MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\Client\Usage Namespace Reference

Tracking the usage of Repo entities on a Client (see More...




class  EntityUsage
 Value object representing the usage of an entity. More...
class  EntityUsageFactory
 Factory service for generating EntityUsage objects based on their identity strings. More...
class  HashUsageAccumulator
 This implementation of the UsageAccumulator interface simply wraps an array containing the usage information. More...
class  ImplicitDescriptionUsageLookup
 A UsageLookup which decorates an inner lookup and adds an implicit usage on a linked item’s description. More...
class  NullSubscriptionManager
 No-op implementation of the SubscriptionManager and UsageLookup interfaces. More...
class  NullUsageTracker
 No-op implementation of the UsageTracker and UsageLookup interfaces. More...
class  PageEntityUsages
 Value object representing the entity usages on a single page. More...
class  ParserOutputUsageAccumulator
 This implementation of the UsageAccumulator interface acts as a wrapper around a ParserOutput object. More...
class  RedirectTrackingUsageAccumulator
interface  SubscriptionManager
 Service interface for tracking subscriptions of clients to entity change events generated on the repo. More...
class  UsageAccumulator
 Interface and base class for objects accumulating usage tracking information for a given page. More...
class  UsageAccumulatorFactory
class  UsageAspectTransformer
 Transforms usage aspect based on a filter of aspects relevant in some context. More...
class  UsageDeduplicator
 This class de-duplicates entity usages for performance and storage reasons. More...
interface  UsageLookup
 Service interface looking up the usage of entities across pages on the local wiki. More...
interface  UsageTracker
 Service interface for tracking the usage of entities across pages on the local wiki. More...
class  UsageTrackingLanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup
 LanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup decorator that records label usage in an UsageAccumulator. More...
class  UsageTrackingSnakFormatter
 SnakFormatter decorator that records entity usage. More...

Detailed Description

Tracking the usage of Repo entities on a Client (see