MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\Repo\Content Namespace Reference

Repo integration with MediaWiki's Content mechanism More...


class  ContentHandlerEntityIdLookup
 Implementation of EntityIdLookup that uses content handler. More...
class  ContentHandlerEntityTitleLookup
class  DataUpdateAdapter
 A generic DataUpdate based on a callable passed to the constructor. More...
class  DeferredCopyEntityHolder
 EntityHolder implementing deferred copying. More...
class  DeferredDecodingEntityHolder
 EntityHolder implementing deferred deserialization. More...
class  EntityContent
 Abstract content object for articles representing Wikibase entities. More...
class  EntityContentDiff
 Represents a diff between two Wikibase\Repo\Content\EntityContent instances. More...
class  EntityContentFactory
 Factory for EntityContent objects. More...
class  EntityHandler
 Base handler class for Entity content classes. More...
interface  EntityHolder
 A holder for entity objects. More...
class  EntityInstanceHolder
 Trivial EntityHolder holding an entity object. More...
class  ItemContent
 Content object for articles representing Wikibase items. More...
class  ItemHandler
 Content handler for Wikibase items. More...
class  PropertyContent
 Content object for articles representing Wikibase properties. More...
class  PropertyHandler
 Content handler for Wikibase items. More...

Detailed Description

Repo integration with MediaWiki's Content mechanism