MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\Repo\Specials Namespace Reference

Repo integration with MediaWiki's Special pages More...




class  SpecialAvailableBadges
 Page for listing all available badges. More...
class  SpecialDispatchStats
class  SpecialEntityData
 Special page to act as a data endpoint for the linked data web. More...
class  SpecialEntityPage
 Special page for addressing entity data pages without knowing the namespace. More...
class  SpecialGoToLinkedPage
 Enables accessing a linked page on a site by providing the item id and site id. More...
class  SpecialItemByTitle
 Enables accessing items by providing the identifier of a site and the title of the corresponding page on that site. More...
class  SpecialItemDisambiguation
 Enables accessing items by providing the label of the item and the language of the label. More...
class  SpecialItemsWithoutSitelinks
 Special page for listing Items without sitelinks. More...
class  SpecialListDatatypes
 Page for listing available datatypes. More...
class  SpecialListProperties
 Special page to list properties by data type. More...
class  SpecialListPropertiesDispatchingFactory
 Factory to create Special:ListProperties based on whether federated properties setting is enabled ot not. More...
class  SpecialMergeItems
 Special page for merging one item to another. More...
class  SpecialModifyEntity
 Abstract special page for modifying Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialModifyTerm
 Abstract special page for setting a value of a Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialMyLanguageFallbackChain
 Page for displaying the current language fallback chain for debugging. More...
class  SpecialNewEntity
 Page for creating new Wikibase entities that contain a Fingerprint. More...
class  SpecialNewItem
 Page for creating new Wikibase items. More...
class  SpecialNewProperty
 Page for creating new Wikibase properties. More...
class  SpecialPageCopyrightView
class  SpecialRedirectEntity
 Special page for creating redirects between entities. More...
class  SpecialSetAliases
 Special page for setting the aliases of a Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialSetDescription
 Special page for setting the description of a Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialSetLabel
 Special page for setting the label of a Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialSetLabelDescriptionAliases
 Special page for setting label, description and aliases of a Wikibase entity that features labels, descriptions and aliases. More...
class  SpecialSetSiteLink
 Special page for setting the sitepage of a Wikibase entity. More...
class  SpecialWikibasePage
 Base for special pages of the Wikibase extension, holding some scaffolding and preventing us from needing to deal with weird SpecialPage insanity (ie $this->mFile inclusion) in every base class. More...
class  SpecialWikibaseQueryPage
 Base for special pages that show the result of a Query. More...
class  SpecialWikibaseRepoPage
 Abstract base class for special pages of the WikibaseRepo extension. More...


 getName ()
 getDescription ()
 getDescriptionParameters ()
 unsetKey (string $type, array &$entities)
 setEditableEntities (array $entities=[ 'item', 'property'])


trait ParameterizedDescriptionTrait
 Trait for parameterized entity descriptions on SpecialPages. More...

Detailed Description

Repo integration with MediaWiki's Special pages

Function Documentation

◆ getDescription()

Wikibase\Repo\Specials\getDescription ( )
See also

◆ getDescriptionParameters()

Wikibase\Repo\Specials\getDescriptionParameters ( )

◆ getName()

Wikibase\Repo\Specials\getName ( )
See also

◆ setEditableEntities()

Wikibase\Repo\Specials\setEditableEntities ( array  $entities = [ 'item',

◆ unsetKey()

Wikibase\Repo\Specials\unsetKey ( string  $type,
array &  $entities 

Variable Documentation

◆ $descriptionParameters


◆ ParameterizedDescriptionTrait

trait Wikibase::Repo::Specials\ParameterizedDescriptionTrait
Initial value:
private $editableEntities

Trait for parameterized entity descriptions on SpecialPages.

Tobias Andersson