MediaWiki Wikibase extension
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Wikibase\Lib\Store Namespace Reference


namespace  Sql


class  AbstractTermPropertyLabelResolver
 Resolves property labels (which are unique per language) into entity IDs, uses in-process caching. More...
class  BadRevisionException
class  CacheAwarePropertyInfoStore
 Implementation of PropertyInfoStore wrapping the instance modifying the local PropertyInfoStore and adjusting the property info cache accordingly. More...
class  CacheRetrievingEntityRevisionLookup
 EntityRevisionLookup implementation that checks an EntityRevisionCache for cached revisions (but doesn't cache on its own). More...
class  CachingEntityRevisionLookup
 Implementation of EntityLookup that caches the obtained entities. More...
class  CachingFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup
 Wraps another label description lookup to resolve redirects and add caching. More...
class  CachingItemOrderProvider
 ItemOrderProvider implementation, that caches the information. More...
class  CachingPrefetchingTermLookup
 Prefetches terms from the Cache or via the provided PrefetchingTermLookup if not cached. More...
class  CachingPropertyInfoLookup
 Class CachingPropertyInfoLookup is an implementation of PropertyInfoLookup that maintains a cached copy of the property info. More...
class  CachingPropertyOrderProvider
 PropertyOrderProvider implementation, that caches the information. More...
class  CachingSiteLinkLookup
 SiteLinkLookup implementation that caches the obtained data (except for data obtained via "getLinks"). More...
class  DispatchingFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup
 A FallbackLabelDescriptionLookup that dispatches between two other lookups, using one for federated property IDs and one for everything else. More...
class  DivergingEntityIdException
interface  EntityArticleIdLookup
class  EntityArticleIdNullLookup
 An EntityArticleIdLookup that always returns NULL. More...
interface  EntityByLinkedTitleLookup
 Service interface to find Entities by a (somehow) linked page title that is not identical to the page where the entity is stored. More...
class  EntityContentDataCodec
 A codec for use by EntityContent resp EntityHandler subclasses for the serialization and deserialization of EntityContent objects. More...
class  EntityContentTooBigException
interface  EntityExistenceChecker
interface  EntityIdLookup
 Service interface for looking up EntityIds given local wiki pages. More...
class  EntityLinkTargetEntityIdLookup
class  EntityNamespaceLookup
 Utility functions for Wikibase namespaces. More...
interface  EntityRedirectChecker
class  EntityRevision
 An EntityRevision contains a specific revision of an EntityDocument. More...
class  EntityRevisionCache
 Service for caching the latest EntityRevision of an Entity. More...
interface  EntityRevisionLookup
 Service interface for retrieving EntityRevisions from storage. More...
interface  EntityStore
 Storage interface for Entities. More...
interface  EntityStoreWatcher
 Watcher interface for watching an EntityStore. More...
class  EntityTermLookupBase
interface  EntityTermStoreWriter
interface  EntityTitleLookup
 Represents an arbitrary mapping from entity IDs to wiki page titles, with no further guarantees given. More...
interface  EntityTitleTextLookup
interface  EntityUrlLookup
interface  FallbackLabelDescriptionLookup
 A LabelDescriptionLookup that is guaranteed to return TermFallbacks, not merely Terms. More...
class  FallbackLabelDescriptionLookupFactory
 Factory to create a FallbackLabelDescriptionLookup that also resolves redirects. More...
class  FallbackPropertyOrderProvider
 PropertyOrderProvider that uses one of two given providers: It first tries the primary provider and, if that has no data, resorts to the secondary provider. More...
class  FieldPropertyInfoProvider
 PropertyInfoProvider implementation based on a specific field in the array returned by a PropertyInfoLookup. More...
class  HashSiteLinkStore
 An array based dummy implementation of a SiteLinkStore for exclusive use in tests. More...
class  HttpUrlPropertyOrderProvider
 PropertyOrderProvider that retrieves the order from a http(s) URL. More...
class  InconsistentRedirectException
interface  ItemOrderProvider
 Interface that contains method for the ItemOrderProvider. More...
class  ItemOrderProviderException
class  ItemTermStoreWriterAdapter
 Adapter turning an ItemTermStoreWriter into an EntityTermStoreWriter. More...
class  LanguageFallbackLabelDescriptionLookup
 A lookup for labels and descriptions in a given language. More...
class  LatestRevisionIdResult
 Represents result of \Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRevisionLookup::getLatestRevisionId method call. More...
interface  LinkTargetEntityIdLookup
 This lookup should be able to deal with LinkTargets that: More...
class  LookupConstants
 Constants used for looking up entities. More...
interface  MatchingTermsLookup
 Methods helping search interactors from a term store. More...
class  MatchingTermsLookupFactory
class  MultiPropertyTermStoreWriter
 A PropertyTermStoreWriter wrapping several other PropertyTermStoreWriters. More...
class  NullEntityTermStoreWriter
interface  PropertyInfoLookup
interface  PropertyInfoProvider
 Service for providing a specific information about properties. More...
interface  PropertyInfoStore
interface  PropertyOrderProvider
 Interface that contains method for the PropertyOrderProvider. More...
class  PropertyOrderProviderException
class  PropertyTermStoreWriterAdapter
 Adapter turning a PropertyTermStoreWriter into an EntityTermStoreWriter. More...
class  RedirectResolvingLatestRevisionLookup
class  RedirectRevision
 Represents a revision of a Wikibase redirect. More...
class  RevisionBasedEntityLookup
 An implementation of EntityLookup based on an EntityRevisionLookup. More...
class  RevisionBasedEntityRedirectTargetLookup
class  RevisionedUnresolvedRedirectException
 Exception indicating that an attempt was made to access a redirected EntityId without resolving the redirect first. More...
interface  SiteLinkLookup
 Contains methods to lookup of sitelinks of lookup by sitelinks. More...
interface  SiteLinkStore
 Contains methods for write actions on the sitelink store. More...
class  SourceAndTypeDispatchingArticleIdLookup
class  SourceAndTypeDispatchingExistenceChecker
class  SourceAndTypeDispatchingRedirectChecker
class  SourceAndTypeDispatchingTitleTextLookup
class  SourceAndTypeDispatchingUrlLookup
class  StorageException
class  TermIndexSearchCriteria
 Object representing search criteria while performing a search in the term store (formerly known as the term index). More...
class  ThrowingEntityTermStoreWriter
 Sometimes we need an EntityTermStoreWriter that is not expected to be called. More...
class  TitleLookupBasedEntityArticleIdLookup
class  TitleLookupBasedEntityExistenceChecker
class  TitleLookupBasedEntityRedirectChecker
class  TitleLookupBasedEntityTitleTextLookup
class  TitleLookupBasedEntityUrlLookup
class  TypeDispatchingEntityRevisionLookup
 An EntityRevisionLookup that does dispatching based on the entity type. More...
class  TypeDispatchingEntityStore
 An EntityStore that does dispatching based on the entity type. More...
class  WikiPageItemOrderProvider
 Base class for ItemOrderProviders, that parse the item order from a wikitext page. More...
class  WikiPagePropertyOrderProvider
 Provides a list of ordered Property numbers. More...
class  WikiTextPropertyOrderProvider
 Base class for PropertyOrderProviders, that parse the property order from a wikitext page. More...