► ffs | |
AmdFFS.php | Support for the AMD i18n message file format (used by require.js and Dojo) |
AndroidXmlFFS.php | Support for XML translation format used by Android |
AppleFFS.php | |
AppleInfoPlistFfs.php | |
DtdFFS.php | Implements FFS for DTD file format |
FFS.php | File format support classes |
FlatPhpFFS.php | PHP variables file format handler |
GettextFFS.php | Gettext file format handler for both old and new style message groups |
GettextParseException.php | |
GettextPluralException.php | |
IniFFS.php | Support for ini message file format |
JavaFFS.php | |
JavaScriptFFS.php | |
JsonFFS.php | Support for JSON message file format |
PremadeIntuitionTextdomains.php | Class for Intuition for Translatewiki.net |
PremadeMediawikiExtensionGroups.php | Classes for MediaWiki extension translation |
SimpleFFS.php | File format support classes |
XliffFFS.php | Partial support for the Xliff translation format |
YamlFFS.php | |
► messagegroups | |
► loaders | |
AggregateMessageGroupLoader.php | This file contains a class to load aggregate message groups and handle the related cache |
CachedMessageGroupLoader.php | This file contains an interface to be implemented by group stores / loaders that use the cache |
FileBasedMessageGroupLoader.php | This file contains a class to load file based message groups and handle the related cache |
MessageGroupLoader.php | This file contains an abstract class to be extended by group stores / loaders |
TranslatablePageMessageGroupStore.php | This file contains a class to interact and store Translatable wiki pages |
WorkflowStatesMessageGroupLoader.php | This file contains a class to load the WorkflowStatesMessageGroup |
AggregateMessageGroup.php | |
FileBasedMessageGroup.php | This file a contains a message group implementation |
MediaWikiExtensionMessageGroup.php | |
MessageGroup.php | This file holds a message group interface |
MessageGroupBase.php | This file contains a base implementation of managed message groups |
MessageGroupOld.php | This file contains the base information of unmanaged message groups |
RecentAdditionsMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
RecentMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
SandboxMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
WikiMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
WikiPageMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
WorkflowStatesMessageGroup.php | This file contains an unmanaged message group implementation |
► scripts | |
__bootstrap.php | |
backport.php | |
characterEditStats.php | Show number of characters translated over a given period of time |
cleanupTranslationProgressStats.php | |
clearGroupSyncCache.php | |
completeExternalTranslation.php | |
createCheckIndex.php | Creates serialised database of messages that need checking for problems |
createMessageIndex.php | Creates a database of keys in all groups, so that namespace and key can be used to get the group they belong to |
deleteEqualTranslations.php | |
expand-groupspec.php | Script that expands a message group specification (such as page-News*,page-Help*) |
export-rename-language.php | Script to automate renaming of language codes in supported repos |
export.php | |
exportTtmServerDump.php | |
fallbacks-graph.php | Script for creating graphml xml file of language fallbacks |
findUnsynchronizedDefinitions.php | |
fuzzy.php | |
groupStatistics.php | Commandline script to general statistics about the localisation level of one or more message groups |
importTranslationsFromCsv.php | |
languageeditstats.php | Shows a top list of language codes with edits in a given time period |
migrate-schema2.php | Script to convert Translate extension database schema to v2 |
moveTranslatableBundle.php | |
moveTranslatablePage.php | |
plural-comparison.php | Script for comparing different plural implementations |
poimport.php | Imports gettext files exported from Special:Translate back |
populateFuzzy.php | A script to populate fuzzy tags to revtag table |
processMessageChanges.php | Script for processing message changes in file based message groups |
queryGroupSyncCache.php | |
refresh-translatable-pages.php | Script to ensure all translation pages are up to date |
test-mt.php | Script to test web services from the command line |
TranslateCliLogger.php | Simple helper to log things to the console |
TranslateStatsOutput.php | |
translator-stats-process.php | Script to gather translator stats |
translator-stats.php | Script to gather translator stats |
ttmserver-export.php | Script to bootstrap TTMServer translation memory |
updateTranslatorActivity.php | |
yaml-tests.php | Script for comparing supported YAML parser implementations |
► src | |
► Cache | |
PersistentCache.php | |
PersistentCacheEntry.php | |
PersistentDatabaseCache.php | |
► Diagnostics | |
DeleteEqualTranslationsMaintenanceScript.php | |
FindUnsynchronizedDefinitionsMaintenanceScript.php | |
FuzzyTranslationsMaintenanceScript.php | |
► Jobs | |
GenericTranslateJob.php | Contains a generic job class |
► MessageBundleTranslation | |
Hooks.php | |
MalformedBundle.php | |
MessageBundle.php | |
MessageBundleContent.php | |
MessageBundleContentHandler.php | |
MessageBundleMessageGroup.php | |
MessageBundleMessageGroupLoader.php | |
MessageBundleMetadata.php | |
MessageBundleStore.php | |
UpdateMessageBundleJob.php | |
► MessageGroupProcessing | |
AggregateGroupsActionApi.php | |
AggregateGroupsSpecialPage.php | |
CsvTranslationImporter.php | |
DeleteTranslatableBundleJob.php | |
GroupReviewActionApi.php | |
ImportTranslationsFromCsv.php | |
ManageMessageGroupsActionApi.php | |
MessageGroupReview.php | |
MoveTranslatableBundleJob.php | |
PageDeleteLogger.php | |
PageMoveLogger.php | |
QueryManageMessageGroupsActionApi.php | |
QueryMessageGroupsActionApi.php | |
RevTagStore.php | |
SubpageListBuilder.php | |
TranslatableBundle.php | |
TranslatableBundleFactory.php | |
TranslatableBundleLogFormatter.php | |
TranslatableBundleStore.php | |
TranslatablePageStore.php | |
► MessageLoading | |
QueryMessageCollectionActionApi.php | |
QueryMessageTranslationsActionApi.php | |
► MessageProcessing | |
ArrayFlattener.php | |
StringMangler.php | |
StringMatcher.php | |
TranslateReplaceTitle.php | |
► MessageSync | |
MessageSourceChange.php | Contains a class to track changes to the messages when importing messages from remote source |
► PageTranslation | |
DeleteTranslatableBundleSpecialPage.php | |
Hooks.php | |
ImpossiblePageMove.php | |
InvalidPageTitleRename.php | |
MigrateTranslatablePageSpecialPage.php | |
MoveTranslatableBundleMaintenanceScript.php | |
MoveTranslatableBundleSpecialPage.php | |
PageMoveCollection.php | |
PageMoveOperation.php | |
PageTitleRenamer.php | |
PageTranslationSpecialPage.php | |
ParserOutput.php | |
ParsingFailure.php | |
PrepareTranslatablePageSpecialPage.php | |
RenderTranslationPageJob.php | |
Section.php | |
TestingParsingPlaceholderFactory.php | |
TranslatableBundleMover.php | |
TranslatablePage.php | |
TranslatablePageInsertablesSuggester.php | |
TranslatablePageParser.php | |
TranslateExt.php | |
TranslationPage.php | |
TranslationUnit.php | |
TranslationUnitIssue.php | |
TranslationUnitReader.php | |
TranslationUnitStore.php | |
TranslationUnitStoreFactory.php | |
TranslationVariable.php | |
UpdateTranslatablePageJob.php | |
► Statistics | |
ActiveLanguagesSpecialPage.php | |
CleanupTranslationProgressStatsMaintenanceScript.php | |
LanguageStatsSpecialPage.php | |
MessageGroupStatsSpecialPage.php | |
ProgressStatsTableFactory.php | |
QueryLanguageStatsActionApi.php | |
QueryMessageGroupStatsActionApi.php | |
QueryStatsActionApi.php | |
QueryTranslationStatsActionApi.php | |
ReviewPerLanguageStats.php | |
StatisticsUnavailable.php | |
StatsTable.php | |
TranslatePerLanguageStats.php | |
TranslateRegistrationStats.php | |
TranslationStatsBase.php | |
TranslationStatsDataProvider.php | |
TranslationStatsGraphOptions.php | |
TranslationStatsInterface.php | |
TranslationStatsSpecialPage.php | Includable special page for generating graphs for statistics |
TranslatorActivity.php | |
TranslatorActivityQuery.php | |
UpdateTranslatorActivityJob.php | |
UpdateTranslatorActivityMaintenanceScript.php | |
► Synchronization | |
BackportTranslationsMaintenanceScript.php | |
ClearGroupSyncCacheMaintenanceScript.php | |
CompleteExternalTranslationMaintenanceScript.php | |
DisplayGroupSynchronizationInfo.php | |
ExportTranslationsMaintenanceScript.php | |
ExportTranslationsSpecialPage.php | |
ExternalMessageSourceStateImporter.php | |
GroupSynchronizationCache.php | |
GroupSynchronizationResponse.php | |
ImportTranslationsSpecialPage.php | |
ManageGroupsSpecialPage.php | |
ManageGroupSynchronizationCacheActionApi.php | |
MessageUpdateParameter.php | |
MessageWebImporter.php | |
QueryGroupSyncCacheMaintenanceScript.php | |
► SystemUsers | |
FuzzyBot.php | |
TranslateUserManager.php | System account to handle user related modifications |
► TranslatorInterface | |
► Aid | |
CurrentTranslationAid.php | |
DocumentationAid.php | |
EditSummariesAid.php | |
GettextDocumentationAid.php | |
GroupsAid.php | |
InOtherLanguagesAid.php | |
InsertablesAid.php | |
MachineTranslationAid.php | |
MessageDefinitionAid.php | |
QueryAggregatorAwareTranslationAid.php | |
SupportAid.php | |
TranslationAid.php | |
TranslationAidDataProvider.php | |
TranslationAidsActionApi.php | |
TTMServerAid.php | |
UnsupportedTranslationAid.php | |
UpdatedDefinitionAid.php | |
► Insertable | |
CombinedInsertablesSuggester.php | |
HtmlTagInsertablesSuggester.php | |
Insertable.php | |
InsertableFactory.php | |
InsertablesSuggester.php | |
MediaWikiInsertablesSuggester.php | |
NumericalParameterInsertablesSuggester.php | |
RegexInsertablesSuggester.php | |
UrlInsertablesSuggester.php | |
EntitySearch.php | |
LegacyInterfaceHookHandler.php | |
LegacyTranslationAids.php | |
MessageTable.php | |
ReviewTranslationActionApi.php | |
TranslateSpecialPage.php | |
TranslationEntitySearchActionApi.php | |
TranslationHelperException.php | |
TranslationsSpecialPage.php | |
► TranslatorSandbox | |
ManageTranslatorSandboxSpecialPage.php | |
StashedTranslation.php | |
TranslationStashActionApi.php | |
TranslationStashReader.php | |
TranslationStashSpecialPage.php | |
TranslationStashStorage.php | |
TranslationStashWriter.php | |
TranslatorSandboxActionApi.php | |
► TtmServer | |
ExportTtmServerDumpMaintenanceScript.php | |
SearchTranslationsActionApi.php | |
SearchTranslationsSpecialPage.php | |
ServiceCreationFailure.php | |
TtmServerActionApi.php | |
TtmServerFactory.php | |
► Utilities | |
► StringComparators | |
SimpleStringComparator.php | |
StringComparator.php | |
BaseMaintenanceScript.php | |
ConfigHelper.php | |
GettextPlural.php | @license GPL-2.0-or-later |
HTMLJsSelectToInputField.php | |
JsSelectToInput.php | |
LanguagesMultiselectWidget.php | |
ParallelExecutor.php | |
ParsingPlaceholderFactory.php | |
SmartFormatPlural.php | @license GPL-2.0-or-later |
UnicodePlural.php | @license GPL-2.0-or-later |
► Validation | |
► Validators | |
BraceBalanceValidator.php | |
EscapeCharacterValidator.php | |
GettextNewlineValidator.php | |
GettextPluralValidator.php | |
InsertableRegexValidator.php | |
InsertableRubyVariableValidator.php | |
IosVariableValidator.php | |
MatchSetValidator.php | |
MediaWikiLinkValidator.php | |
MediaWikiPageNameValidator.php | |
MediaWikiParameterValidator.php | |
MediaWikiPluralValidator.php | |
MediaWikiTimeListValidator.php | |
NewlineValidator.php | |
NotEmptyValidator.php | |
NumericalParameterValidator.php | |
PrintfValidator.php | |
PythonInterpolationValidator.php | |
ReplacementValidator.php | |
SmartFormatPluralValidator.php | |
UnicodePluralValidator.php | |
CheckTranslationActionApi.php | |
MessageValidator.php | |
ValidationIssue.php | |
ValidationIssues.php | |
ValidationResult.php | |
ValidationRunner.php | Message validation framework |
ValidatorFactory.php | |
► WebService | |
ApertiumWebService.php | |
CaighdeanWebService.php | |
CxserverWebService.php | |
GoogleTranslateWebService.php | |
MicrosoftWebService.php | |
QueryAggregator.php | |
QueryAggregatorAware.php | |
RemoteTTMServerWebService.php | |
RESTBaseWebService.php | |
TranslationQuery.php | |
TranslationQueryResponse.php | |
TranslationWebService.php | |
TranslationWebServiceConfigurationException.php | |
TranslationWebServiceException.php | |
TranslationWebServiceInvalidInputException.php | |
YandexWebService.php | |
Services.php | |
ServiceWiring.php | List of services in this extension with construction instructions |
► ttmserver | |
CrossLanguageTranslationSearchQuery.php | |
DatabaseTTMServer.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
ElasticSearchTTMServer.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
Exceptions.php | |
FakeTTMServer.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
FuzzyLikeThis.php | NOTE: the following class has been copied from elastica 2.3.1 : https://github.com/ruflin/Elastica/blob/2.3.1/lib/Elastica/Query/FuzzyLikeThis.php (few modifications have been made to comply with phpcs rules used by this extension) It is intended to be used as a temporary workaround with the wmf extra elasticsearch plugin with elasticsearch 2.x |
Interfaces.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
RemoteTTMServer.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
TTMServer.php | TTMServer - The Translate extension translation memory interface |
TTMServerMessageUpdateJob.php | Contains class with job for updating translation memory |
► utils | |
ExternalMessageSourceStateComparator.php | |
lc.php | |
MessageChangeStorage.php | Handles storage / retrieval of data from message change files |
MessageGroupCache.php | |
MessageGroupStates.php | Wrapper class for using message group states |
MessageGroupStatesUpdaterJob.php | Logic for handling automatic message group state changes |
MessageGroupStats.php | This file aims to provide efficient mechanism for fetching translation completion stats |
MessageGroupStatsRebuildJob.php | Contains class with job for rebuilding message group stats |
MessageGroupWANCache.php | This file contains a wrapper around WANObjectCache |
MessageHandle.php | Class that enhances Title with stuff related to message groups |
MessageIndex.php | Contains classes for handling the message index |
MessageIndexException.php | |
MessageIndexRebuildJob.php | Contains class with job for rebuilding message index |
MessageUpdateJob.php | Job for updating translation pages |
PHPVariableLoader.php | Stuff for handling configuration files in PHP format |
RevTag.php | Code related to revtag database table |
TranslateLogFormatter.php | Class for formatting Translate logs |
TranslateMetadata.php | Contains class which offers functionality for reading and updating Translate group related metadata |
TranslatePreferences.php | Contains classes for addition of extension specific preference settings |
TranslateRcFilter.php | Contains class with filter to Special:RecentChanges to enable additional filtering |
TranslateSandbox.php | Utilities for the sandbox feature of Translate |
TranslateSandboxEmailJob.php | |
TranslateToolbox.php | Classes for adding extension specific toolbox menu items |
TranslateYaml.php | Contains wrapper class for interface to parse and generate YAML files |
TranslationStats.php | Contains class which offers functionality for statistics reporting |
Message.php | Classes for message objects TMessage, ThinMessage and FatMessage |
MessageCollection.php | This file contains classes that implements message collections |
MessageGroupConfigurationParser.php | |
MessageGroups.php | This file contains a class for working with message groups |
MetaYamlSchemaExtender.php | |
Translate.alias.php | Aliases for special pages of Translate extension |
Translate.i18n.magic.php | Internationalisation file for magic words in the Translate extension |
TranslateEditAddons.php | Tools for edit page view to aid translators |
TranslateHooks.php | Contains class with basic non-feature specific hooks |
TranslateUtils.php | This file contains classes with static helper functions for other classes |