Translate extension for MediaWiki
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NSynchronizationFinds external changes for file based message groups
 CHookHandlerHooks for Translate extension
 CHookRunnerHook runner for the Translate extension
 CLogFormatterClass for formatting Translate logs
 CLogNamesConstants for log channel names used in this extension
 CRecentChangesTranslationFilterHookHandlerClass to add a new filter to Special:RecentChanges which makes it possible to filter translations away or show them only
 CServicesMinimal service container
 CAggregateMessageGroupGroups multiple message groups together as one group
 CCachedMessageGroupLoaderInterface for MessageGroupFactories that use caching
 CFallbacksCompareCreates graphml xml file of language fallbacks
 CFileBasedMessageGroupThis class implements default behavior for file based message groups
 CMediaWikiExtensionMessageGroupMessage group for MediaWiki extensions
 CMessageGroupInterface for message groups
 CMessageGroupBaseThis class implements some basic functions that wrap around the YAML message group configurations
 CMessageGroupLoaderInterface for message group loaders
 CMessageGroupOldThis is the interface and base implementation of unmanaged message groups
 CMessagePrefixMessageGroupContains an unmanaged message group for fetching stats using message prefixes
 CPluralCompareScript for comparing different plural implementations
 CPoImporterParses a po file that has been exported from MediaWiki
 CPopulateFuzzyA script to populate fuzzy tags to revtag table
 CRefreshTranslatablePagesScript to ensure all translation pages are up to date
 CSubsetMessageGroupMessage group that contains a subset of keys of another group
 CTranslateStatsOutputProvides heading, summaryheading and free text addition for stats output in wiki format
 CTSchema2Script to convert Translate extension database schema to v2
 CTTMServerBootstrapScript to bootstrap TtmServer translation memory
 CWikiMessageGroupGroup for messages that can be controlled via a page in MediaWiki namespace
 CWikiPageMessageGroupWraps the translatable page sections into a message group
 CWikiWriterImport changes to wiki as given user
 CWorkflowStatesMessageGroupLoaderLoads WorkflowStatesMessageGroup, and handles the related cache