MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Client Namespace Reference

Root namespace for Client extension code. More...


namespace  Api
 Client integration with MediaWiki's Action API
namespace  ChangeModification
namespace  Changes
 Handling for EntityChanges from a Repo.
namespace  DataAccess
 Accessing Repo data from a Client.
namespace  DataBridge
 Root namespace for the Client component DataBridge.
namespace  Hooks
 Client handling of MediaWiki's Hooks
namespace  Maintenance
namespace  Notifications
 Client integration with the Echo extension
namespace  ParserOutput
 ParserOutput integration for Client pages that use Repo entities.
namespace  RecentChanges
 Display of Repo changes on a Client RecentChanges page
namespace  Serializer
namespace  Specials
 Client integration with MediaWiki's Special pages
namespace  Store
namespace  Tests
 Root namespace for Client extension test code.
namespace  UpdateRepo
 Updates to a Repo after events on a Client.
namespace  Usage
 Tracking the usage of Repo entities on a Client (see


class  CachingOtherProjectsSitesProvider
 Get a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar from cache or re-compute them. More...
class  ChangeNotificationJob
 Job for notifying a client wiki of a batch of changes on the repository. More...
class  ClientHooks
 File defining the hook handlers for the Wikibase Client extension. More...
class  EntityChangeNotificationJob
class  MoreLikeWikibase
 Wikibase extension for MoreLike feature. More...
class  NamespaceChecker
 Checks if a namespace in Wikibase Client shall have wikibase links, etc., based on settings. More...
class  OtherProjectsSitesGenerator
 Generates a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar. More...
interface  OtherProjectsSitesProvider
 Provides a list of sites that should be displayed in the "Other projects" sidebar. More...
class  PropertyLabelNotResolvedException
class  RepoItemLinkGenerator
class  RepoLinker
class  WikibaseClient
 Top level factory for the WikibaseClient extension. More...

Detailed Description

Root namespace for Client extension code.