env) already.
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_fullurl = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = (args[0].k || this.env.page.name).replace(' ','_');
	var wikiConf = this.env.conf.wiki;
	var url;
	if (args[1]) {
		url = wikiConf.server + wikiConf.script + '?title=' + encodeURIComponent(target) + '&' + args[1].k + '=' + args[1].v;
	} else {
		url = wikiConf.baseURI + target.replace(' ','_').split('/').map(encodeURIComponent).join('/');
	cb({ tokens: [ url ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_urlencode = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [encodeURIComponent(target.trim())] });

// The following items all depends on information from the Wiki, so are hard
// to implement independently. Some might require using action=parse in the
// API to get the value. See
// http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsoid#Token_stream_transforms,
// http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/ParserNotesExtensions and
// http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikitext_parser/Environment.
// There might be better solutions for some of these.
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_ifexist = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	this.expandKV(args[1], cb);
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_pagesize = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [ '100' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_sitename = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [ "MediaWiki" ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_anchorencode = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	// Parser::guessSectionNameFromWikiText, which invokes
	// Sanitizer::normalizeSectionNameWhitespace and
	// Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink, then calls
	// Sanitizer::safeEncodeAttribute on the result. See: T179544
	target = target.replace(/[ _]+/g, ' ').trim();
	target = Sanitizer.decodeCharReferences(target);
	target = Sanitizer.escapeIdForLink(target);
	var tokens = [];
	var charEntity = (c) => {
		var enc = Util.entityEncodeAll(c);
			new TagTk(
				[new KV('typeof', 'mw:Entity')],
				{ src: enc, srcContent: c }
			new EndTagTk('span', [], {})
	target.split(/([\{\}\[\]|]|''|ISBN|RFC|PMID|__)/g).forEach((s,i) => {
		if ((i % 2) === 0) {
		} else if (s === "''") {
			charEntity(s[0]); charEntity(s[1]);
		} else {
			charEntity(s[0]); tokens.push(s.slice(1));
	cb({ tokens: tokens });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_protectionlevel = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [''] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_ns = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var nsid;
	var target = args[0].k;
	var env = this.env;
	var normalizedTarget = target.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_');

	if (env.conf.wiki.namespaceIds.has(normalizedTarget)) {
		nsid = env.conf.wiki.namespaceIds.get(normalizedTarget);
	} else if (env.conf.wiki.canonicalNamespaces[normalizedTarget]) {
		nsid = env.conf.wiki.canonicalNamespaces[normalizedTarget];

	if (nsid !== undefined && env.conf.wiki.namespaceNames[nsid]) {
		target = env.conf.wiki.namespaceNames[nsid];
	cb({ tokens: [target] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_subjectspace = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: ['Main'] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_talkspace = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: ['Talk'] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_numberofarticles = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: ["1"] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_language = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [target] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_contentlang =
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_contentlanguage = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	// Despite the name, this returns the wiki's default interface language
	// ($wgLanguageCode), *not* the language of the current page content.
	cb({ tokens: [ this.env.conf.wiki.lang || 'en' ] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_numberoffiles = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: ['2'] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_namespace = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [target.split(':').pop() || 'Main'] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_namespacee = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k;
	cb({ tokens: [target.split(':').pop() || 'Main'] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_namespacenumber = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var target = args[0].k.split(':').pop();
	cb({ tokens: [String(this.env.conf.wiki.namespaceIds.get(target))] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_pagename = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [this.env.page.name || ''] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_pagenamebase = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [this.env.page.name || ''] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_scriptpath = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [this.env.conf.wiki.scriptpath] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_server = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var dataAttribs = Util.clone(token.dataAttribs);
		tokens: [
			new TagTk('a', [
				new KV('rel', 'nofollow'),
				new KV('class', 'external free'),
				new KV('href', this.env.conf.wiki.server),
				new KV('typeof', 'mw:ExtLink/URL'),
			], dataAttribs),
			new EndTagTk('a'),
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_servername = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [this.env.conf.wiki.server.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '')] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_talkpagename = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	cb({ tokens: [this.env.page.name.replace(/^[^:]:/, 'Talk:') || ''] });
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_defaultsort = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var key = args[0].k;
		tokens: [
			new SelfclosingTagTk('meta', [
				new KV('property', 'mw:PageProp/categorydefaultsort'),
				new KV('content', key.trim()),
ParserFunctions.prototype.pf_displaytitle = function(token, frame, cb, args) {
	var key = args[0].k;
		tokens: [
			new SelfclosingTagTk('meta', [
				new KV('property', 'mw:PageProp/displaytitle'),
				new KV('content', key.trim()),


if (typeof module === "object") {
	module.exports.ParserFunctions = ParserFunctions;