'use strict';
* PRE handling.
* PRE-handling relies on the following 5-state FSM.
* States
* ------
* ```
* SOL -- start-of-line
* (white-space, comments, meta-tags are all SOL transparent)
* PRE -- we might need a pre-block
* (if we enter the PRE_COLLECT state)
* PRE_COLLECT -- we will need to generate a pre-block and are collecting
* content for it.
* MULTILINE_PRE -- we might need to extend the pre-block to multiple lines.
* (depending on whether we see a white-space tok or not)
* IGNORE -- nothing to do for the rest of the line.
* ```
* Transitions
* -----------
* In the transition table below, purge is just a shortcut for:
* "pass on collected tokens to the callback and reset (getResultAndReset)"
* ```
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | Start state | Token | End state | Action |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | SOL | --- nl --> | SOL | purge |
* | SOL | --- eof --> | SOL | purge |
* | SOL | --- ws --> | PRE | save whitespace token(##)|
* | SOL | --- sol-tr --> | SOL | TOKS << tok |
* | SOL | --- other --> | IGNORE | purge |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | PRE | --- nl --> | SOL | purge |
* | PRE | html-blk tag | IGNORE | purge |
* | | wt-table tag | | |
* | PRE | --- eof --> | SOL | purge |
* | PRE | --- sol-tr --> | PRE | SOL-TR-TOKS << tok |
* | PRE | --- other --> | PRE_COLLECT | TOKS = SOL-TR-TOKS + tok |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | PRE_COLLECT | --- nl --> | MULTILINE_PRE | save nl token |
* | PRE_COLLECT | --- eof --> | SOL | gen-pre |
* | PRE_COLLECT | --- blk tag --> | IGNORE | gen-prepurge (#) |
* | PRE_COLLECT | --- any --> | PRE_COLLECT | TOKS << tok |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | MULTILINE_PRE | --- nl --> | SOL | gen-pre |
* | MULTILINE_PRE | --- eof --> | SOL | gen-pre |
* | MULTILINE_PRE | --- ws --> | PRE_COLLECT | pop saved nl token (##) |
* | | | | TOKS = SOL-TR-TOKS + tok |
* | MULTILINE_PRE | --- sol-tr --> | MULTILINE_PRE | SOL-TR-TOKS << tok |
* | MULTILINE_PRE | --- any --> | IGNORE | gen-pre |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* | IGNORE | --- nl --> | SOL | purge |
* | IGNORE | --- eof --> | SOL | purge |
* + --------------+-----------------+---------------+--------------------------+
* # If we've collected any tokens from previous lines, generate a pre. This
* line gets purged.
* ## In these states, check if the whitespace token is a single space or has
* additional chars (white-space or non-whitespace) -- if yes, slice it off
* and pass it through the FSM.
const { TokenUtils } = require('../../utils/TokenUtils.js');
const TokenHandler = require('./TokenHandler.js');
const { WTUtils } = require('../../utils/WTUtils.js');
const { TagTk, EndTagTk, SelfclosingTagTk, NlTk, CommentTk } = require('../../tokens/TokenTypes.js');
* @class
* @extends module:wt2html/tt/TokenHandler
class PreHandler extends TokenHandler {
// FSM states
static STATE_SOL() { return 1; }
static STATE_PRE() { return 2; }
static STATE_PRE_COLLECT() { return 3; }
static STATE_MULTILINE_PRE() { return 4; }
static STATE_IGNORE() { return 5; }
// debug string output of FSM states
static STATE_STR() {
return {
1: 'sol ',
2: 'pre ',
3: 'pre_collect',
4: 'multiline ',
5: 'ignore ',
constructor(manager, options) {
super(manager, options);
if (this.options.inlineContext || this.options.inPHPBlock) {
this.disabled = true;
} else {
this.disabled = false;
resetState() {
reset() {
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_SOL();
this.lastNlTk = null;
// Initialize to zero to deal with indent-pre
// on the very first line where there is no
// preceding newline to initialize this.
this.preTSR = 0;
this.tokens = [];
this.preCollectCurrentLine = [];
this.preWSToken = null;
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
this.solTransparentTokens = [];
this.onAnyEnabled = true;
moveToIgnoreState() {
this.onAnyEnabled = false;
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_IGNORE();
popLastNL(ret) {
if (this.lastNlTk) {
this.lastNlTk = null;
resetPreCollectCurrentLine() {
if (this.preCollectCurrentLine.length > 0) {
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(this.preCollectCurrentLine);
this.preCollectCurrentLine = [];
// Since the multi-line pre materialized, the multilinee-pre-ws token
// should be discarded so that it is not emitted after <pre>..</pre>
// is generated (see processPre).
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
encounteredBlockWhileCollecting(token) {
var env = this.manager.env;
var ret = [];
var mlp = null;
// we remove any possible multiline ws token here and save it because
// otherwise the propressPre below would add it in the wrong place
if (this.multiLinePreWSToken) {
mlp = this.multiLinePreWSToken;
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
if (this.tokens.length > 0) {
var i = this.tokens.length - 1;
while (i > 0 && TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(env, this.tokens[i])) { i--; }
var solToks = this.tokens.splice(i);
this.lastNlTk = solToks.shift();
console.assert(this.lastNlTk && this.lastNlTk.constructor === NlTk);
ret = this.processPre(null).concat(solToks);
if (this.preWSToken || mlp) {
ret.push(this.preWSToken || mlp);
this.preWSToken = null;
ret = ret.concat(this.getResultAndReset(token));
return ret;
getResultAndReset(token) {
var ret = this.tokens;
if (this.preWSToken) {
this.preWSToken = null;
if (this.solTransparentTokens.length > 0) {
ret = ret.concat(this.solTransparentTokens);
this.solTransparentTokens = [];
this.tokens = [];
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
return ret;
processPre(token) {
var ret = [];
// pre only if we have tokens to enclose
if (this.tokens.length > 0) {
var da = null;
if (this.preTSR !== -1) {
da = { tsr: [this.preTSR, this.preTSR + 1] };
ret = [new TagTk('pre', [], da)].concat(this.tokens, new EndTagTk('pre'));
// emit multiline-pre WS token
if (this.multiLinePreWSToken) {
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
// sol-transparent toks
ret = ret.concat(this.solTransparentTokens);
// push the the current token
if (token !== null) {
// reset!
this.solTransparentTokens = [];
this.tokens = [];
return ret;
onNewline(token) {
var env = this.manager.env;
function initPreTSR(nltk) {
var da = nltk.dataAttribs;
// tsr[1] can never be zero, so safe to use da.tsr[1] to check for null/undefined
return (da && da.tsr && da.tsr[1]) ? da.tsr[1] : -1;
env.log("trace/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "NL |",
PreHandler.STATE_STR()[this.state], "|", function() { return JSON.stringify(token); });
// Whenever we move into SOL-state, init preTSR to
// the newline's tsr[1]. This will later be used
// to assign 'tsr' values to the <pre> token.
var ret = [];
// See TokenHandler's documentation for the onAny handler
// for what this flag is about.
var skipOnAny = false;
switch (this.state) {
case PreHandler.STATE_SOL():
ret = this.getResultAndReset(token);
skipOnAny = true;
this.preTSR = initPreTSR(token);
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE():
ret = this.getResultAndReset(token);
skipOnAny = true;
this.preTSR = initPreTSR(token);
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_SOL();
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE_COLLECT():
this.lastNlTk = token;
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_MULTILINE_PRE();
case PreHandler.STATE_MULTILINE_PRE():
this.preWSToken = null;
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
ret = this.processPre(token);
skipOnAny = true;
this.preTSR = initPreTSR(token);
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_SOL();
case PreHandler.STATE_IGNORE():
ret = [token];
skipOnAny = true;
this.preTSR = initPreTSR(token);
env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "saved :", this.tokens);
env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ",
function() { return JSON.stringify(ret); });
return { tokens: ret, skipOnAny: skipOnAny };
onEnd(token) {
this.manager.env.log("trace/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "eof |",
PreHandler.STATE_STR()[this.state], "|", function() { return JSON.stringify(token); });
var ret = [];
switch (this.state) {
case PreHandler.STATE_SOL():
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE():
ret = this.getResultAndReset(token);
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE_COLLECT():
case PreHandler.STATE_MULTILINE_PRE():
this.preWSToken = null;
this.multiLinePreWSToken = null;
ret = this.processPre(token);
case PreHandler.STATE_IGNORE():
this.manager.env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "saved :", this.tokens);
this.manager.env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ",
function() { return JSON.stringify(ret); });
return { tokens: ret, skipOnAny: true };
getUpdatedPreTSR(tsr, token) {
var tc = token.constructor;
if (tc === CommentTk) {
// comment length has 7 added for "<!--" and "-->" deliminters
// (see WTUtils.decodedCommentLength() -- but that takes a node not a token)
tsr = token.dataAttribs.tsr ? token.dataAttribs.tsr[1] : (tsr === -1 ? -1 : WTUtils.decodeComment(token.value).length + 7 + tsr);
} else if (tc === SelfclosingTagTk) {
// meta-tag (cannot compute)
tsr = -1;
} else if (tsr !== -1) {
// string
tsr += token.length;
return tsr;
onAny(token) {
var env = this.manager.env;
env.log("trace/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "any |", this.state, ":",
PreHandler.STATE_STR()[this.state], "|", function() { return JSON.stringify(token); });
if (this.state === PreHandler.STATE_IGNORE()) {
env.log("error", function() {
return "!ERROR! IGNORE! Cannot get here: " + JSON.stringify(token);
return token;
var ret = [];
var tc = token.constructor;
switch (this.state) {
case PreHandler.STATE_SOL():
if ((tc === String) && token.match(/^ /)) {
ret = this.tokens;
this.tokens = [];
this.preWSToken = token[0];
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_PRE();
if (!token.match(/^ $/)) {
// Treat everything after the first space
// as a new token
} else if (TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(env, token)) {
// continue watching ...
// update pre-tsr since we haven't transitioned to PRE yet
this.preTSR = this.getUpdatedPreTSR(this.preTSR, token);
} else {
ret = this.getResultAndReset(token);
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE():
if (TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(env, token)) { // continue watching
} else if (TokenUtils.isTableTag(token) ||
(TokenUtils.isHTMLTag(token) && TokenUtils.isBlockTag(token.name))) {
ret = this.getResultAndReset(token);
} else {
this.preCollectCurrentLine = this.solTransparentTokens.concat(token);
this.solTransparentTokens = [];
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_PRE_COLLECT();
case PreHandler.STATE_PRE_COLLECT():
if (token.name && TokenUtils.isBlockTag(token.name)) {
ret = this.encounteredBlockWhileCollecting(token);
} else {
// nothing to do .. keep collecting!
case PreHandler.STATE_MULTILINE_PRE():
if ((tc === String) && token.match(/^ /)) {
this.state = PreHandler.STATE_PRE_COLLECT();
this.preWSToken = null;
// Pop buffered sol-transparent tokens
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(this.solTransparentTokens);
this.solTransparentTokens = [];
// check if token is single-space or more
this.multiLinePreWSToken = token[0];
if (!token.match(/^ $/)) {
// Treat everything after the first space as a new token
} else if (TokenUtils.isSolTransparent(env, token)) { // continue watching
} else {
ret = this.processPre(token);
env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "saved :", this.tokens);
env.log("debug/pre", this.manager.pipelineId, "----> ",
function() { return JSON.stringify(ret); });
return { tokens: ret };
if (typeof module === "object") {
module.exports.PreHandler = PreHandler;