MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\ChangeOpDeserializer Interface Reference

Interface for services that can construct a ChangeOp from a JSON style array structure describing changes to an entity. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\ChangeOpDeserializer:

Public Member Functions

 createEntityChangeOp (array $changeRequest)

Detailed Description

Interface for services that can construct a ChangeOp from a JSON style array structure describing changes to an entity.

Implementations are encouraged to provide a detailed documentation of the serialization format they are supporting in

See also
docs/ The format must follow the
Amir Sarabadani
Thiemo Kreuz

Member Function Documentation

◆ createEntityChangeOp()

Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\ChangeOpDeserializer::createEntityChangeOp ( array  $changeRequest)
array[]$changeRequestAn array structure describing a changed entity (or changes to an entity). The array structure is mostly compatible with an actual entity serialization, but may contain additional array keys like "remove" or "add", for example: [ 'label' => [ 'zh' => [ 'remove' ], 'de' => [ 'value' => 'Foo' ] ] ]
ChangeOpDeserializationExceptionwhen the provided array is invalid.
See also
NullChangeOp If no change needs to be applied
ChangeOps If series of changes needs to be applied

Implemented in Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\SiteLinksChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\PropertyChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\LabelsChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\ItemChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\FingerprintChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\DescriptionsChangeOpDeserializer, Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\ClaimsChangeOpDeserializer, and Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp\Deserialization\AliasesChangeOpDeserializer.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: