MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Repo\ChangeOp Namespace Reference


namespace  Deserialization


class  ChangedLanguagesCollector
 Collect distinct languages of changed parts in ChangeOpResult tree. More...
class  ChangedLanguagesCounter
 Counts distinct languages of changed parts in ChangeOpResult tree. More...
interface  ChangeOp
 A ChangeOp represents a modification of an entity. More...
class  ChangeOpAliases
 Class for aliases change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpAliasesResult
class  ChangeOpApplyException
 Exception thrown when the validation of a change operation failed. More...
class  ChangeOpBase
 Base class for change operations. More...
class  ChangeOpDescription
 Class for description change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpDescriptionResult
interface  ChangeOpDeserializer
 Interface for services that can construct a ChangeOp from a JSON style array structure describing changes to an entity. More...
class  ChangeOpException
 Exception thrown during an invalid change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpFactoryProvider
 Provider for ChangeOpFactories. More...
class  ChangeOpFingerprint
 Decorator on ChangeOps for collecting and distinguishing a collection of ChangeOp instances on entity fingerprint parts. More...
class  ChangeOpFingerprintResult
 Decorator on ChangeOpsResult for collecting and distinguishing a collection of ChangeOpResult instances on entity fingerprint parts. More...
class  ChangeOpLabel
 Class for label change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpLabelResult
class  ChangeOpMainSnak
 Class for mainsnak change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpQualifier
 Class for qualifier change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpQualifierRemove
 Class for qualifier removal change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpReference
 Class for reference change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpReferenceRemove
 Class for reference removal change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpRemoveSiteLink
class  ChangeOpRemoveStatement
 Class for statement remove operation. More...
interface  ChangeOpResult
 Each ChangeOp applied will return an instance of ChangeOpResult. More...
class  ChangeOps
 Class for holding a batch of change operations. More...
class  ChangeOpSiteLink
 Class for sitelink change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpsMerge
class  ChangeOpsResult
 Class for collection of ChangeOp results. More...
class  ChangeOpStatement
 Class for statement modification operations. More...
class  ChangeOpStatementRank
 Class for statement rank change operation. More...
class  ChangeOpValidationException
 Exception thrown when the validation of a change operation failed. More...
class  DummyChangeOpResult
 Only references the entity, always validates successfully and always indicates no changes to the entity. More...
class  EntityChangeOpProvider
 Turns entity change request into ChangeOp objects based on change request deserialization configured for the particular entity type. More...
class  FingerprintChangeOpFactory
 Factory for ChangeOps that apply to an entity Fingerprint. More...
class  GenericChangeOpResult
 Holds only generic info on whether entity was changed or not. More...
interface  LanguageBoundChangeOpResult
 Result of changing a language-bound part of the entity. More...
class  NonLanguageBoundChangesCounter
 Counts changes to entity that are not language bound (not instance of LanguageBoundChangeOpResult) in ChangeOpResult tree. More...
class  NullChangeOp
class  SiteLinkChangeOpFactory
 Factory for ChangeOps that modify SiteLinks. More...
class  StatementChangeOpFactory
 Factory for ChangeOps that modify Statements. More...