MediaWiki Wikibase extension
Wikibase\Repo\Store Namespace Reference




class  BagOStuffSiteLinkConflictLookup
 Short-term sitelink conflict lookup using a BagOStuff (e.g. More...
class  CompositeSiteLinkConflictLookup
 A SiteLinkConflictLookup composing several others. More...
class  DispatchingEntityStoreWatcher
 EntityStoreWatcher that dispatches events to more EntityStoreWatchers. More...
interface  EntityPermissionChecker
 Service interface for checking a user's permissions on a given entity. More...
interface  EntityTitleStoreLookup
 Represents a mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, assuming that the resulting title represents a page that actually stores the entity contents. More...
interface  IdGenerator
 Generates a new unique numeric id for the provided type. More...
interface  ItemsWithoutSitelinksFinder
 Interface for services for getting items without sitelinks. More...
class  ItemTermsRebuilder
class  NullTermsCollisionDetector
 TermsCollisionDetector implementation that does nothing (always returns no collision) More...
class  PropertyTermsRebuilder
class  RateLimitingIdGenerator
interface  SiteLinkConflictLookup
 Contains methods for looking up SiteLink conflicts. More...
interface  Store
 Store interface. More...
interface  SubscriptionLookup
 Interface for looking up which client is interested in changes to which entity. More...
interface  TermsCollisionDetector
 Find collisions of term values with existing terms in store. More...
class  TermsCollisionDetectorFactory
class  TypeDispatchingEntityTitleStoreLookup
 An EntityTitleStoreLookup that guarantees to return the titles of pages that actually store the entities, and does dispatching based on the entity type. More...
class  WikiPageEntityStorePermissionChecker
 Checks permissions to perform actions on the entity based on MediaWiki page permissions. More...