MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\View Namespace Reference

Root namespace for View extension code. More...


namespace  Module
namespace  Template
namespace  Termbox
 Root namespace for View component Termbox.
namespace  Tests
 Root namespace for View extension test code.


interface  CacheableEntityTermsView
 Describes an EntityTermsView providing cacheable HTML, and placeholders for parts that aren't cacheable. More...
class  DefaultMetaTagsCreator
 Default Class for creating meta tags. More...
class  DummyLocalizedTextProvider
 A LocalizedTextProvider implementation that returns a string containing the given key and params. More...
interface  EditSectionGenerator
 Generates HTML for a section edit link. More...
interface  EntityDocumentView
 Interface for creating views for all different kinds of Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityDocument. More...
interface  EntityIdFormatterFactory
 A factory interface for generating EntityIdFormatters. More...
interface  EntityMetaTagsCreator
 Interface for creating meta tags (e.g. More...
interface  EntityTermsView
 Generates HTML to display the terms of an entity. More...
class  EntityView
 Base class for creating views for all different kinds of Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityDocument. More...
class  FingerprintableEntityMetaTagsCreator
 Class for creating meta tags (i.e. More...
interface  HtmlSnakFormatterFactory
 A factory constructing SnakFormatters that output HTML. More...
interface  HtmlTermRenderer
class  ItemView
 Class for creating views for Item instances. More...
interface  LanguageDirectionalityLookup
 Returns the directionality of a language. More...
interface  LocalizedTextProvider
 A service providing localized texts for keys. More...
class  PropertyView
 Class for creating views for Property instances. More...
class  RawMessageParameter
 Value object to be used with {. More...
class  SimpleEntityTermsView
 Generates HTML to display the terms of an entity. More...
class  SiteLinksView
 Creates views for lists of site links. More...
class  SnakHtmlGenerator
 Base class for generating Snak html. More...
interface  SpecialPageLinker
 A service returning a URL for a specific special page with optional parameters. More...
class  StatementGroupListView
 Generates HTML to display statements. More...
class  StatementHtmlGenerator
 Backend renderer that generates the HTML representation of a statement for use in an entity view. More...
class  StatementSectionsView
class  TermsListView
 Generates HTML to display terms of an entity in a list. More...
class  ToolbarEditSectionGenerator
 Generates HTML for a section edit link. More...
class  ViewContent
 A view containing rendered HTML that may still contain placeholders to be replaced before the HTML can be presented to the end-user. More...
class  ViewFactory
 This is a basic factory to create views for DataModel objects. More...
class  ViewHooks
 File defining the hook handlers for the WikibaseView extension. More...
interface  ViewPlaceHolderEmitter
 Describes objects emitting view placeholders for parts of the markup that aren't cacheable, e.g. More...

Detailed Description

Root namespace for View extension code.