MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\DataModel\Term Namespace Reference


interface  AliasesProvider
 Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain an AliasGroupList. More...
class  AliasGroup
 Ordered set of aliases. More...
class  AliasGroupFallback
 Ordered set of aliases resulting from language fall back. More...
class  AliasGroupList
 Unordered list of AliasGroup objects. More...
interface  DescriptionsProvider
 Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a TermList, representing descriptions. More...
class  Fingerprint
 A container for all labels, all descriptions and all aliases (in all languages) of entities that support all three term types. More...
interface  FingerprintProvider
 Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a Fingerprint. More...
interface  LabelsProvider
 Common interface for classes (typically Entities) that contain a TermList, representing labels. More...
class  Term
 Immutable value object. More...
class  TermFallback
 Immutable value object. More...
class  TermList
 Unordered list of Term objects. More...
class  TermTypes
 Term types used on Items and Properties. More...